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<br />Lender's written agreement nr applicable law. Borrower shall pay the amount of all mortgage insurance premiums in the <br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amonn[s disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7. with interest thereon, shall became additional <br />inwehte[Iness of Burrower secured by this Mortgage. unless Borrower and [.ender agree to other terms of payment, such <br />amounts sha8 6e payable apon notice from lender to Borcnwer reyueeting payment thereof. and shall bear interest from the <br />date of dfsbursemen[ at the rate payable from tune to time on outstanding principal under the Nate unless payment of <br />interest at such rate would be cnmran• to applicable taw. in which event such amounts shalt bear interest at the highest rate <br />_ €r:±i~:tia ~n~r appliC?hia law- Nnthi_no contained is rhic paragraph 7 shad require Lender to incur any expense or take <br />my aQi~srt hereundr •. <br />S. Iosptrtlae. Lender may make or cause to L±e made reasonable entries upon ao8 inspections of the Property, provided <br />Thai Lender shalt give Burrower notice prior to any such inspr-fion specifying reasonable cause therefor related to t.ender's - <br />inter~st in the Property. <br />3. Comletanadon. The proceeds of any award or claim far damages. direct nr consequential, in connection with any <br />condemnation nr tviher taking of the Property. nr part iherenf. nr fnr canvevance in lieu of condemnation, are hereby assigned <br />and shall be paid to tender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the soma secured by this Mortgage. <br />with the excess. if any, paid to Borrower. in fhe event cf a partial taking of the Property. unless Borrower and Lender <br />ntherwi~ agree ir+. writing. there shalt fee applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />;rs is equal to that proportion which the amount of the soma secured by this 'v(ottga¢e immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears ¢o the fair market value of [Ile Property immediately prior to the date of taking. with the balance of tfie proceeds <br />paid to 8orrawtr. <br />1f the Propem• is abandnnci he• Anrmwer. nr if. after notice by Lender ro Borrower that the condemnor offers to make <br />an award or settle a claim for damages. Borrower faits tn-respnrd to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. (.ender is atrthorizcd to cotlect and apply the proceeds. at Lender's option. either to restoration or repair of the <br />Properly or to [he sums se_ctrred by this Mortgage. <br />Unless I Pnder and Borrower otherwise agree an writing. any >uch appfica[inn pf proceeds to principal shall not extend <br />or postpone the due date of the mpnthh~ installments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof nr change the amount of <br />such installmems. <br />10. 1orrower Not Rrkased. F_xtensiun of the rme fnr payment or modification of amortization of the stems secured <br />by this Mortgage granted by Lender to am successor :n interest of Borrower =.hail not nperate rn release, in any manner. <br />the tiahilir,- of tfte nrigmat Borrower and Aorrnwer•s successors m interest. Lender shall nut he required to commence <br />proceedings agatr[st such successor nr refuse to extend >rme fnr payment :x othrrwi~ modify amortization of the sums <br />secured by this Mnrt¢age by reason of any demand made i+v [he nrig!nai Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />il. Forbeteasee by Ixader Not a Waiter. Am fnrhearancc by Lender in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall nn[ he e waiver of :+r nredude the exercise of am' such right or remedy. <br />The procuremem of insurance or the pa7mrnt of tine: or :+ther lien<.::r charges by Lender shaft rot be a waiver of Lender's <br />right ti accelerate the maturit}• cf the rndet>tedness ~ccurrd h} rhic ~4ortgage. <br />t2. Rtnted"ies Comnfatise. All remedies pmyrded .n tfiis 91nr[caee are distinct and cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy under [his Mortgage ur atfcrded by taw ,+r eyurty.:,nd mac he r=~erc:sed oncurrrntl}•, independently nr successively. <br />23. Snccessota aad aasitias Bonnd: Joint am! Several Liabftity: Captions. Tl[e covenants and agreements herein <br />contained shalt hind. and the rights hereunder sisal! ,note to. the resprcti•:r tiuccesstu['~ and assigns of Tender and Borrower. <br />subject to 'he ;.rovisians :;f nara¢raph !' hereof. A:! .oyenants and agreement< <,f Borrower =.hall he faint and several. <br />"Iltc caprons and headings +:f the paragraphs .:f ;his ~tnngagc are for ~,+m~en:encc :.nh• sod ~,re r.+tt to he used to <br />interpret ar define the provtsions hereof. <br />14. Notice. Ezcepi fnr any notice required under applicable tau t.r be g:vrn n another manner, tat any notice fn <br />Born:w~er provided for in this Mengage shalt hsr v:vcn hr mailing +uch nonce ^. cirnfied mail addressed to Borrower at <br />the Property address or .tt inch other .rddres. ,u Borrower mat des~cnate ny notice to tender s provided herein, and <br />(b) any notice to Lender shall F+e gtsen hs ceritfieu' mail. ret[:m recap, requested. to Len[ier"s address stated herein nr to <br />such other address as Lender ma}' designate by nonce [~+ Bnrr:,wer ;rs prnvrdc<i herein. 