<br />g~,_ 0(30375
<br />Ut+twrxf Cavexaars. Borrower grid Lenrkr covenant and egret us follows:
<br />}, ~ryttueat tsf lhiee;pd Ord /sfer~. Borrower shall pmmptiy pay when due the psi ;cipal of and interest on the
<br />+ndebteditess evidenced by the Nofe, prepayment and late charges as providtJ in the Note, am! the prirscipal of and interest
<br />on an Fah+rr Advaru:es secured try this Deed of Trust.
<br />2. F~ttis lee T>ws tst /tb+ars+eee. Subject to applicable taw or to a written waiver by Lentkr, Bortower shall paY
<br />to l.tad-~ set the day rrtonthty insfaNrncnts of rincipal and imcrest arc payable under the Note, until the Note is paid in ttlf,
<br />a rte: ,v'cis ~•r..~^j ~+uat ~ .,r~.twsffth of the yearly lases and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />[3ttd of Trust. seal ground rents an [he Property, it any, plus orte-twelfth of yearly premium installmsnts for hazard tnsurance.
<br />plot tsae-twelfth of yearly prsmium installtttents for mortgage insurance, d any. ail as rsastmably estimated initially and from
<br />time to time by Leader sit tlx basis of assessments and bills sad reasssnabk esumatcs thsmof.
<br />T'he Foods sha#1 be tab in an ttntitution the deposits or accounts of which arc insured or guaranteed by a Federal or
<br />aims agrrxy tinslstditsg lxudcr if tender is such an ittstitutianl. Ltnde; shall apply the Funds to prY said tails, assessments,
<br />iasurartct prttetsums and grounJ rents, tinder may clot charge fur u~ holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said aceaunt
<br />or verityissg and compiling seal asscsamtnis and bills, unless t-ender pays Harrower Interest tin the Funds and applicable law
<br />permits LsrKier to make such a chargt. t&srrowsr and l.ersder may agree us writing at the time of execution of this
<br />Deed of Truu that intsrest on the FumSs shalt he paid to Borrower, and unless such :+greement is made or applicable Iaw
<br />requires stcch interest to be paid, lxnder shalt nut be regwred to pay Harrower any uiierest ar earnings nn tht Furtds. Lender
<br />sltatf glut To &snowcr, without charge, an anmtal acr:atmung of the Funde shaw~,ng a:rcdus ant Jchits to the Funds and the
<br />P's fm which cash +feMt so the Funds was made. The Funrk are pkdgsd as additional saeuity [or the sum6 secured
<br />by this Deed ui Trust.
<br />if the amount of the Funds held by [xtst4er. sogithsr with the future motrthly inaaflrssents of Funds payable poor to
<br />ttu Jrte dates of taxes. assessmenn, tnsuraxc prsmi:ems and gnu:nil rents, shall sxceeJ the amount required to pay sa+d taxes.
<br />asscssaitnts, itssuranst premaunrs acct gruunai rents as they tali Jar, ,urh eues> shall ht. -tt Flarrower's option, either
<br />pramprfy repaid to Born, wet ur credited to 9orruwer tin inanthly tnstallmen+. of Fvrds. t[ the amount of the Funds
<br />held 6y t.erakr shall not be suttiuem rn pay taxes, asxsantms. ,o-.!ar„sae premiums and ground rents as they fall due.
<br />&srrowtr shall pay to t.endrr any sins+rnr rcecessary tat maf.t up the Jefic+er+cy w,sh,n 30 Jays from the date natice +s mailtJ
<br />by t.eratler ea Borrarwtr rrquest'ug payuseru itiertmf.
<br />Upon payment in full sd all sums snored by thss Decd of -feast, t ender shall pnsn+ptty refund to Harrowei any Funds
<br />told lsy txntkr. (f under paragraph I8 hcrent :hr Propin}' ss said ar she Property ,s att+tcwsse at:yuireJ by lender, t-ender
<br />shall amply. >w later than rmmedisieip prior t« the sate of the Pnspeny or sir acquts,tron by t~ndsr, any Funds hilt by
<br />Lttsatr at iht tittle of appi+cati~t as a credit against tits sums secursd by this t]scd uE Trust.
