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t~11 -{ any pan of she lean fot which tlxix instrument ix given shall be used to finance [hc }rucchasc, cuns[ruc[ion or <br />repair of property to be used as an ownerMucupied dwelling (herein called '°thc dwelling"? and if Barrower intends to sell or <br />rest tba dwelling and has obtained the Govtramene's consent to do so (a} neither Norrowcr nor anyone authodaed to act <br />f~ Barrower- will after receipt of a bolus fide offer, refuse to negotiate Car the sale or rental of ehe dwelling or will other- <br />wise make veavailable or deny the dwelling are enyone because of race., color, reUgian, sex ar nasional origin, and (b) Borrawer <br />reeao~~ssttges as illegal and hereby disclaims, and will not comply with or attempt to enfarce any restrictive covenants on the <br />dweIltttg ie}ating to race. color, religion, sex or national oneno <br />(21; R'kizs instrument shall-be subjwr to the present re6tdatioas of the Fartners Hoare Administration, and to its future <br />r&,~t67tions tact 'sncot:adateac with dte a=press provisions hereof. <br />t2tJ Tvoiices even bereandershaU~ scat cay ct~ iF~ rte. unless cs~h` -'a ~~¢d by law, sad addressed: ualesa and <br />uatit: . other addtti is dated`ia a aoc~c so given, ~ the case of the Government to Fattaers Fume Ad>aatitstratiaa K <br />faincday IHebraska;bg5f-8,-and is the cast of Borrower st.the address shown in the Farceurs Home gdmitctsteatinn Fm:iice <br />t3ffice rec~da twh9cl+ normsllp wiQ'be the setae as the-post offtee address shown above}. <br />~l ~plNf?S4 »F, Borrower has hereunto set Borrawes's Itand(s} ttis -----~---- -day of <br />. ,19 <br />f~ <br />9rBE51l aC7t[r • ibM rt 1!s>wcM ~~-----`-•--t }~ (BoiFOtve[} <br />- str crxwa. Esp.'~'r r°S, i1f1 ---~~~ <br />~ ![. ZCBYS (Borrower} <br />S7RTE OF AIEBRASKA I <br />ss: ACKNOtiyLEDGMENT <br />COUNTY OF -' _~__._..-.__..._.._.---_._.-.-_-) <br />Oa this - ~--~--- day of -- -..°--- A. D.. 19 .~---, before me, a Notary Public in <br />J~,_~, lE'B_JOTw~ ll. ~_tmd rife <br />and for said County. personally appeared •-- <br />iat ~ ttlAd her ~ s~esi as-~! aP Lax ot3seri___-.__._.-.. <br />to me known. to be the identical persu[ts(s} t~rsxd in a.-rd who executed the Caregoing instrument and acknowled~d that <br />executed the aarrx as --- vpisntary act acrd deed. <br />arxau 118fkts • u~ w esatxM <br />(SEAL] .f`t.i:* €S ~ t?tAwE,g <br />1 ~ _ .tit iN, t9~ <br />~~ <br />i <br />lily exgtres <br />~y ~~ <br />~ ~, <br />~. <br /> <br />~,~,~ „,,,,~, ~ otary Public. <br />0 f 01 tltl £ 833 i B. <br />~v:~sr~~a~; 3~ saris <br />-~' <br />08+~000~"'~~ <br />~. <br />J <br />t <br />