<br />81- ()n0375
<br />9. Ctwt6emtta/iee. The procceds of any award nr claim for damages, direct or consequential, in connection with any
<br />cottderimatiat or ~Ixr taking of tree P:operty, or part thereof, or for conveyance in lien of condemnation, are hereby assigned
<br />a~ Mall be paid to Lander.
<br />fn the event of a rota! taking of the Property, the proceeds shall t,e applied to the sums >ecured by this Dted of Truu,
<br />whir tix excess, if airy, paid to lZrrav..r. fn :ta event of a partial taking of the Property, unless Borrower and Lender
<br />othersvisa agrce in writing, theca shalt be applied to the sums secured by !his Deed of Trust such proportio~o=oths prdoaceed~
<br />as is equal to Ihat p-oporteon which the anwunt of tht sums secured by this ESred of Trust itntnediateiy pr
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Proptriy immtdiatdy prior to the dale of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Btxmwcr.
<br />tf fix Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aher notira by t.cnder to Borrower that the condemnor aBers fo tnaite
<br />an award or settle a claim for damages, Bttrrtiwer fails to respond [o Lender within 30 days after the date such twtice is
<br />mailed, Linder is authorized to collect atu: apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, tither to restoration or repair of tl~a
<br />Proptxty w to she Burris ucured by this t?ttd of Tn[st.
<br />Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree m wnnng, any such application of proceeds to principal shall not extend
<br />or pouptese the due date of the monthly insta8menu referred ux in paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the atrrount of
<br />su~6h rentatltrxnts.
<br />tt. irrogwer NtN Rettasd. Extension of the titnt for paytrien[ or modification of amortization of tht sums secured'
<br />by this Dad of Trust Wang by Lxrrdee to any successor in interest of Borrower shalt not operate to release, in any moaner,
<br />the liabi{ity of the original Borrower and Borrower's succcssnrs in intete>t. tender shall not be required W coertmerttt
<br />p:eceedings against such successor or refi~ m extend tierce for payment or whenvise modify amortization of the sums
<br />ttxarty7l by tors i'iecvl of Truu by reason of any demand made by the anginal borrower and Borrowei s successors in interest.
<br />lt. Fwbeatwwce by trader Not a Wirer. Any forbearance by Ltndtr ut ezerning any right or rcmeGy hereuttt~r, or
<br />othsrwise afforded by applicable law, shall oat ere a waiver of ur preclude the ezecase of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurtmer+t of inwrarice or the gyrnem of taxes ur rxhtr I:ens ar char4t_ s by fender shat! not tse a warner of Lex'~er`s
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the endtfitednts= strura;d`fxy this Dtcd ut 7 rust
<br />t2, Reaeltes Cuadatfve. Att renttdies provrded'fn;[hts 'flied of Tryst art dist+nei and cumulative to any other right
<br />or remedy utsder thrs [Seat of Trust or attorded by EatY or ryuuy, sad may trt exrrciseil curteurrently, independatttY or
<br />st~cessivdy. f
<br />See=emres ad Assigws Boaa~; ie~ attd screed L.is~tity; CapUttas. Tht covenants and agreanents herein
<br />cnntafntd shaft isitrd, aced ttx rights heretttsder ;hall inure tu, the respecure successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,
<br />stttr)ect to the proviswm of paragraph ! I tseteot AB curcnanis and agreements of Burrower shalt be joint aad. ieverai.
<br />Tire captwru and headings ut the jfaragrapbs of this eked of Trust are for convenience unty and are not to 1st usod to
<br />itttatQstt ur dr.fiae tbt PeovisroAar t~3ecf. '
<br />f0. Nodes. Except for shy notice rcquued under applicable .aw fu t+r given iu another manrur, la! any-notice to
<br />Borrower provided for m this [Seal of Trust shaft tse geven hy' xnaihng suet: notice by certified mad addressed to Borrower at
<br />t!x Property Atfdrt~ ar at stub auher addrea as Borrower fray designair by nonce to (.ender as provided herein, end
<br />(bb any notice to isndcr shalt be given by ceintitd rived, return rest€pt rryutsted, t.x fendtis address stated herein or to
<br />Belch other address as Letrder nsay dtsrgriatt by nonce io Borrower as ~ruvidtd herein. Any nonce provided for in this
<br />iSeed of Ttvst shalt be deemed to have been given to Borrower .+r tinder when green in tht manner designated huein.
<br />t3. Utrifmm tSesd rd Trent; Gareraitaq taw; screnbtlNr. This form of dr_•J u[ Ernst utmbincs uniform covenants for
<br />nsuonat use and non-uniform covrnants with hmitexi vanateuns by iurisdicivn !~+ cunstttute a -uniform see+~!ty !nstrumtm
<br />covtrieg rut property. This Reed al Trwt shat) tx governed by the taw ut the tunsd+cuun ut which the Property is located.
