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<br />secured by this feed of Trust immediately prior to the date of taking bears to the. <br />fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the date o€ taking., w3zfi ttie <br />balance of the proceeds paid to BorZ'atser. <br />Zf the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aftsr notice by Lender t;,n <br />Borrower that the car~emaor offers to make an award at Battle a claim for.daasages? <br />fiarrosa~sr fails- to respond- to Lander within 34 daps after the date such- not9.ce ia- ma#:].ed,. <br />Fader is authosiaed to collect and apply the proceeds, at Lender `a option, e9.ther tai <br />restoration or repair of the Property ar to the sums secured by this Aced of Trust..- <br />Unless gender and Borrovet otherwise agree fn writing, any such application of <br />proceeds. to principal shall not extend or postpone the due date of the monthly install- <br />manta referred to in paragraphs I and 2 hereof ar change the amouat of such tnsCalImenta. <br />30. BORR£3WEA ?iE3T R~.£kSED. F,a€tension of the time for paysrent or modification of <br />amcsrtizatign of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any siuccessar <br />in interest of Borrower shall not operate to release, in any manner, the liability of. <br />the original Borrower and Borrower`s successors fn interest. Lender shall not be required <br />to commsnce proceedixtgs against such successor or refuse to extend time for payment or <br />atfwrrwise modify amortization of the suffix secured by this Deed of Truest by reason of auy <br />daffiattd made by the original Borrower and Eorrower"s successors in interest. <br />21. 7`L'RI:BE~Ittu~fCE BY LE"3DEA t}T A `~AZLE:3. Any foriaearance by Lender in exercising <br />sap right or r~dy hereunder, or otherwise afforded by applicable law, shalt sat be a <br />utaiver ar`. ax areelude the exercise of any such right ar remedy. The procurement of <br />insurance or tip paymene of taxes :ar other liens ar E.harges by Lender shall naL ba a <br />waiver of Leader's right to accelerate the ;caturitq of the indebtedness secured by this <br />Deed of Trust. <br />12. itE4fEDZES GU^^:fLZatTl:'E. Ail re~uedies er:~vid~d is± this :}Bed of Trust are distinct <br />and cusstlative to any other right .ar remedy <snder this ~etd of Trust ar afforded by law <br />or equity, std xay be exertis+ed ,~ancnrrentl±:, ludo-.aendeati~~:,r successively. <br />z3. SC~::ESSDRS Ai#D ASSfu~S Bfii.`33D' ..f3T..`;i ~ ~.'fL 1.::',gIL_T-'fF• C~:PTIO:~&. 'Phe <br />covenants and agseEmeats herein contained shall. hind, and the rights hereunder shall inure <br />to +•h;: r ri~a ~n~ assigns of lender ind Borrower, sub,ett to tf~ provisiane <br />, ,. .~ap~-______. -~_____.._...._, <br />of paragraph li hereof.•gQ;,il~h_aveaants and agrerments of 3orrower shall be joint and <br />several. The captions and headings of the paragraphs of obis aJeed of Trust era for <br />eanvenienr.e only aad .are not to be used to interpret ~3r define the provisions hereof. <br />;S. rOTIGE. cxeept i"or .tray notice require;: under applicable taw to be given in <br />another manner, (af anY wtice to 3orriiurer aravided *ar in taus Deed of Trust shall be <br />gfv by ~ilircg such aortae by uertizied fail aridrraacd to rrc-;per at the Property <br />~Idrarsa or at axu:h other :eddress ax 3errover :may aesi;nate by notice to i.ender as <br />provided herein, and (b} any such notice to t.<:nda•r shalt tae Riven by certified `fail, <br />return receipt req~stvxf, tc kender"s address stated iaerria, or to such attu:r address <br />of Leader fay desigaatsr by ncrtiee to fiaarrvwer as prsavided herein. Any notice provfded <br />for in this cad of 'f'x• shall bd daa-maed to nave trean yiv.;,n tta E}arrover or Lender when <br />gives in the m`a~r Seaignateci h+rrein. <br />I5. ilf1T£t3lL'? 7D tyP ,'`RL'W'i'• f',t-7~`FSt~ii'SiGG i.Ata• `~€:f:RABiLI'SY. This :warm of Deed of <br />Trust caf~inee uniform c~wenants, for aationa.i use and :3ao-unifors covenants with limited <br />variations by jurisdictiaz t~; conr#titute a eini.or~ sacurlty instrr:~at covering zeal <br />property. This Deed of Trust aha'.z >ae governed by the law of the jurisdiction is which <br />the i'rar~rty is lacatrad. In the event that any 3rovision or clause of this Deed of Trust <br />ar thaF f~ote ~+mfliets with «pplica'tsie 'aw, sorb 4:vnflict small not affect other provisions <br />Y€ t*,sis Did of Trrsst or ~h€r' g`ote wcc-^. c~n ~ivrn affect ~it!s~at t±~ ~_onflicting <br />provisio::, a~i to tiua LLrti ,>a4 pravi si_~ns ,Af ^_h~ Deed et '_'ra:st arui the Mate are declared <br />to bf ~verebl€. <br />15. fi°S C:QFY, 3orrrnrer shalt bti furnished a conformed copy of the '.date <br />anal of this id of Trust at rile time of execution or after recardatian hereof. <br />lI. T1~BEB, DF 1'~E Pf~Pf%R2Y; AB~,3`IPTZD~i If all or any part of the Property or <br />an-Lr-iKarc+st therein is sold ar trasaferred 4y &arrawer wlthout Lender`s prior written <br />ata~t, azcltnfing, {a) tin? ereatlaa of alien as encumbrance subordinate to this Deed <br />oft T1rufE, yr f~) a trsflBZ`er bq davisa, daat~t ar by operstian of lour upon, the death u€ a <br />jstis~t tc~ent, Lsteder Bey, at Leader's option, desists aI7. the sums secured by this Deed of <br />t7CUft to-bs i~eediatel,y due and payable. <br />ci r~a-vrlr ra$ Leaaedder"s option tv acce.lerst+a shall ~ subgeet ta: El) tires credit <br />of th+t purct~aar ;ar transfere+e being satisfactory th the Lender; t<} an assueaption foe <br />off x~t refs tttatt i~ of the th+sn outstanding principal balance paid to Lender C (3) than <br />fnteradst rata ad~ustasd tv t8f ;;endatr's current tearket rate at the date of solar ar <br />_{;~ <br />