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~~, <br />:. ~ .. <br />e ~"'°~ <br />gZ,.,~~ti~s56 <br />Utggonx COV$,PtANTa. lforr®,ver and t.ts,der covtaaane sad attea as ft>ibws: <br />I. ttf ~ ttrd t~af. Hotr~wa shag PAY Pay when dtte t~ prtacipa! ~ aet3 i tart tie <br />avidenaed by the Nose, ptzpaymeat std tam charges as pra5vided in the Nate, attd ~ priacipaf of rind' <br />m~y*~sat~~Mt. <br />2. Fetnis Rir Tana atett Lstrattta. ~ ttpPlica6k ~ m to a serittmt tucivar by teadrr, Barrowu t gay- <br />to E.t~r on the dtey mantldy FtaRail~ents of principal acrd itnmest ate payt~e tinder the tYott, tmtii tf~ Aiexc is-paid ffi ftau, <br />a eta (botssa "E'nds'? agtmt to tmo-ttvotftft of the' YeartY tarn sad wnsatents which usay idisist ptioriti oust this: <br />3disrdpge t~ r~4r ~ the tset~iy, if easy, phs-oae twelfth of yeetlt{y ptaahium itdpaBments for Itaaatd-iatc, <br />ploy rrno-twt~th ~ y~ty pramittm ' f~ itsntretnce. if amy, au as itdEialty andE ft+onr< <br />ti~as ut time by 1. oa tfae 6ssts ~ assnatttttda and ln`Sh star et~at»etde motes thtsted- <br />'i1De Ftasds shaft hte htdd is an imtittttion the dapasita ~ atxosmts of :bath are its oc guaranaeat by a Feddal ~` <br />taste alarm' fiaehtdirtg L.+mdtr if tendet is sttclt an imtistttiott). !.ceder shall apply the Ftmdu b pay said tatter, assgstotmtar. <br />F serf ~ tries. Lersler ttmy trot tie for so holding artd applyiag the Fttttds, atsafyzittl saht_awama~ <br />~ v+erifying atad taatetpling raid atae ad 6ilfs, tmtda under pays lfwroarer itnttrtst tea ttte Funds ltd ap~icabk taw <br />p L.msder to nutte asdt a charge, Horra+t~s and Leader tray alrax is wtitsnl at the time of tmttcetfion d tfvs <br />thx ittrtfni oa the Ftt>ds s~8 tae paid to Borrower, and tmlt~ such a h ttrssk or uppticabk few <br />tee ruck ituortst ur be paid, Lrnder shah trot be requited to pay Borrower any imeret tx earnings oa the Ftmde. Ismfv <br />tthsB gtve 6r &xrwtror, ttritftwt Marge, as annual accounting tr[ the Funds showing credits atsd debits ta the Fonda and i~ <br />ptft~rOSe fat<wtticb each debit to flee Fund was rrtade. llse Ft~k are pkdgEd as -'~''---' sectrity ftrr tfte scone aeeuzed <br />hY Wis INatsgttle. <br />If the amwmt d the Fttnt~ bud by Leader, together. with tFtc ttrture mumth)y ittnaprxats of Funth ~yabk prior to <br />the thse darn of tarn, a~stneats, inearartce ptsxaitma and grtsund rents. shaA exceed the amount negsdted tut pay said !attn. <br />assnsmeag, instiroace promatueu and ground rents as tftey fall due, such excess shall 6e, at >lorrower's option. either <br />promptly ruspsid m Borrower ~ cued to Bartrswer t>n atottthty irgtalitaettts of Ftrtsuh. If the amount of the Fads <br />hdd b'Y [.seder shdt sot be sa>' to pay to:n. a~netta. insurance prattittms and grt~ttttd rents ae they faR due, <br />Borrower abaft pey to Lestder any amwttt necessary to make up the deftciettcy within 3(t days from the daft entice is !nailed <br />by I.aaWer to Barrosrer trgtteuing payment efttrroesf. <br />upon payruatt to ftdt of a8 acme secured by this Mortgage. Lera~ strati proatptly refttd to tiormwer any Fuads <br />by Lam. If ur~sr ptsrtra~t f g tteesos the Prc~t~ sty es sold or €he Propertu rs attterwir+e acquired by Leader, Lender <br />shah apply. no ism titan immtriiately prior to the sale at the Property or is acgttiaitioa by Leteder, soy Ftmuis hdd by <br />f.stder at the time of applieatiat as a credit against the sums stxured by rhea Worigagc_ <br />3. AgplicalMto ui ~ Ltttlem applicable taw procidn wlterwise. elf paymema received by Lertder ttttttes the <br />Note affi paragraphs ! atad 2 hereof anal! be applted by t.ettder first to payment of amounts payable to Lender by Borrower <br />under putretlrsptt Z )aeteot, thin ua usterest payutbk an the Note, then to the pritttipai of the Note. and tiro to interest attd <br />pritteipal out arty Ftawe Advaeues. <br />4. C.'ioitpR ffsas. Bottasrer shalt pay aH razes, estaxsmenu and ether charttcs, fines and smpnsitituts atttibutabk to <br />the Ptsperty whleh mH' attatin s prt:,t`ay over this Natgage, atrf leasehc+4d paymeats x ground rents. if any, in the mentor <br />psvridal ttttttfer puapyph 2 hereof ar. tf net prnd m strcit manner, by Borrower makeng payment, when due. directly to the <br />pttyes thereof. iforrasrer tltsli promptly fwoish to Leader sit noitces of amouMS due under thts paragraph. ad is the went <br />Borroter sha8 make peytt~tt dittxity. Horrowcr shat! prampitt turnnh w Lender receipts eridenctng such payrrtatts. <br />Both shall pta~tlr disehar~ tiny lies +htcft has pr,arrty ,:ver stns ttorteaze: provtdtd, that tarrower shall not be <br />trxltmed to diachuge arty such iirn sa Mng as Bcxrawcr shaft agra to »rtrrng to the paymem of the obligattan secttted by <br />such ~ en a tttannet ttettpaabk to Leader, ur shat! m gtx~t Earth contest sucfi ;ten by, ar ~t<md rnfotcemtnt of such Lien in, <br />legal proceedings whleh operate to paes~ettt the enforct:atent of the Eten ar torfature of she Property ar any part thertof. <br />S. ~ Borrower shaft {seep the rmpmvermcnts no.: cztstml .x ttcreatter erected vn the Property ittratred <br />agrarmt toss by fire, boards atc)tttkd withtrs the term "extended cwcrage". aril atxh ottxr ttarards as Leader may require <br />and m stilt amouass atffii for larch per~ds as Lender may rtequue: prrvrded. that Lctnkr shall trot require that the amount of <br />stxh eaverttge tacaed that atnutatt of coverage rz:quved to ray the sunn ,ccurest by thts Mortgage. <br />Ibe ttaust~e carrier providFag the sgstrranxx sba)t be ehosert by Barrawer subject to approver by Lender, provided. <br />thin such approvd shat txa ire unreasonably wahitekf- Ati premtunin ore ittugtrsnce potion shall tx paid in ttte ttsaatur <br />1 tmdez paragraph 2 htueuf ar, tf rxst pard in sash tnanncr, by Bcxrawer making psyttewt, warn due. directly to the <br />its carrier, <br />.t49 ptrltcseu sttd renewals thcrm€ shaft be rn farm x.rpt3bk to attd shall irteitede a standard mortgage <br />damC in isir~F of acs! ra form acxaaptaitia to Lender. tender sltatf hne t!x rtgitt t:s hold the poiicxs and rottewats thereof, <br />~ ~- ;3~t .~ ft.