~ .
<br />DEAD C3F ']CRUS'T 8~---0~~`~~5
<br />~~ ~cnc~r. '~c'C ~Q mu~tr thy.. - . , .2hth, . - . • ...........day of ...,}anuar3 ............... .
<br />l9..$1, attimtg the "l'rustor,...Bobert. A... ~k.¢tre7.Ier.a~d~, Cdr3a~€. De1ler,- llusb~tasl. and• .FIS€t:.
<br />....:.,.:.... .............................{bcrein'°Borrower"}..................,...............
<br />.. , .... Ecis+.at;d .}3,, t3.'Ro}tle ................ . ..... . ........... (herein "Ttvsta'7, and the Beneficiary,
<br />....... jrive .f'.4?tr~~. ~a~ . . .......................................... a corptustitxn txganiud attd
<br />6tfe6ting ttn~r t~ lass uf....... Slebraska......... whose address is ............... .
<br />..,....20,2,5 *tc#;~fi.l3roadW~;~3.~r~rtd.~5~d~zd+..~?1 .................(txteitt"Lender").
<br />Jgosatiwss, in rntisiderarian dt tht tttdebtedness herem rcciied and the trust herein created, irrevocably graves
<br />att9 t~nvtys to "frtttaee, in trust, wi:h prover of sale, the following described property totaled in the County of
<br />....... Ha t,1_ . „ . . . . . . . . . ......... , Stzte of Nebraska:
<br />fit Four (~+), and the Easterio E;ro (2l Feet of Lot T~'ive 51, zn r32ock Seventy
<br />,',Gi, In Wheeler and Eennett`s Second Ardi:inn to tree City of Crand island,
<br />Hall Caesars, °lebraska.
<br />which has the address of. i.?:~ .i:asC. i;~t,3t .Street.;- :;rant:. 1&land, kebrasica•6$SQ•1.......... .
<br />isuwet tenet
<br />..... .. } ttuetn "Prtperty Aaldress" } ;
<br />i5tsq aa9 rw «eaiei
<br />Ttat:t;rtwert wtth .all tt~ ,rr,Y,.ur.entcrsts rws+ ;sr herretter crt.t~J t,as tit.: pr,rperty, and atl caxrtu:nts, nghi>.
<br />aplesutsaa~rs, rents f sttbjcct ?xrrc.er to the n~)rts and authorrtres given herein to Lerukr to collt:ct artd apply such
<br />rte). rtr3ral€t~, eral, od seed gas rights oral pr€sFt#s, watet, watt:r rights, am! water srut:k, amt a!l €it;wrrs nt}w m
<br />lt~aitex xitac:htr! tQ ttie prtrperty, al! of ah~#t, :n;:ludietg repiairrmnts am3 additions thereto, shat! be daetnetl to ta<
<br />armd reHaatu a part ~ t#e psr~xerty etnrerrrd by the decd of 'Trust: oral rl} of tlrt: furcgQisg, together wnh said pruptrta
<br />f sae the kaFebold t~tx if t}tn Decd of Trust is ,m a ltaschuld} ari heron rclcrred to as the "Property":
<br />TL„Y Css~a tai l e3 {~1 t~ rs~n3Qt3h=nt Ut t{tC Filill'~bl~s:r3CS5 tYtdL'nl'Ct3 !T} BOfr[NYCr'S tlC3tC datl~l..,l ~yilpg Cy' '~(~ ~
<br />...1.x$1.... Mein "'lKrtx"t en t}rc prittwipa! sum ssE- ?`}ti•r.ty ?'hau-eanc3 lour -hundred• fb}}ars arizt ~Ho
<br />... ea#trt~.. $3t"l..~s~ ::. ...... ...... .iRd~rs, wu}r irtere>t ttxretrtt, pr©sr3mg for nttmildy =.ttstallr~nts
<br />p[tt~spsi}',atul c€tixtc~t, wNh ilia baittn:c of the irxbeCsteelrtrss, i1 nut sutsrter peal, duo attd piryabk on..:!!r'20i.t. .
<br />....1r6$&it$~Y. -l, ..t~ l l . . . . .. . . ...... . . . .... the paymt:ni t~l all other sums, with ititereat theretsn, advanced
<br />ut ~' hercwiib tcx prtxcxt the, secwity ttf this peed of Trust, sett! the perftxntrntx ,N the ctwenaas amt
<br />4t Bturrwter bar.ut errrtaaitrcat: and (b) tha rcp,tyrttcnt of any iuturc adratuas, with ruterest ther:tnr, rnxh:
<br />bs~ttrr by tlender pttrsttant ttypt~grttph?l ~ert,~ flwr~trs "Future f~tlyat~r:s"?.,
<br />wit;arw c:s t#ula Bras7i tt lttasfu)!y seised crf r!u c.=a:ttc sic re~• t:-,nrrcyc't3 ana! itas rite right ti, grata att+t
<br />f tAc (ryupettp, tl~t t}tc IFcctp~r;y- is twctteutxilacrxsi, anci} that liorruw•cr will warrant stu! defcnJ grncrn!!y tta:
<br />t tp t~ Prrtp ~ altrt+sri attd dururatuls, sub~ct tr, sett d~~a:Gtrattotrs„ eascrrtetti3 ter rr:strtcututa listed to .,
<br />~ u[ ~~ ki ter err any tftlc utaurrtEt~ ptt}try itrs.urtng Lcnsicv's ,ntxn:st ,tt the Prtperty.
<br />Ems!? 3! l10
<br />