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<br />r. ~a~t~Ear~at X3.1--OE~Q~~~3 <br />G ~ ~.n. tcvaps:°j !'~7 tr~`e :o,.~,o..~.: v~..~+ w.°°ra a~j a ~vmaa.°:~ . w2- C tiYo ta~O.-Eat-.3Gi-iw~- <br />tttatsalr oravfdsd <br />fo. ills ~ pq all tiara. assttt~. testes else, attEd olLer g+avereaseatal M mattdeipd chtlps, >~ 6P <br />EO[ tr pravdaiea ~ ttet ben Itsttde pore, aad will protaptiy delit/er the at~isial traeeipb <br />to t$2 s <br />c. He will pay susle expenses attd faxs as may be incurred is the pmtectiort aad tttaintmaace of said <br />PPoPert!'• iaclndia¢ the flea of any attorney emotoved by the mortgagee for the eoilection of any or all of <br />the iadehtedaaws hereby secured, or for foreclosure by moriga¢ce's u1e. ar COtlrt proceedfags, or is any other <br />titration or procudin¢ adectie¢ weld premises. Attorneys faEe reastraabtr incarrod in any other way shall be <br />Patti 6q the rortgagor. <br />d Few better serrrrity Vf t_6s irsdeberaitter hereby sneered, upon the regtuat of tote rtmetgagee, its sue. <br />csarstwra er assigm, he shall execute and deliver a suppietneatai mort¢age or monga¢e coverin¢ aaiy additions, <br />itaptotereata, ar bettermrn:a made to t~ property herrinabevc dexribtsi : nd all property acgaired by <br />~ afttt rite date 6ermf tact in form satisfactory to mort¢aaee). Furthermore should mort¢a¢or fail to care <br />say ~fanh in the payment of a prior or inferior encnm5rarrce on the property described by the imarntrsest, <br />mEOrtgafpor hereby a¢ree to permit mort¢a¢ee to cure wueh default, leer manaaeee is `rot obli¢sted to do so: <br />and soh sdrarrees shall become part of the indebtedne~+ wecured by this ina¢rument. wubjeet to the came <br />terms and eonditiom. <br />a_ 't°ftt riftitts created 6y this conveyance .bail remain in full Torre and elect during any postponement <br />or extetuion of the rimy of payment of shy isdrbt.dness evidenced by weld ~ romiswn- note ar any pan thereof <br />scented herby. <br />J. He wilt continuously maintain hasard insurance. of week type or types and in wuch amonnts as the <br />rwrt¢a¢re may from time to time require on the improvements new ar hereafter as weld property, and <br />rent pay pramptty when doe stn pserittms therefor. Ail iantraaax shall 6a carried in ootapatsir aeeepta6k <br />m smtgtyee sad the paliaiea and smEe«rals thereof shall be held by mort¢apfeEe and have attaelsed thaeeto <br />ilea Payabfa ciausss be favor of aad is foes aoceptabla to the mosega~,se. ltr evtat of lass issalgagvr wiII glee <br />settee ~ vmtRisig w moc4y~ee, attd raortga~se may make preaE of for it sot trade P~PdT b7 <br />r and eat itunrrrsetr aEOrpaaJ end i t hereby sntitori>md sad direesed to addle payer toe sarh <br />lass tm -astasd ~ to attd mortgages gaistty. and the inanr:ooe prooeedrr or say <br />part tftou+oaL, trey bs applfmd bj taortgag~rs u its optieta ariiber to the reduction of the isdebtadtaess hansby <br />se~si rat to tbs t+BStoretiaa or repair ~ the prsperty daraged or destroyed, la cveat ~ [oreelatis~re a~tf ebb <br />a! et~Sr trmtfx of relic to estd ptepertj ER e3flBgnYltre3L trf the ~ recnr'ed J~ alt <br />fttib aad eatarsl a# the atortgagoe ns aad m any snssraaoe polteaas [has re fords shall par to the <br />pseahaser er ntartgallea+ or, a! t>'. arptian of lire rnortitaaee. mar be wrremteseal for a refttsd. <br />¢- He aitt'=xzp all tassildit~ aml atl~r :mprave~ts as ss~d fsrapsrty in Fswd repel: eyed ccadition: <br />will permi4 cornmi4 or seder era waste. itapsitment, detesiaratlva of said property oc any part thereo[: <br />in tiro event of f:ifure at the rsorigagor to keep sbe buildup on weld premises and tho.e erected an said <br />ptsmise, oc itnprovemenes sher+won, in Ra+od repair, rise rnoriRattee may malts wch repairs ar is its discretion it <br />may deans nrxxwry for the peeper pretenation tisereoi; and she fell amount of each seed every ettclt payment <br />.e-aii be imraeaiistefy doe psyabk and sieaii be secured by the lien of eftis taort¢a¢e. <br />A. Hx will net vettmtarity a;re:te or permit to ba rreatcd a¢aiwt tht prrrperty subject to the mortytRs <br />arty Batt or tiers inferior oc supeaior to the rim of this mortgage without the written :oaaantt of the mort- <br />gagee: sad further, he wilt beef. and maintain the seats free from the claim of ail perr'os wppiyintt tabor or <br />stateriaL Taw «ttstructioa of any aad ail bnildiaga ar imprnveatents now beirtt: erected as to be ereesed sat <br />sasid ptauseisaa <br />i. lie wilt eau rest or assign any pan of the rsatt of cell motittaged property or demolish, mr reanove, <br />or suhNarliaily niter any buitdin¢ withawi the wrutem consent of the taortgapea. <br />}, fall atsards asf damages in with any ort$emastion for pnh.°-la- use of or injury to any of the <br />prsparty m t$aar t¢sge are lsarsfsy assigned srtai shalt be paid to tsortdagee, who stay apply the <br />assns tat payatE~ of tlta iaaiiiae®ta last doe ~ ez said rune. aad raori¢agee is herder. rfutlrsiaed. is rise <br />auuae cf the rraartgagatr, to a=leers and dtiircr valid acquittance thereof a :d sa appeal iron any such award. <br />h. 't'he m-rtgsgae ahsli have she right to ittepeex the mart¢aged premises at soy reasott:bk thee. <br />1" ia.~ay ~ the roveaaels or usditieats of this iastruaaeat ar ai the note or loan a¢reemeat secttr~ <br />w~ tertsiabatsthe otwtdagor'a r~ltt [s f+e++asiun• use. aad eajoyateat of the properlp, at the option of flee <br />aysNytgart ar his arigsa lit hebtg e¢reard that lira awrt¢a¢or shall bare wneh ri¢hi until defaultl. Upaat say web <br />dtdrth, lire ~ shaft herotae the awser of all of the reatr aad prebts nceruia¢ after default as seencily <br />f+x rite ~ hereby, with tits rigttl to eater nPm said property tar the pnrpersa of coifatiag stteh <br />tzgtw astd 6- ~y-iro ittMrwaoat dealt operate ss at asa~tgertt eel say restate am said property to tkat e:lest <br />