~sosh E< Lcntk: a1 ~w~ r._~eccs ~' ~: rx;.:mss €rf pxentiuens. In the cress of Iosa, <br />-±tr~ shall give Pretnpt to tis+ trarsx carrrcr sad LseatEr. Lrnder mat males prtsut at tom if not rtradc promptly <br />by Bortrtsrat. <br />llnfea6 Erecter red lrterotrsr axherwtse agree tit wrehttg, tmttrattce proceeds shalt 6e applitxt to resttaration or repair of <br />fire Property dated, provsded stscft teatoriitan of repair is xwwma:afh~ ttasibk and the security of thts Mortgage is <br />trot thattshy intpatned. tf ntrh trssxatton or teQstr is rwt ccoatxaacaQty feasible ur of the stxtmty of this Mortgage would <br />rte tts~awed, the prooeads ~! Fie app#ied t. the areas secured try etas 3lottgage. wttb the extxu, if any= Paid <br />to Boarutrar. if toe Ptoptesty s ~ by Btvrrctnwer, ar .t &trrowet lath to respond to Ixader within 's0 days from the <br />tfpe mttisa is rustled hY 1, m Btsrrorer that the retsttrattce canter aBers to settle a claim far ittstttattce Fteneh[s, Lettder <br />es aes~sxiaed m t sad apply the tasutatscc patx>eetx ar LcntFcr's optiots ether to restarattoa or repair of the Property <br />a as des auras secttesd Fly this . <br />Utt~ss Lttsedv areal Bttrtawtr odxrwise agra co writing, any such application o€ protxeds to pnrcipal shall ntx extend <br />ear ptatgseae dse due dne ok ttc :acststhly itsstnts rcferrt~ to to paragrapbs t sad 2 he~csf or cttaage ttw ameustt of <br />aat:$ " If tinder pastataaph ih btersuf t~ Ptaprsty es aeyuued by Linder, al) right, title ate interai at Harrower <br />~ asd m say t>mutraat p and in oaf to t~ pra-ee~ tbertmt rtauhitsg tram damage to the Property prier to tbs sate <br />ttr atttgaeiheta rAmft pats ~ l.e^.ader to the extent of tftc soma sectrrtxt try thts ',atartgage imtrtediatety prior ra st>rft sale or <br />f- iherasaiet anti INaiasaen of t!saBusY: Lawehsiiq Cetdaraseieese !'}a~ai Unit Dsx~apeeMS. Burrower <br />t~ ~ ~ s~_r ~ : e a~ ttfst tit. w ~ pmt t-~ -- - .~ ~~n of rhs 1'txiperty <br />std with the pesos csf any lease tt thts Mortgage u oa a ie~. II this Mortgage is set a unit in a <br />6 ~ ur a s° dexrlnt, $ssrtosrer ! per€arm all of Barnmer's c~:gattxzsts undo she dxtaratioa <br />ae +~ tt dsc cottdonsitsrutn of plantuxl unit daveenz, the try-laws sad rtrgttlatiutts of the <br />n piavmed finis ~, artd cotaSisxn~ttt docttowars It a candam~nan or ptanaed unit dcvetopment <br />tstftsr m- eaecussd by Boraawsr std raxxdad tat~her waft thn Mortgage, the xtvenant! and agreements at uub rider <br />slay ba ieoat}eraoad ~ and shalt ataertd amf atppkmeot rise eoveaaats and agreanestu c>f ihts Mart;age as tf the rider <br />whets a paA faartraf. <br />?, tnASelaa tel irsaieidy lywevttl4r. ft Borrower lute to peritxm the eoveueanta and agreements cotnaitted in this <br />w i tstetr assitte ar prtsca is co~teaced whxCFt taatermttly a 'Sects t_emiar's utter+xu is tfte P.tperty, <br />) tint ~ twat tom. iasetts'y. cads eaftxt~utacwt. tar attangertstaas ar pracaeds3g iasatvtetg a <br />butt ~ , itdt f.asdas at teadeis aptitxt, upon t to Bortawes. trtay make such appearsnem, dish st,ctt <br />taMSrY astd ~ asseh u~ as is » ro pRSrsect L~der's trrwreu, ttti-ludial, crux trot lmeietxl ra. disbursameett at <br />eOteNeMrafOt Matitteay'a boas sad tarry tspuet the Ptq¢ctty m tndte repatdrs. tf Lender required ~ ittsttrarsx ax a <br />oaedisists of taattrie>f, the iota iteCts+ed try tf~t Aturtgagc. 1)orre±wet thadt pay rho ~emiuwts require! to maintain zttch <br />ilaWfa~asae io adlres utrW wafs sees as the regttisaaeaet fax sesch ~asitranex tcranittascs in macs with Borwsaer'a and <br />