<br />8I--- ~~~±Q~.5~
<br />~()l~'~A6+~E
<br />T1~18-I~RR'G.f~~~ itr t~ _ ..... 9th ... _ . , ..,~~-_ . JenuarY .... , . ,
<br />19.~t.,>latet~tlua";MkXt7N:~...:~TAP1:t.5i.AY.Arm.1.EE+~ft.l..S`~'r4NtSLRY.,..husb~ad.~E~d.xi~e
<br />S ttatl I.eaa At~aCiatl[atr a cei'ptiu asgase~ed ami tsati~ the laws trf 1°ha Utt~Ead';' e3€
<br />!--. s-le~ addrexa m 28I 9otsth 3t:rr~; Gsaad I~aerl, N { "I°*). v
<br />n
<br />.... Wtrea~s, Litnttrwer is in~ttd to I.tnder in the principal sum of ..FIFTY TFtOUSAND l1lVQ . P~(t UO-----;-d--
<br />....___ _w------------------_...-____~~Solhus, whidt ink is avideait:ed bP 8wrmwer's nat4t;- `
<br />tiatetil.... , ~ aRUdt:`Y . ~,. 19Q t ..... (herein `'Ntue'°}. ping far rnarithty itutail of prs:eipal :.
<br />with the balance of t~ mzs, if na soor>,sr paid, dtte grid payable on....Ft3bcuary .f, .2010......., ..
<br />To SacuaE to bender fa) the rcp~ayment of tip ii:debtedness evidenced by the Note, wkh interest
<br />tiser,earF t1~e"
<br />ps-ymenr of alt other suers, with interest thereon. advanced ir. accordattcx herewith to protect the security ~ thfa
<br />'tiicrrte, sect the performance of the cavetiants scut agmtnenis of Borrower herein com~ned, a~ (b) the`rtpaL
<br />at any ftutuc advances, with interest thereon. made m Borrower by Lender pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof- (hexdn
<br />"fFtrture Advances"), Barrorrer tlac~ hereby inortgagc. grant and convey to Lear the fotlawing deserihDd Fly
<br />i in tht Coatoty of .............. 1'i~tLi ............. - . - ......., Start of Nebraska:
<br />~.;T `~Ft;TY =,1~9t ;i~;, ~FitiTi;., iLi. ~.,ty~tti,t"{ Ira =-;tVrt9y-i'tl~ F 7t.CTI~N 2`',
<br />T©WNSHiP
<br />Lf.:.iCFJ f i 1 i _t(rr art ~~tw_t - HFc .,. .~ ~ -- a
<br />-- _.. ?'L. „~v,FTY, SEA=~~'t~A.
<br />
<br />crkich has tbs atk~Cat: of ............ . . '7~~ ~. ~~r<;~ ~ cn sxoao ..... ..... r~r;, : s I and....... _ ,
<br />tstr..tF ;€urt
<br />.:~hrastta ~t38~f . _ .. _ . (~seirt "Praperay Atidrrss");
<br />itwrs am ty c~osJ
<br />Tana"itlatl ad the d~ riaw nr hereafter erected an the groptrty. and at3 esxcrrtrnty, rim,
<br />r~s, rvyaltks, tnr~rsl. aril aitd riglNS atdl lero6ts. wrier, water rights, and water stock, and all
<br />!lt~sa ante ar htsFCafDSr attachett to the prtrpeFty, aii of which. indnding rcpiacements anti aciditiatxx thtreEa. xhail bt
<br />to ba and rtFaain a part ul the property c~wrretl br EFsis Marigagt: atxi sit of the ftxegving. itt~etbcr with said
<br />X ~~ ~ ~ if ebss fNortgtge ix an a Iraschald) art herein referred to as the "Property„
<br />lltrrrawcr-~ ihat i- fi7lixfully sewed of EIaE sssaate hereby cooveytd and has rite FrEht to axxtgage,
<br />aRd y ~ may. '-~ the Prttpe#y n unetu.~tiiabeFe.i, x~f Batt Borrower wit! warrant am} defexiei
<br />tks ~e to tMa Property agtiitrst all t;iaitres-anti dew, snlyect to any ~riara#iutts, eatctateois or t~trirtprns
<br />Ewer! a s~teslaia ~ eaitws to ctrver+tlte in any title insurattEar polie~r insstrirtg l.ctnkr'4 interest itt the i'raperty.
<br />1~,~-.: ~+ r,r~~ rs- ~railtittlt~ia iMil~aw rYCnl~t~R
<br />