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<br />"t~I5IvtL3F2"~~ACaE ~ made this............ ~~T?........... dap of.. ,Februar ..........., <br />4~. ~., ~t^~n rite F~sxtr;~.~?~t?.~...'~.t#~€?P.~. ~?~~!c~±.S, , Knipp, ,Husband and i fie.. <br />.. , ......... .................... (Etcrein "Borrower" ), and the ortaa~c., . s rf e. r i r as ~ , ire t r u t to e <br />n~__y .c ;,.. ...# a~5aivr Gw~nrt to lnnrl t9aht^~e&~; _ <br />...5'~1'i>b.-6'B.Yl.K~I'i..YPY."'.3 ...............~9. ".. :... .. ...........,tl4t~T"~ ~i~'~ gtr dll0~ <br />utsr~z the taws of. !`~1?Ar:d~~d.. ........................ .whose address is.~~~ ~~~~~ 3trSev . . <br />... ~":~t:~ , ;5t~:'~! r .~°.~)°As~a .......... . .............................. l~tris ";~nrf€z' <br />.t '). <br />~dttaa~as, Bottower is indeed to Leader in the pzittcipa! sum of Fi.ft~+- yh, ~~ ThouSattd Two Nttndr~d <br />... ~.~td .r}Ot.~~__-°-------- ................. [3oltars, which indebtedness is evidenced by Bottower's note <br />~ ~"" ""` a ~~~~.. (herein ";Fiore"), providing for monttdvtnstaliment~ rincipaf and interest, <br />€tat8d.. 1.~~,'S+t 4~f y. aa. ..... h ~g <br />with ties balance of the indebtedness, if not sorter paid, due and payobte on~Sdr~. ,. i , . 2. i i ............... . <br />To S~r_~ttac rn Lender (a) rite repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Nore, wish interest thereon, the <br />paynwnt ~r all othmr sortie. with 6nterest thereon, advanced in aceordarce ltezewiih to protect ttrv security of thss <br />;tlartgage, and ehe perfarmattce of the covenants and agreements of Borrower herein contained, and (b) the repayment <br />of arty futtrre, wish interest thereon, made to Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 22 hereof (herein <br />"i~'tsture Advant:es"), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey eo Lender the fatlawing descrt'bal property <br />` xf_ in rite County af......... ~3j 1 ............................. State of Nebraska: <br />Lot nifty-tw~a(52} in Castle Estes Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska <br />wivshls~aheaddtecscm.... ~.J~~,~ack~ngl~am.~lrivti .Ct`and island <br />tS¢*etU ICnyl <br />....~~f`.~.~? .§~1........ (herein "Propz sty Address" ); <br />t`s~k' t4 a:Q ~tg ss4.e7 <br />'t~xttta ~:ilt all else itnprovetnctttti new tr 1t~rca[tcr erected nn t~ property, and a!I casements, rights. <br />appvartenaz~cs, t~:rrts; rayait: m~rtez?t, of ar,~t ;.a_c c:~lrti and pr~,nts. water, water rights, attd water s±xts, and alt <br />t4attfres ~w c;r l~reafz?r attas-3~d to the property, al4 0l witir4x, inrtuding replarentsnts and additions thereto, shall be <br />dread to L+e at~t retrzn a part of tltb prope~y covsrxd by this ~Iongags; and a4t of the tcmgaing, rogettter with said <br />p v~rty f z t,~Ae n,,~,E$ wtat. if t?::c *:::t~gc ~ ~n a 4csa°~i:tv;d) °rz ,~~~i,°, ref~rr~d to 3i t3~ "Property„ <br />~~rtcsw-cr cs.,venanis tit Borrower is'sawfuify ssis~d cat tits estate hereby canvi•ved and has thr right to mortgage, <br />g?ant atfd a~nvey t latoprrtp. that the Property ~ unsncnntttered, arxt that L3errower wilt warrant and defend <br />rally t~ tits tom. t?t Prr~r_ey mains; alt sta_fns atfd ~~~n:~ ~a~:ss e tt, ~ v d~~4a otiose, cas:ntcetts or :~:tristix~:ts <br />~isd :r: s ~;t~d„ltr .^f ,,.,:v,~,;;;,~ t; c~~:x.:;~„ E„ y tiny ira;rra:t:~ pu:i>y inao<ing t_enc~ r c interest in i2te Property. <br />~`c <br />~e~`pA~4 I ,, ~ :ice ~. ~ ,y-- ae~t~~4 ~~c ~ <br />