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<br />$.~ ~ t}(}043 <br />3. The taorteagor cmenana and egress thn if be shall ftif to pay asid indebtednem or say part ttibti~eaf wirer <br />daei or dts$i fail to perform any covedaat or agreement of this iaatrument or the promirsory ante sawKtred feettisirj.ttari <br />satire itrdebtedness hereby stscnrcd shell imntetfiatety beewne dtm, payable, sad co!leetibk tritbout aaree. sf=fem. <br />aptise of the m.xtgsgee or arsigtr. regar+i'tera ei maturity, the moit6~ os his arigtr msy berate or aftr: ~T.' <br />): <br />{ t i at judicial ask parwaant to the provisiorn of 2B Li S.C. ~tlOY { a } ; or <br />i tt j ~ t0ae s~ at tAe , eNher by anstiea or 6y aaficiiatiom of wkd bide,'taK tsar Imo. <br />beat bid oampfyitt6 with tlse tesms ~ rife said matmer of payment speafied is the puidiabed aortae sL seta, ffiaf <br />geviag tour weeks' trotter of tfu titm, terms, and place of etrch sr1e; by advertiaetaatt ~ kes ~taa aosv"' <br />during each of acid foot weeks in a ttewspaper published or distributed in the county is whtdt acid p:opsety <br />is sitnmed, ail tteaice lteiag bsreby watr~ by the mortgagor (sad .aid moregsgey ar say m <br />$ ~ seat mortg~e, may tail with the aapsid isdeb~daam r:idateed by said secs). Said Sabi shall ba <br />. 6eM st or s ehc property to be void or at the Federal. eouttty, or city wurthouee [tu the cacti is trhkh the <br />prepeeti k located. 77tc ~tga~ee is Ftetcby auttsoriaed to ettecute for sad s behatt ~ the ate to <br />defier to the pnrrhaser st sach sak : soffeeiest conyeyaaoe of Yid property, which oosyeyatrce shall <br />tesksM as m the happemmg ai the ddaaft apse which the ettecutiop of the power of sale ttereia <br />and t~ said mertgeger heaelry «>wtitatss and appoints the mortgagee or say agent or attarsei of the <br />msetp~se, the agent and rttoraey ar fast of said atortgsgor to make arch rentals and to erg acid <br />eaayeiseaa sad beaeby osemrats and sgtes that the reeitafa eo made shall be eQeetual to bar stf egaity tw <br />nf~ of redesption, lteanearsad, dower, sad all ether a:emptiorr of the tnortgaRor, alt of which arc hereby <br />ettpeeaaiy waived am! oenreyed to the aeortgagee; or <br />rtrt? take say other appropriate anion passant sa state or Fedcr:l ststatc either in state or Fedassf <br />court er otbetxise far tf:e disposition of the <br />fn toe event of a sale ar ltereinabeve ptorided, the mortgagor or any persart in poraession ender the mortgagor shall <br />then boestse oar tte tsaats hording aver and +haik forth>i:.4 dehves poseersioo to the pureharer at atteb sek or be <br />wmsearity dispareased, is accordance with the provisiaas of taw applieab#e to truants holding over. The power <br />and agency hereby grmted are conpkd with as intered and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and ate granted <br />a etsolative to the reta~im far coflectiw of said inde~edness provided by law. <br />4. 'The si sslgadsard property u auortfaa« with the pisesaimg paragraphs sfta-l fte applied fiat <br />~ pay t$e Gaels ~ eapaesesst rsiar'asle tta ea:prr.~as ineorred by the ttrmtgyyCe far the pnzpoae of proteetitr{t or tttsm• <br />taiaiag acid property, sad tearottaB/e attorncva' fees; Feeondty, to pay the indrbtednms secured hereby: sad thirdly. <br />to pay say surplm or eaten to the persaa rrr persona legally entitled thereto. <br />S. Ya tit crest said prsperty ie card at a jttrfitia! fereclaron ask ar ptrrsuaat to the power of ask ttereiasbeye <br />p'asitad, sad ~e preeeeds era nog rt~ieieat to pay the rota) iadrfatednasit aecared by this iastruaseat sad rridenoed bi <br />said peamirsaei sate, the ewragsgae wilt !te entitled m a debcieasy jndgtoent for the amount of the defreznrcy rsetJ+aat <br />re~otf m aaensismem.t_ <br />5~ fa xhe went fire mortttatpor tails to pay say Fetferat, state, or local to armament, irreottte tea or other to lien, <br />• fee, ear other rapeege ehargod agairat the property, the rnariRagee is hereby suthoriard at his option to pay <br />tfte Hams, nar soma w paid try flee roortgr+gee shall be added to sad beware a pats of the prirtcipai amount of the <br />evidertcetl try said note. aabject to the earns terms and con+litiotm. If the mort~~or shat! pay amf <br />discharge tfr iadelttedness evidenced by +sid promissory note, and altatl pay such sums end aha}I deseharrte sit tares <br />cad lice and the costa, fesa, sad expeeaes of matting, enforeing, and eaetuting this mo:!gage, then this mortgage <br />s~ fre twasolesf-and ~. <br />1. The xmtaeaasas betas oemaiaad altaffi laintl sad the braefets sad adrasta~tes afull inure to the reipeetive suo- <br />strd ~ ttsteao- owed, the siagniar anmber shelf inslrade the plarsl, rite piers) tits <br />alrgel~ stttl ate tw d art sbsfl itaetaela sI{ gsdata <br />8' teaiyEa ~ +~! rat or of rite okrtigatian srvered herelri shalt ,s say time '..;~-:ter ke !>s~ <br />tafw a waotiysr of the tear heresI or ~ e ass saeat+ed hcrshy. <br />~~f° w~3I~:.I4d) of thefiiu3sssad Pte®alstasa of tfte Sitnt7 i3ttaiaa. Admiauatrstias jI3 <br />GF,tT. EfH.Yid) I• ~ nstreeseaft r< to iK oasMrtrad sad enforced is aesordasae with app~rabfe Federal taw. <br />~' ~ i~'R fides. ar }~Sertt hxrkfiag say provisiert or pnMion of this iaatttmertt ittvslid or cw• <br />she}!-Hat is aav way r or l~ the of the <br />_~ tramaiaiag ptenisiow or. psrtietr of <br />6Pry il!-4ta <br />a4- pw,s ear ta.ear <br />