<br />(5J To uae the loan evidenced by the note solely for purposes authorized by the Government.
<br />(7) To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgmen[s, encumbrances, and assessments lawfully attaching to or assesxd
<br />against the property, including all charges and asxssmen[s in connection with water, water rights, and waar stock
<br />perainusg zo or reasonably necessary to the use of the real proper€y dexribrd above, and all taxes and assessments levied
<br />upon this mortgage oc the note or any indebtedness hereby xcured or agains[ any legal holder hereof or of the note or of
<br />said indebtedness under the laws of Nebraska, and promptly deliver to the Government withou[ demand receipts evidencing
<br />such payments.
<br />;$) To krp the property insured as required by and under insurance polities approved by the Government and, at its
<br />request, to deliver such policies [o the Government.
<br />(9) To maintain improvements in good repair and make reports required by the Government; operate the praperty in a
<br />good and' husbanalmanlike manner; comply with such farm conservation eactices and farm and home management plans as
<br />rhr Government friars time to time may prescribe: xnd not to abandon the property, ar cause or permit waste, lesaerring nr
<br />smpairment of the xcurity covered hereby, or, withoue the written conxnt of the Government, cut remove, or leax any
<br />timber, gravel, oil, gas, coal, or ocher minerals except as may be necessary for ordinary domestic purpoxs.
<br />;10) To comply with all laws, ordinances, and reputations affecting the property.
<br />?11) To pay or reimburse the Governmau Eor expenxs reasonably necessary or incidental to the protection of the lien
<br />and priority hereof ant: to the enforcement of ar the compliance will: rite provistons hereof and of the note and any supple.
<br />trsentary agreement (wftether before nr aker defaulN, including bu[ oat limited to costs of evidence of title to and survey of
<br />the property, costs nE recording this and other instnunmts, actcrneys' fees, trustees' fees, court costs, and expenses of
<br />advertising, ailing, and conveying the property.
<br />X12) Nekher the property nor any portion thereof or interest t}terein shall lee leaxd, assigned, sold, transferred, or
<br />encumbered, voluntarily or o[herwnse, without the written conxnt of the Government. The Government shall Gave the sole
<br />apt: exclusive rigJtu as mortgagee i:eceutnier, indudirtg but nut limited to the power to grant consents, paaial releases,
<br />~alrordiaations. and satizfxcian, and na insured balder shall have any right, title or interest in or to the lien or any benefits
<br />hereof.
<br />T3) At all reasonable times cha Governtnen: and its agenu may inspect tTte property to axettain whether the-covenants
<br />and ap~eements contained herein csr m any supplrnsentarro~ agreement art being performed. - --
<br />%24f The Govcrnnten[ mat :ai extend or stesrr the mazunty nf. and renew and reschedule the payments on, the debt
<br />evidenced by the note or any :ndebtcdne+...; the rovernmer.t ;ecwrd by this instrument, ;bi release any pazty who is
<br />liable under the note or Eor the debt from i,abtltt}- 'n the Government. c release oartions of the property and subordinate
<br />its lien, aad 'd? waive anv other ,>f it; sier.es ;:odor chic ins;rumrnt..4vv and ail this can and will be done without affecting
<br />tl:e lien ar the prtorir.• „i this ;nstrument ~x Hoer„wet ; :;r anv ether party's liability to the Gnvemment foe paymene of the
<br />note or debt 3ecurrd by this trst:umer.t ~aniess t'r,e Government says otherwise in writing. HOWEVER, any torbearanee by
<br />the Government-whether c;ncc or often--in eteretsing am nght cr remedy under this instrument, or otherwise afforded by
<br />applicable law, shall t:et •te <waiver of or preclude the exercise it anv such right ar remedy.