<br />3. Apylirrtiro ~ Psymtars. Untcss apptrcabl,: !aw prov+Jss utherw,se, a!1 payments rccitvrJ hY Lender under [he
<br />Nwt and paragta~s t seat 2 tscreuf shall rte appf+ed by l.er+drr first in payment of amounts payable to Cxndtr 6y Harrower
<br />uts9er paragraph . hereof, tfttn to rnttrest payaMt ten the Nwe. then ru the pr,r+crpri of eht Nutt. a+sd then to inicrsst and
<br />pr+rsctprl rm anY Future Adrarxes.
<br />Q (-kCegay; 13ea Hcxrrrrsr shall {uy all lase,. a,u,sme«s, .:«,~ ..,thee ,t+arcr>. hne> .,+,J +mpuutions attributable to
<br />the PrragtMy which may attain a prasrtty «ver th:s thcd .,f Trust. enJ leasehold payments ur ground rents, if any, in the
<br />maaaer Prorated uadtr paragraph _" here ur, st rust past iu such mamscr. tsy H,xnswer making paytnsnt, when dot. Jirectty
<br />to the papee tixrrxrf BcNrowsr shaft pn'tiriptiy furnnrs to f crake alt +usuce, „f <smuuuu Jrx uaafsr firs paragraph, and in [he
<br />c-vtat $orruwer shalt rnaYe paytntnt duea:tfy, Brxruwrr shall prutnptty t+umsh to t.tnJer rect,pts eviJencrng such payments.
<br />Burrower sftall promptly drs:hargc any iten wht~h ttsa pnuru) ,ors stns t)ceJ tit I r+nt: pruvtdtJ. that Burtuwir shall oat fse
<br />rtyurred to Jivcharae soy atxh Ixn >u 4urtg .+: Hurauwcr ,h:stf agree rn =+rn::+s; u, tfie t~ayment of the obltgatiam secured by
<br />such Ilan sn a raanatx aaceptsbie to tinder, ur ,hail +n govt ta+tfi .centes+ ,s,at, teen i,y..,r JcfenJ cnlurcerrsent of such Isen m-
<br />Iegai prc++-tedmgs wlta:l+ operate to prrva+t the entorsement .,t the +cu ..r tunrtauc .,t tfre Praprrty or any part therso(_
<br />i. 1! lnpteateta. Hwrowtr shalt kelp the ,mpru+cnrc+aas s:uw car>ung err hsrtaite€ creeteJ on rht Property insured
<br />a$r+€ist tress icy fns, lsa.zards isxltakr) wnhsn the term "etterxfcd ~uveragr-~. and such utta:r haurds as t.snder may requ+re
<br />:n s±~li •+++1++++~ and for such ptrrods as Lstulrr +arar rcyuut, pravrrk:d, that l-cater ,hat{ nax regwre that the amount of
<br />such cottrags eacsetl that aaxsunt rat ccveragt regtnrit3 sir pay the Bunn stcurcd b) tht> t}tsJ ui Tn+st.
<br />Ths imurancc causer prunding else irtsura~cc shall M chosen hY Haxrowsr s:+bKat tw+ approval by l.entkr: prov,deJ.
<br />t$rt such apgroral sAri! itix tae unteaxsnably wrtidtetd. .11t prcmtrrrm xs e€,aurancc pottc+cs shall be paid to the manner
<br />ptovaded tsndar paraaritp$'_ hercul ur, rf nest pact m str~h maarscr, by Horr«wer nrak+ng payitsent, wf?en due. directly to the
<br />itsuustoce curse.
<br />Atl. +tasuraace poitcacs sal rcriawats tt+ttcrit shall he .n turrn aaa.sptablc +., Lrnakr anti shall ttn3srtk a xtandard marteage
<br />+:trust in frv~ of ~ in fr>rm acaetxable to I_trniet. Lander stsafl have ttse r,rht io butt the pofiC+cs slid rrnewals thereof.
<br />a+sd 8curowtr shell promptly furatslr to t.crrdct at! rtrxw:; nui+cea amt aft rtes:pis u[ pstd premiums. In the event of loo.
<br />B®rtower shtdl clue prtsrapt rwsrae to the ,ttaurrtx.t ..a€r,sr aaJ Lcralrt. Center ma} make proof of lass tf nut made promptly
<br />by Bxsrrowcr.
<br />Lfnlda t_xtxkr aril Bosruwer aytscrw,ss agrc._ ar. wrnsog~ ussura,Ae i=ru.sedx ,halt be applreJ to resturatitm or repair of
<br />the Properfp drtntylsd, ptorrd+ai sash ressoratanr ,.,r icpau „ es..u:wnuaii} leasable =utd ctrl scaunty of this DeeJ of Trust n
<br />east ihtrtby trnpatresi. !f >:u.:. rssswurun c;r raps:::; nut cu,avete+catiy €easrtfe ,er rt the >tcunty uE this Desd of Trust would
<br />bt +rtra+a+red, the +tWrra+ta.s pru~rrafs shalt tx .ppiaeJ iu tt+c sums va:utrd t+y this L}trJ of T n+st, :xdh the excess. st anY. Put
<br />to Horsata'er. ii the Prxperty .s atrsrrdutseJ by Horruwc+..+r st f3uesuatt tad, to slaps+sal to Lrt+det with,a 3F1 days from the
<br />rwft r.'s:tct .s tnaiku .:l f_cr?a~..r sir r,s'^et th~+ :!s= :n~rais.:t rr ecr .*tfers w settle a claem tot rtnuranae tsenefits. Lender
<br />;s atwf~srs+! to calts~t surd speedy the +nsuraaas ptaxecJs at Ixtukr~s up+arts s:,uttr iu resturatsuu o[ repot of the Properly
<br />ax to the states ssxursd b} thn Desd of -Trust.
<br />t.{rdess Lrttdet sad Btxr+swer uthtrwrai agree ,n wetting, any s+u:h appi+aa+tun tit p+ucttds to prancspal shalt nut cxttrxl
<br />pone tlk glut fait sal the «wulhty insistlmtnis riterreJ to rn paragraphs 1 unJ _' hcreul or rtti+nge the arrttwnt of
<br />iasrallrutrua. if tinxta' paragraph t;i htrxvi the Prupcity n aa:atwrevt h} t.inilsr. all right, twit and interest of 8orrowtr
<br />ra sad to any +nauraat putxica atsd +n ant to the ptucteds itsereuf resutung [runt 3amagt to the Property prior to the sals
<br />au acquttsrtrsx+ slstJl p,ua to t,erakr iu tlst extant .,t lice suns :zeusd b) th:s tJr.:J ui f~rust «nnstdtately print to such aa{e oe
<br />acaluisttwa
<br />4 lRasarstt~ +rr! Afhtii•cearaes a/ Prrperty: txaaelwits: [`oswa: Phraed Unit Uertdrytaasttts. Borrower
<br />.halt ksep rte Prrsptrly ea ~+axaJ re past anal shalt exec .r.mttts6 ++a>te .•r pc•rmsi :tnp.,s+sr+ent w kK[uuatiun tit chi Property
<br />sad shaft casaspiy wtfh the ptovwaas ~'i ant irau if this t3erJ .=f Trust ,s on a leauhafd. it thrs 1?till tit Tt+nt +s ur+ a umi m a
<br />crx+dorttuuum .+r a prtrnaeat uart ctsvsWpntrau, Borruwsr shall perlur«s alt tit Borrower's obfigatians antler the declaration
<br />ssr .,ssvsaratra crut+ag a€ guaerur+zy tt~ cvtastomanturtt ~ €kauatif a++.t dsvelapnxat, the by-Caws sad regulations of the
<br />c ur pla+tu+sJ urur Jerslupmeur, attd cunst:+usnt drsrwrtsnts it` a casnduminrum or planned tin+t dtvebptircm
<br />ttdu is craxutad by Borrawsr a€xi recarJsat +ugethei ,soh [has CYciJ at Tr~a~, the ;:ovtaants atal agrsentenia of sash rider
<br />sera{! isE rtazarpcu-ated rota deaf snail sinesxJ attd suppifa:+c.ai ihs .u}errata: acct egret«aerrts of thrs Decd tit i'tust as +i the ritice
<br />acct a part licrttot.