<br />la the creni that any provision or clat-se of thss (Seed of Trmt ur else Nate ~unthas wire appt+cabte law, such conflict shall
<br />curt affect othte pravtsiuns of tats Deed of Trust ur the ~?aotc wtixch tan r+r geven etfcci witfiuut the canfl+cnng provision,
<br />aad to this ertd the prnvrstam of the t3ud of Frost and the Notr arc tkciarc-il t=+ 6e severable.
<br />t#, Borrower's Cq¢Y, 8orruwer shaft be itunisticd a wn[armrd cup} e? the Note and at this Detti of Trust at the time
<br />of CiCCatWn nr afte[ rtrnrdatron `ru.- c6s`.
<br />t?. Teaaafar at t-e /rapt+tY; if aIf ur any par! of text Psaprety ur an interest therein is sold or transferred
<br />by Borrower wt[hmrt Lctsdtx's prior wntten consent, rxs:tudtng tat tree ~crcatutn of a teen ur circumbrance suhordinats to
<br />this 1S>me! of Trust, {b} she creaLOn of a purchast murtey Beane»y imerot for Fruusrhutd appliances, ! c } a transfer by devise,
<br />dtxreat o< by uperatton of law upon tree death of a ;Dint tenant vxc '
<br />l.crx4cr may, .at I.eruier i u~tiun, dcc}are a'I [he sums secured by thn [Seed of Trent to be
<br />immedtatalY dot std payabfc. txrsder serail bare warned strait aptton !e a+:cefrrrte rf, prior to the >ale or transfer, Lender
<br />and the person to wbomshe Property is to tx wkd ur !nrnfcrrtd rtazP. agrttmem in writing that the cralit of such person
<br />is satisfactory to I_endrr attd resat the intcreet psyxbtc on the Turn: x'curtd by this Deext of 3'fust shalt be at such raft as
<br />Lts shaft reytre~+ tf t~ruttr fins waived tare uptu:xi to accelerate pror:ded :n this paragraph l', and if Borrower's successor
<br />.n iWartst has txa;.uttxt a wnittn aautmptiun agretnxent acceptor in wrd:ng t,y t. ender, tender shall release Borrower from
<br />all ohfigaleons !.xrrtkr !hi> t3e+at ut Trost and the Mute.
<br />tt ceder extreius such uptwn to accelerate. t_rtsdcr shad inu,3 Borrower ounce of accektrauun in accordanu with
<br />paragraph ti hereof. Such naUce shalt provide a perwd ut ixtl less than iu da}s (rum the date the nano is mortar within
<br />wtut:h Borrower +naY pat !ht sums dtcfaitaf dere. if tturruwcr tails to fv) ,uch sums pour to the expiranmr of such period,
<br />t.etsder rimy, wnhwti furthtr nwecc or demantt un Burruwr[, an+okt soy renxrdits permitted by paragraph tg hereof.
<br />::s>x-U rir:~x C'uv€aihr~iy Btxruirrr arts Lender tutthcr caivenant anJ agree as loltow>_
<br />tg. AcrrkrdLra: ttetwetkew t:xcept ar prerided is parrgrtrpl I7 hereof, upon Borrower's breach of say coveaawl w
<br />tipeetwew! of Borrower is fins t)ced ~ Traci, iocludieK the curraaatt to pay when due say sutra secured by Ibb Deed
<br />of Trost, t.ewder Prior lu acreiateaioa shall aunt ootice to ffierrawcr ar ptartdrd in puttgrapb td hereo[ speci[yfsg: it! tree
<br />ttnracb; t2) tFx trrliaa regatrtd to cure sacl breach; fib a date, not teas theta 39 days tram the date the notice ~ ntaikd /o
<br />Rerwrrer, by wigri secb brtacl react be cured; aad t4i that fteilarc w cure sc+cl brexb ow or txi«e the tWe tipeeified
<br />is tree awtitY ratty ra~sda is acceleratiaa of tle stt~ts stcoeed by thir Lked xtt 'irasa awd sate of the Property- T~ aeake
<br />abort twrtber itdtum harrower iii for right m rciastate after aacrteratim attd the right to britttR a taut acttae to ataett
<br />tle ~-etthimeite +xd a defanti us say attwrr dtftasc of torrower to aetrieratiaw sad sus. !f the breach is sal cured
<br />w ar ttaforr tbs date spzci~d in tits antic=. lewder ai t.ewdtr's optLw m.y declare aU of the sans secarad by fhb Deed
<br />of Tiwat b be ittemtdWdy doe sad PayaBJa witiseW farsltr dearaad (tad (nay iwrdte the powtr of sale aad aeY Aber reoedies
<br />(xrasit{pd by apgiie:abk Daw. t ratter shaft 6e celitted to caitect art reaoaahie ewes aad expenses iacttrred to putaaitt~ the
<br />remadka proritted is this pwragrsys8 la. tat:ladirgt. lee cwt &>nised to, reaeuaarbte attortsey's ftts.
<br />ff ttse pewee ~ sale ss reraied, Tratser abaft record a tsoisce of defied[ ut rscb caawty in which the Proputy or same
<br />(ttw to Borrower trod ro [~
<br />pail Ilersstt g ttrs aad slaiB (aad& cepitl a# torch twttc= ea tle maaaer prescribed by applicable ~,, Trsrstte aloft
<br />attar prrseas prescribed by arppiksibt law. After (fir taprir et Betel (Lee as may be reytt'vrd by ~
<br />giro peddle aaUce of watt to tree pert:arai aad la flee twanwer ptescritttd by applteaitk taw. "t'rrtdee, wNlorN dtaaed oa
<br />dorratrar. riaB stt6 ttx Property a! patdic aecLaa kr the big6ta bittwlrt M tkt rime aad peace aad wader fix ttttM AesigsttNed
<br />bs tits ttaiice of safie ~ uaa er [wart parcels and in saeY order us 7'rastee mrty deteratiae. ?castes may pakprwx Brie of tt6
<br />er ~ ptttYSt of tls trrm~..p fq i~ a:w'=m = `'tY t+~ e~ p~x:e of rag prsriorstY~ xbedwled Beds. f.tadtr au
<br />l.etttta's tftsigwee essay panlae sbt Pwperey >u sat stria.
<br />U~ reree~ ~ paYwteai of the prise tr;d, 7 rwstte slag dekatr to the percbaser Trwstee's deed ctsarey~ itK Property
<br />sold. Tle rasi#ab in tle TernYee's deed shalt Be prima facie =rid=er= of the trrAl of tbt stdetweWS trrirde itseteia. Trtetee
<br />sitaB apptY rite praeeeds of tltt sale is tle /mew ardor: ((a- Eo art r:araaabk cocas sett a:~rt•+~t- of the sale, fnctsiiisR, bwl
<br />eset timb+ad ks. Trtu~tk ittx of atrt ewers Ibaa ~. Of 1 n of fist i;raas sale price, r=aseeabk attorsey's fees aad ctstaa of
<br />[if$- ttridsaea; tbi b sit stews secured l7' ibis fated at't'rrst: aa3 tr) ttce excess, if say, to tf~ persttw of prt'seas ttgalty etritltkd
<br />ttrittlfa.
<br />14. lwrrawer's Ri(ibt to tteirlMe. Note dhstarutntg LcnJtr's accMerauutx of the >ums >i:aured by ihn Deed of 'Trust,
<br />tiorrurver shat! hare the right to have any pttaetdengs begun by tender to enluree this Eked of Trust xlixonnntitrf at
<br />any Breese pa~uss to itic eartxar to +xr:4ur .sf {xt the fiats day titfnrc the sate of tree Prapx;riy purswtitt w the power of sett contained
<br />,n th~Llcduf Tru>t or ttr7 crttxy of a judgnrtnt tniuicmg .her fSecd of Trnsx x?~ tai Btxrower pays Lender ail sums whnh woxtid
<br />tx [lira due utrdeY tAxs 1.}cod of Traci, tht Note atsd naves reuureng Future Advaix~cs, d any, bast no acizkrutwn .xa:urr~t:
<br />(iy tiberuwtr curt> all Mearlses of soy other euvcnanb ur agrtrntcrus ut Bonuwct ctmtaiixtd in this Decd of Trust:
<br />tt:t Brutrn>Yr pays aft rcasrs+rattae rrprrs>cs ittcurftd bx f:eitckr anti iriisxec in nrforcutg the wvenams and agreements of
<br />Bwrarcr cutxta.ue>t !o tMs t7irtd d Trust aced xn rn#rrrCSng I_tsxdrr> arx{ Trusiec'a renssdies as pruvnted in parttgrapb iN
<br />hector, irtx:icxdwg., fsut our 6nratcd n?. rrawtxattte atturnvy's Eris, arid Erie Borrower tattr> sucfx actuux as !.ender may reaswtahly
<br />require to usury lhxt sett tstrt v! th+s L7eed ut f"rust, t crxder`s interest .n the Pn>txny and ttnrruwcr'> abfigatiun tvx pay
<br />