<br />;15 P u anv time it sitai3 appear to the Guvrrnmrnt that lborrawer may be able to obtain a loan Erom a production
<br />credit association, a Federal land bank, o: ocher responsible aooperxtive or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms
<br />fix loans fw similar purposes and periods at time, 2lorrowrr will, `:pon the Government's regaesx, apply for and accept such
<br />loan in sufficient amount to pay the note .tu:i anv indebtedness secured hereby and to pay Eor any stock necessazy to be
<br />purchased in a caaprratiw tending agency in c^nnccron u±t:^. sudt loan.
<br />-16 DefauEt hereunder shall constitute ~drtault under anv other real estate, or under ary personal property oc other,
<br />security instrument bed rx tnsurrd by the C:uvrrrtment and executed cr assumed 'try Borrower. and default under any such
<br />other security irtstr•inent shalll cnnstitnte default hereunder.
<br />I7;_ SNOULI? llEFAUI."F acau in the. perfann once or discharge o[ any obligation in this inscrumen! or secured by this
<br />trstrumrna, or should the parz=.rs r;amrd an ficrrn~wrr tic .,...r declared an incanrprtent, or siruuie+' any one of the parties
<br />named as 9orrowa be dreSareti a bankrupt, or art rnsuivent ur make an assignment far the beach[ of creditors, the Govern-
<br />*nent, at its apticn, with i>r w:*_hcut roller. mav_ - 'a- :lec3arr the entire amount unpaid under the note and any indebtedness
<br />to the Government hereby secured immediatriv due and payable, _b Eor the account of P,orrowec ii:cur and pa}' reasonable
<br />expenses free rr};air vz mxinteaance of and take }••~ssess:on •.zf.:: rratr ur ern*, the praperty, ~c; t;non application by it and
<br />praducttan of this instrurncnt, without orate evidence and without notice :,f hearing of said application, flour a receiver
<br />appointed 'tor tiro praperty, with the usual power ~,,{ re.:rivrrs in like rases, ', d;tareclose. obis instrument as provided herein
<br />~x by law. and !e~ enforce any and ail other rigucs and remedies provided Irrrcin or by present or Eu!ure law.
<br />' i8; The proceeds of torcclosure sale shall be applied in the following order to the payment oE: a; costs and expenses
<br />incident to enforcing cr coinP trying with the ptavisians hrreat, :,b) any prior liens required by law ar a comppetent court to
<br />6e so paid, ': c; the debt evrdenced by the note and all indrbtedness ro the Government secured hereby, !d) inferior liens
<br />of retard requited by law ar a competent court to br so paid, ej at the Govrrrunent's option, anv other indrbtedness aC
<br />!'corrower swing to ur insured by the Government, and ~ t_': arty balance tc Barruwer..4t iazrciusure ur Gather sale of all or ant
<br />part of firs property, [he Gorernnrtnt and its agents troy bill and~u:chase as a stranger and may pay the Government's.share
<br />at the pure ax prier ley cze,'iting such amount on any debts at Borrower owing co ar insured by the Government, in the
<br />order prexribed above.
<br />(19} $areower agrees that the Government will not be bound by any- protein or future State law, !a; providing for
<br />valuation, appraisal, homestead ar rxrrnlrtioti .s! the praperty, : ay pruhilriting maintenaatcr of art action fai a deficiency
<br />jissTgmoat az Eimiting flat amount eitere:,t or the titre within which such action must lx braugltt. ;c) pres€ribing any other
<br />sutuir at limitacians, ;d allowing any right of trdemption or passrssion following any t"orcciosuce sale, or .e; limiting the
<br />cvmii[ions which the Gascrnrrirnt mac by regulanan impose, including tilt interest me tt maS charge, as a condition of
<br />approving a uanafrr of rite properly n_ anew finnowcr, dorrawer expressly waive< the heneht of any such State laws.
<br />$oaowrr hereby rriin.lui>iirs, waives, .:t,.. _.~: veys all rights, :achoate ur consummate, •;1 descent, Bawer, and etutesy.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />