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f;. <br />"'-~* <br />~~--(~U~i~~ <br />Letdsr's writttm agte~eat ar applicable Iaw. Harrower atutit pay the attmtmt ~ aB ttxtngage insuranat praaiwtn is Ues <br />~eeaer petivide+l undo pttttt$ra~ 2 becsof. <br />Aay smatnta dtalaeaaed by Leader ptuausnt ra this pnragaspb 7, with iatatest ttterrnn, dardi itaeatte ttti~tioeal <br />indebteda~ of Borrowsr srrttted try this Itfortgage. ttttless borrower and Lender agree to other iertns of payttetd, aradi <br />antartt~ he p tract notice Frain Lett zn iioPtatvet te4~~& tea a ,ent tF~reof, ~ shaH htrar ittt ,'aY frsm <br />-~ the rate. pR.yabls ircaaa time m tittle at+ ~ prineepai wtda the xofe fmkss pa}steett <br />its~ert~ at tab tart awoerid bt cadttary m ~ taw. in which event streh arna~ shad hoe iata'~st x eae ~ <br />tttaler applitable taw; Fiathistg tmrttai:rtsri in this peagrapia ~ ~taH nests Larder m ism egg expraae a talta <br />~ aJaee?itader. <br />iT: 5¢s~aa: T.eader tftay stairs ~ catree ux hs mark resaamable eatrid apon and i~rect~s of ~ Property; ptav&1gd <br />that Lcsder sfaaFl gt~ ilarrdwsr ewtiee prior m any sttctt irtspeetion specifying ra~tsrubie cage thttsfar related m Lsadv's <br />intttsst in tits Frope:ey. <br />S. GaieaesAasb The ptacxda of amt award ar claim for damages, ttirect or cnrnegtaeatial, in t sriilt eta <br />ttatnation or ether taking d the Property, or part thereof. ar for t:catveyance in }iett of cottdsennatian, ate httreby t <br />and sluff ix pssd to Ltntder_ <br />In the event of a gal taking of the Property. the proexe~ shah be applied to rite stints aectrcsd try this ft{attattge, <br />the sxctte, if cot;; pad to HotTOars. Tn the event of a partial taking of tht Property, trtrksa Horroarcr and Lserda <br />atf+xrwise agtc m smiting, tfrets snail tae applied to the soma secured 6y this Mortgage stxh ptoportiott of t!x prncseds <br />as is egad to tlmt proportion which the amount at the sums secured by thin >ytartgaae imrtrtdutsty pt'mr to rite date a( <br />,taki~ (xars ka fire ifis marks[ vsdue of tits PrapertY immediately prier to the date of taking, whit the tsaiatxe ar the paocaseds <br />paid ur . <br />if the Propety is abaadorted by Borrower, w if. after tmtirx by Ltttder to Horrasrer tt~ fist emtdamaot oifus m ttelte <br />as avrard or setfle a claim for danuges, Boerctsrer fain to respond to i.ender within 3A days aftu flu date writ notice is <br />rr~ted Lrn~r h atddlwrtaed to cafkcc sail apply the proeeztia, at l,ettder's aptiori, eit[xx m re~reion or repair of tilt <br />Property or to the slams stxored M this Mangage. . <br />Uttlee Lender and Borraarcr athertrise ogres in writing. env such apptiratian of procseda to principal shall tqt eattt:sd <br />og ptartparae the chse data of the ttmrt}tly itntalitrtents rcferted to in pxrsgrsphs t and 2 hereof m• change the amount of <br />etch iewatfrraema. <br />tY. ttisetaaer 3ttat Rte. Eatettsinn cf the trine fior payment er znodificatitan of urtortization of the stta~ secured <br />Lay t'tr is n'sartgage grantsd br lsr W anp tatcc~v to tnterest sal Burrtawzr shall oat apsrate to te;esae, in any ntansz, <br />the liability of the ariginat Borxtatser atx! Borrower's stac:.essars .n interest. Lrrtder stestt trot be regeired to cart®eeres <br />prttcesdings agaitnt stxh statxeasor or refuse ro emend ttttrc fee payment or othsrwiss modify amartirstimt of rtes soma <br />secured ter tteitr Mottgaia by reastxt of env tJernaad made tar the ariginai Borrower and Harmwer's naccessars in interest. <br />1f. Fas9eaaaste ti Lsir!tlaf a Wirer. Anv fortxarance hs' t ender in cserriaing env right or remedy hereunder. or <br />otherwise affttrsled by applicable tea. shah tint rte a waiver n€ er precLuhe the escrciae of any such right or remedy. <br />TAe procstrsnscnt at iarsuraax tx rite payment of taxes x Mher':iem a*r charges by l.rnder ;trail not Lx a waiver of Lender's <br />non to accelerate the taatuei4y of the iftdell+ta++drreas tecztrrd !w th:s Sdongapr. <br />iL lsatr6s Ctttspt6tlse. Ail ranedietr provided !n this Mortgage err diarinct arxi eumnlativt to am atlxr right a <br />renresfy ctetder tdtis ifortgagc or afforded !ry lea :x egmiy: and mac L+r ~scrc:vcst irot:~;srtrnttY- independently ar succE:ssireW. <br />t3< Saetaaws start Aaittae (fwa~ Jeias sari Scares! f.irb~h: t:apdats. ~5ar covenants and agreetttertts herein <br />t:ontaitasd that fund, and t#te ritE}trs lre:eutader shall mutt sa. ttx tr^spectrve aeeecessers artd aacigm of Lender attd Borrower, <br />aa$aeECt tct €he provisiatnt of paragraph !? hereof kit covenants and aertterrxrtts of 8cxr,rsrer shah i+e iaim and sexeral. <br />'die ~ seed beadire;s of dte pare;npfn of rhea Mcm{2ge are fcrr :~utvrnttnce ooh and arc rtcst to tee toed to <br />itztrsptst ~ ~e toe pnavniora kteteof. <br />f{. 2tSstdet. @xtxi}rt for mfr twtres required under applicable taw tsA Far ;teen rn arwutter tnarmer. !at saY notice to <br />Bott'atacr provided far in t}e~ 'Atartgage shad he ;even he matiirta sucfr oota:c Ln cznrRed mart adstrerard to Borrc*wer at <br />Yhs Froitsrty Ate ~ u stash other address as B~vrtswer coal tiesrgnax Fix notate to Lender ~ providetd ttsrcda. serer <br />(hi any tagtitt to Lender shag he gt+en M aertt6ed coati. return reeet¢t requested. to Cinder's addre't mated herein or to <br />steels saline adtit~ ~ Leader max designate ;+x tx~te<°e t3 E~nrn see ~ ittrxt~d hsrern ,Sin :rt-rtscs ;ttovidsd fta in this <br />>•fartgags matt Lte deeasted ro have taeesr ;even ec IRtxrosver or i order mutt gtcen in the tsaase:tet desgptated herein. <br />f3. Usk Fbietlst~; ~t Ense: Sersaidir. Thrx ;«rtts of mortgafe coxrthitres smtftmm cavertartis far natidaa! <br />Las :fd non-iartifor'm cataeaatns stith tiaaittd vartattcrrs by ttrnsdaYeeta to cansirtttte a :artitattn secetrrty irutrumem caverffig <br />real property. This MartgaFr staslt tee p}avvsrnrd ttv tear 'sw :sf the Itrriadicttnr+ to which the Property is Located. in tits <br />ttaesrt that arty proruarat :~ rlatrst Qf rhea A4ortgatste :?r the 4nte cxtrsftiets with apahk lea, strch :xtrs!lict shalt oat athA <br />oEtasr proviaiarn of tMa Ftitcwr~ or :rte altos whr:h an he given edet;t wltlstwt the cotdlictitas provision. atsd to thin <br />soil the prcrvifamaa of the k/at: ,~ ttte •ose are dty«'t~red to Fe severable. <br />!d. liasartsses's CsFs. ittrtt+tera 6e ftrtarstted a ctrnformed copy of the Note amt of this satattaaFe at the torte <br />~ raacsAitan ~ ahrt rscaa•+~nn haaat. <br />fT, 7'wasgsr r+t Lis tAtagsstt; aaaetagtlaia if ail ;x qty peat of flu Prnpsny ar an inaeeest ttrarem is staid or tratta#ered <br />by oerro+eet +eitbosH t.swdetr's priar wiitien ;~aassnr. excltrlirtg taL rite eresta,n of a Liss[ ar e~wabterae dinam ice <br />• !bL ttte crmtvset of a ptnehttae tnaatcw secarrtry interest for ltouxtaold appliancsa. ic; a tramfsr h'y devise. <br />dtrgmt or h7 opsratma td taw +~ Wa deaah csf s toanr tettaetr or edL the grant of am leaaetaotd inttresa of tMee Yeats or less <br />cot t ~ agtgaet is pw~sre. L~das mutt'. at Lsru3er's rrpttatt. declare ail the wins secnrtttl ter the ACoegspRt to fas <br />due and payable- !.cedar tgtaA Love gyred arch r#uron ro atxeferate if, ptsor m the sail or trasrder. I_eacier <br />and Lis ptuass to wdaaye< the PropsrtY M to tin aokd or trtmsterrrd ratfi agteentettt in wetting the the coedit of stilt person <br />is r a L sail the the eaterest p:Yabte set tits rums scouted by this atortgsga shadi de at aatfi rate as Lewder <br />es~®srat_ It t.+eadrr boa tvaivstd the to accsinare prtwided in thin pnrapaph I?, std if Brxeasrer's in <br />issastaat bas strecvesl a ~ amt aatepted in +rrihtrg by Lsmkr, tmtier stt~i reieaac Bttrroaer ftatn aB <br />this sad 'dams. <br />~ l:r +s tafch t±Earioo ~? atxtr5ers~, Lcrxlzr stark ttraef Bps©wtr tttttics t~ att~t5erstion in ~ca~cs whit <br />prrtafFap! ti tersest. Sueb notitce provide a period. of t~ lee than 30 days from the lag rite notice n treated within <br />teirieb isxenwsr' npY pay ffia ssaro dtteLeat due. ff Burrower faib ro {ray such Bunn prior m the expetatian of such period. <br />Lts~er ~. with frtrffier stesit'e ar ltd on Btxtaaer, ttrvtaks any remedies permitted by paragraph ig hereof. <br />slots-iF-aeottaa Gosetrr+ttaat's, Basrasaer a~ Ltnadsr further cavsrtaaret atuf agcte as fMioaa: <br />10. Aesdttaiaat ~ ar gastrlir# i• pae~rtrp6 17 tte:et; atAq lfossawaa's hasaeb a[ sal eseeaaat a <br />ggneatdoatt .d r tilt MaesBalge, ttsaitrBsrg ais caoratss.b rr !4 .etas doe stn eases ~ try ells <br />Lades jPtir tr asssiata~aa tlri reraB 6rder ae isnase r provided w t~ f0 tercel spst~ylat;r U? tie Irwelrt <br />tHl tits trraw tta~siaaf y s®s t~ bsmaefr 43i a titles stM Yes [bar Ji days lean sie der Lis asmtea Y aralisd w ltissasrww, <br />iilX eti>Ili ~ faaradh teaue M aas$ stet Nfi tier !sins ha aura steel Rrasei as sr iatase tie dale rpsafdsd i. Lis asdtw <br />t~ ttwlt~fa arallswdaw ail Ms tttasrs se~tsd iY nla tilatrt~e. tmatreirme i!' jedirirsl gaea:atls[ tttM aaM d Lis Pttrpe~t- <br />'fila tMFtla t9rai listfua iliaa• taranmat Yl fir right p tsfasdts alhn aecdraadet sell ne edit to set n fir lYasrtlsnre <br />/tameasilri; tiles ws~strYstaass d s dahtiF s atQ atttrr dMaaet d tiserar+eer is atxrfeatisa toed lardarrs. B. Iba basset <br />if asM stash ar ar irrirea Lis dam ~ n des asmka. twist r [.etairh aptisa teq tkeless tilt d Ar sates tatrand it <br />tgitls4taawssi~ dse iq/ g~tfe tsilisa! ftrrtiar dowsed read salty foraaiiess h3 )sdistai paaartlitd. (.seder <br />diMl it staAtr4ltrasilet is sect ~saersstitg tit tralaarrs sl fbssrlsaaata. tas~dlrttr, tat w tetrad tw ease d daeaw.rtsr~ <br />~iiwmwrelratM dirt <br />~ • flrlaMnms ~ A.etsdts°a aecideir~ian sae rtes wtm. aaGwed ity ti#a tuartat~. <br />ISstrAtsra t itsraR Hitt ~ w bttw trtsy ptateeatlf~t tfS' Lretdtr to aafortsc this Mwtgags dercaettentaed at any limn <br />