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<br />ttF[tx with all rights, lACCretta, eauments, hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging, the rents, issues, and
<br />profm thneof and revenues and incoma therefrom, all improvements and persaml property now or later attached thereto or
<br />reasonpbly nae~ssry to chc use thereof, iq~{udigg, bar not limited to, ran¢es, reftigtrators, clothes washes, clothes dryer -
<br />or ctrpetCng pusshrud or financed in whole or in Part with loan .unds, aiT water, water rights, and water stock QeRaining
<br />thsseto, and all pa rnts at any rime owirsg so Borrower by virtue of any sak, lease, transfer, conveyance, or condemnation
<br />of any pat{ elureof or intrust therein-all oC which ue herein called "the property";
<br />TO HRVE AND TO HOLD the psopcrty unte the Government and its assi®aa forerez in fee simple.
<br />Bt3RROtYER tpr Borrower`s self, flarrawrr's teeira, exa ~tur~. adniin istrators, aucc essays and aasiKns WARRANTS THE
<br />TITLE to the }xaperty to tht Government altainst ail lawful claims and demands whatsoever except any liens, encumbzancrs,
<br />easemenn, reservatioeu, or conveyances specified hcroinabave, and G(JV ENANTS AND AGREES as follows:
<br />{I) 'Po pay promptly when due any indeb[ednesa to the Government hereby secured and to indemnify and save hum-
<br />sthe E"sovrrs/~ets{ agaenst any loss under its insurance ::f payment of the Irate by Cason of any default by Borrower.
<br />At mli times when the Aote is held by an insured holder, Horruwer shall contiu[ue to make payments an the note to the C=overn-
<br />mCat, as Co{kcuuu for Che holder,
<br />(Z) To pay Eb t e Government such fees and ather charges as may now or hereafter be required by regulations of the
<br />fiarmers Hoare AdmististratioA.
<br />{3) If requued by the Government, to make additiuml mun[hly payments of 1112 of the estimated annual curs,
<br />assessments, mwrance putniums and other charges upon the mortgaged premises.
<br />1,3j gffsetlte{; at3tpF:the elate is iuaured by the f,'rpvertsmsnt, the Govetameat tttay ai any -urge pay,aay-9dtet amounts
<br />requ" lstrein to be paid by Borrower and nat psid by Barxower when due, as wel! as any costs and expenses for the pre-
<br />servation, protection, <x enforcement of this lien, as adnnces for rhr account of Borrower. All such advances shall bear
<br />mteres{ a{ the rate borne by the note which bas c6e higbeas inferea; rate. - .-- ~ -
<br />(5) All advances by the Govermm~t as described in chis instrument, wish interest, shall be immediately due and payable
<br />by $orrowes to the Government without demand at tht place designated is the lairs[ Aote and shall br secured hereby. No
<br />sttcfs ~vance by rhr Govcnuneat shall relieve Borrower from breach of Borrawu's covenant to pay. Such advances, wi[h
<br />intarrat, shall be repaid from the first available caHeccions received from Borrower. Chherwise, any payment made by
<br />Boteower may be applied on the note at .t-rsv indebtedness to the Govcrnnunt secured hereby in any arder the government
<br />determines.
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