<br />T. •aassttiare at S,eo#a'a Sc+ittriry. ii Burtuwer fa+fs iu pertarm sha: cuvsttants ant agrermtnts euatrmed in this
<br />t?ecd i~ Trust. ax of say acu:~u a*+ prassxsdutg is ~uatrttttacJ w3t,:h nxatcrraEt) attecss Lenaftr's iutereat to the Property.
<br />am.:hsdaris. Yen ruM :rrrtrtal ta? e-to+attnt dutr+~ur, uts..:lven,:y, :uJi intur4t+t+e+st..u a+rangtnxats or pranteJrnga mvalvmg a
<br />tsanlrrrpi eu deucaktst, ipatra Lrrxler at Exruter's u#uiua, upon noose !u Bu:ruwer, ma) make :uch appearances. JiaBatrc such
<br />ata~ seat tales sttrh actu7it as :s ntcsaaa?} tar prornt ixt+alzr > smimt, +nctsrdusg, t,ut nut ItmiteJ tu, Jtaburssmeni ul
<br />rcarastsable utortaey`s t~ sad teary upaut the Prtsptrrp to make reprsr> ii i_ind,:r eeyuirsJ nwrtgags msurarxi av a
<br />exr+>tcfittoit ayf raititirtg test fuu+ sa;rucxi bt sha tkat ui Trust. Harrower >hai3 {ray chi prsnuunta rsquueJ to ma+matn >u4h
<br />+astsrarax +n et~cr~r uittrf such rune ;:a the reyuircmcnt tax stxh rrrsuran:e teanaiaates m accurdatur wuh Bcxrowsr"a a+ui
<br />1_'s wrritxta agrrsibcssi sat soplu:alzk }ear.. Barmwct shall ism` the a+rxurat tit sit nwrtgtgi snwrattce premwnts m ten:
<br />rnttasrer provided urtdrr pangrtt~h 2 tscrtuf.
<br />train disStrtsed try t-t€uii€ ~rtsuans tae tfr+s twragrapit 7, wrath :ntctt:ar st+er+,•rsn. shall M:cart++e add+truna!
<br />?tsJebttecsf $urrtswer aa+c-ursd isy taus [}etd of Trust t ~nkxs Borrower a+td t.eraier agree to other ternis of pagrntnt, such
<br />a18rwWdA zhsitt be prpmbde upon natir:e tram Lander io Ba+rriswsr rertutst+ng paynu:ut tlase'caf, atu! shall hear sntsttat from ihs:
<br />+It~s mt >trr~rxar~ st iFri rue {ntysbk tsar thtte to cleat tin outs€arrditxg pets, pal ursdsr t!se tin?s ut+ftss payment of imstui
<br />at ste:is rut wsrutrf lac +::.~trary to appira:+t§k law, +rt +hah avast such a +,:tnas shall [sear tnttrtsr as the ttiehest tart
<br />pq#at+sultit urtaier aPp#icat+ic law. Naxhir+f/ c+sniauxd m rots paragraph ? shall reafouc Lender to ie~ur any expttne ur trite
<br />wry actida hatzra+tier. Fs* Pt" opt ruv+JeJ
<br />iL hssa. t-andet natty rstakc w cause to t,s made rsasunatus a+unes s, n aaJ ens u,uns of the: Pr sty, p
<br />that fxat"et yhttli reel Bwtaeresr +wisit petal to any s+aeh iaspecuara spccriyiag s'eassutat>Fs cause tlisrelut rslaicd w t.iriJer's
<br />:,B~ttYt :Li ~t~tr-
<br />