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~ ~r <br />t <br />m ttttert~tg. tmda srd ettlarsi ttue tptis ~n ~-~5 ~' ,7'av~rir~ ~'`"~ <br />pg ~ j~. ~, ~ } Geatury Chrysler-Plymouth, Inc. <br />(6strtar rdmred w ss mwi) stall t~#te AdtuioiNetetor of tha S®sali t3tts~ess Alt all a~rre! at t~ia <br />Govra~tt ~ the Uaited 3tata of America (hereitufter referred to a ~), eA+o aka tat aka attd" <br />+~~~~~ Empire State Building, 19th b Yarnam Streets, Omaha, Ni3brttekte 66102. <br />~Rt~!l7t, ~ dor the ~eaftar stated. reoetpt of whird4 ~ bsteiy -.Y~s <br />mergapr lass hueb~ tttoetgapge, ssQ Oa'sae+ sadgo; and cont+ey Ito tbs meat~ee, ttis-serteawass a~i° qtr aD. <br />s6 ~ teHs~arit~ daattr~ad peo~ert7 siteated and kwLg is the ~T of Hall <br />State aL Nebraska. <br />SEE ATTACHfiD PAGE >'OR LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br />To~thaa .ritlt anal i alt bnttditt~,, all 8st~ i~ bmt ~t limited to all plttmlttseR, heating, light- <br />ing, vtgtihtting nef'riNef-aiing, irteincestin~, air conditiositag apparatus„ and elevatorss (the mortNagar herebp <br />deehtrar~ that it is invaded that the iteNt» hercit- entttneeated shalt tte deemed to have heel paemaneatty in- <br />stalled an pool of the reatt~ ), adtat all improcetttsnts maw ar h~-emmftr. earislimg t~reoa: the haredita+stents and <br />appnrietunces and aU outer ri$hta therraaw belonging, or en aaywiae appertainityt, roll the reversion and t,e~ <br />veraion.~e, retoaitakr asd :4a:aiadCn, ail riplht> <>f redeaepiion. and the rentz., issues, aced prv8in o6 the above <br />denerihed property {pravitted, ho„ rvcr, that ahx mortgagor shad hr entitled #a the pto~sessipa o[ naLd P~PertY <br />aad h, enllctt asd te'tait+tha rent~c, isxaea, aad prohts aunt default hetxander). Ta have and to hold the name <br />ttnw the ~ and the +tecee~swrs in interest of the mortgagce forever in fee Wimple or Hoch other ewtate, <br />if ae}y. a:s ~ ats~d herein. <br />'$~ eovausts thu bs h ts~rl~ptl.aisbA asd pwaerad of and bas. tha ri~tt to self asd aanreD acid <br />pt~i ~ tha stets h fs.a !ems a!M etecasaDranoea eueept ae hereiaahove reelted: atd that he hmehy hisaie <br />it~wMi tr~wrd itiR wtosearWn is uttereri ±o warrsuu and dafead the title aforesaid thereto end every put tharaoE apisst <br />ate at ~ per rtsr, <br />is rep to seavr®dt~e h't?at'anty by David E. Philippi grid Naomi Lee Philippi of <br />ti+ P$Yt e+f a pransawry aota dated ~l,c.e>-~ ~;e :'j~---° <br />ita th~pt arm df g 73,bQi1:00 . «lid by Dsvid E. Philippi: Presidett4 ~ Naomi Lee Philippi, <br />:R4w~rN.,i Century Chgyaler-Plymouth, Inc. Set:retary <br /> <br />