4tiv notice provided for in This <br />'.ltortgagr shalt he deemed to base t+eer. grvrn to Born..u~rr nr 't c•pder '•+han gtyen in the manner designated herein. <br />15. Gnifarta 1(ortt;sile: Gorerni¢[ (.avr; Severability. -^t:s :;+rm :~t :rarrt2age t,+mbines ::niform cm•enants fnr national <br />use and nun•unrfomt covenants with limited sar:auons hi ~:..:~s,.cvon to .,nnstmne a ::nifnrm secur:ri• instrument covering <br />tea? prax.rty. This !slcrtgage shall !- *,e++:erncd '+: the ,:=e ._. the -....-~:cti.,n ;yhich rho Property s I.xated. !n the <br />event that any provisrar. nr clans-e cf :his i§engage ~~r the t+"c _:~nlli~ts 'With -ppfir:ahtz Iaw_ such ~ontlitt shall not affect <br />other provisions of this Mortgage .+r the tote ufsei: ,au hs` er.en ctfect rurh<~±r €he conflicting provision, and to this <br />end the prov;io[[s ,:f the 3'iortgagr and the emote are --.teciarrd : ti. a irahi;:. <br />16. 13orrawers C'opy~. Borrower ,bait he .::rn:~hrd .+ _.~nt:*rrnrd ~:=p:.=i ;hc dote :rod :=f thtc ~tottl:age a[ the time <br />of e!secution or after teeardation hereaf_ <br />13. 3'eaes(er of fhe Prapetsy::issampfion. ii ail or tan hart :,[ the Propertc- .+r ar. mrercs¢ [hereto is Hold or transferred <br />Icy $orrnwcr wtt}tout Cinder's prrcr : rtt[en ~nn.en!.a~~uding :. , the :rrttinn .+ a !ten .,r encumbrance su}wrdtnate to <br />Phis Mortgage, ¢bt the creation :+f a pun base ms+nes .~.,;vin -, nitres; i... _nusr:hn!d -appliances. !ct a transfer by devise. <br />dexent nr by olveration of law urn the death of .: -:+:nt tenant .`n.i ~ rhr grant nl ant iiasehoid imerrst of three years or less <br />not containing an option to purhase, Lender eras. at I ender, optic+n. dria:e s: she sums secured by this ~inrtgage to he <br />~mrtxdaatrly due sod payable. tender shalt haze totted -.,.n op[r,+:+ ::~ accricrate if. poor in the tie nr transfer. Lender <br />and the perv~tr tr w-he:m the Property is is, he ,.,!d ~- transicrr.d oath .;rr cer..ent in ~.: citing that [he cr_`dit of =uch person <br />is sstisfactery m bender ;[Wei ;h,u the infrrr.t pa: ahtz ur, the ;:, n., -caned h} tht, '<tortgagc shah br at arch rate as Lender <br />shall request. If t.cnder has waived the .+puoo ;•.+ a_.eirr:ae ; ~ sided n. tha paragraph 17. and if Borrnu•cr s successor in <br />;merest has executed a written ascumptton agreement accepted in .. pit:nz h} ! ender. Linder shalt release Borrower from alt <br />obligations [order the- Mortgage and the 4ote. <br />If Lender exercises such sprier. to a, _.. 's cn.!rr .:.ail :-tali Borower r.~.ace e c_eleratinn in irdanec with <br />paragraph ?+ hereof. Such notice ~haif prc+:ci,= _V ;+s: r.:,,.; .:t nv: less that. :t} ;lave ". r?m the ~datr the neat ice is+rnaiied u•ithrn <br />wh tlt Borrnw~er rosy pay the sums declared due. 1; Bcrre=;.er !.,I= ~„ pa} ....h tams pric,r to the expiratn+n ,+i :nth period. <br />Ling may, with[rut fur[1er [ttetier ,~ demari[i an iTO; r.,.~er. ,+..._-:.c .tit; ;amedies ;•crmated h: paragraph '?~rrcY,f. <br />?VO,wli~troast Cove ~n~rs. Borrower a,d i ender further ~_:,.cr,.,u~ .rod agree :» toilnws <br />i$, .dccekrattou: Remedies. Fazepf ~ protfderl in paragraph i7 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of any covenant ar <br />aareet~ent of 13orrn+aer is the ~iorti<aee. iailadie>: the r~o+enant+ ar pa5 when due any wms secured by this ~lartga¢e, <br />fender prior to aece~ration shat{ waif aatice to Borrower :n provided in paragraph IA hereof .pea°ifyftt}¢: ti) the breach: <br />{,',)fhe tetras rcquartd to care sack M~etxh: tat a date, cwt {esz, than tp days from the date the ttotire is mailed to Borrower. <br />h} w19~ Bach luetxh [neat he erred: and f~l that faflare to cure sacb breach on or heiute fhe date specified in the notice <br />rrtaj rtvrrdi t>} [tceeleratioo of 4he wen: scented by the; Narfgatte, frxer{osure by judicial proreedittg and safe o[ fhe FropeKy. <br />"llfr ta~`ke shelf ittribsr fndoran Borrower of the right ro reinalalr allot xce{eralitrn and fhe right to assert in the [orec{.tsure <br />prtcet+rdi~ fha Wan-et[kcienre of a de(snif <x an} otftrr tkftme of Borruwzr la accr{eration and torecMwrc. if rite brrxh <br />Rs alt careA era ar before f1ce daft sper:.fhe6 in tht [euticr, l.cruier at l,radrr's option mad da~tare adl of the sums +ecured bt <br />Chia ~e in he irdmedialely due aaS paralde without fnnhrr demand and mat forxciaae 67 }udhiai procrediteK. f.etafer <br />cbat}I fie retfrhd io aolhst is such proreediaR aU espeaxr tit fore. k»ure, incfadlmg. but Hui limited to, costs of ducumenurp <br />[!siec, a6€tracis ~d [?tie repur£s, <br />(9, ~Qrr'kr>z€S'x RIB. to Rairtate. tiytwuf~[a.xlitrg { srui:.i : ~ylrcalrc=st , 7 i'tc ,.=tt>e +EC:rrid Fr} ;his Aiarigssye. <br />ilo; tow#r €frai; ha,vr fhe right txa hove ant nrt,cx•edi::g. he)ri.n n} i •:ndc~[ !. .... r;~[.t 't,., if ottgagc~ :::.a<<!ntrri _~d at „nl tirt:c <br />