<br />Borrower shall pramgtlp furnish to Lender all ter- 1 notices sad all receipts of paid
<br />premiums. In the event of loss, Enrrower shall g.:-e prcamAt notice to the insurance
<br />carrier and Lender. Lender may make proof a€ lass. if not made promptly by Borrower.
<br />gnleaa L~ad~r sad Borro~r ot:~r~~ wren in ~-titing, #.rsuranca proceeds sh~2i
<br />ba applied to restoration or repair of the Fraperty damaged, provided such restarat~on.
<br />or repair is ecenam3cslly feasible and the security of this Deed og "Frost is mot-tilere~iy
<br />iaaired. I€ such restoration ar repair is net economically feasible ar if tip aeneici~g
<br />of this Deed of Trust would be impaired, the insurance proceeds shall be applfed:to the
<br />sasffi secured by this Deed of Trust, with the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. if the
<br />Fraperty is abandoned by Borro~r, or if Borrower fails to respond to Lander within 3U
<br />daps from the date notice is mailed by Lender to Harrower that the insurance carrier
<br />offers to settle a claim far insurance benefits, Lender is authariaed to colleet and
<br />apply the arcs=.trance proceeds at Lender's option either to restoration or repair of tip
<br />Property or to the sums secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />tFnless Lender and Burrower otherwise agree in writis:g, uny such application of
<br />proceeds to principal shall not extend ar pnstgone the due date o€ the monthly install-
<br />m~ts referred to in paragraphs land 2 hereof or change the amount of such installments.
<br />If user paragraph 29 hereof the Property is acquired by Lender, alI right, title am3
<br />interest of Bartawer lit and to any insurance policies and in and to the proceeds thereof
<br />resulting Erase damage to the Property grim to the sale or acquisition shall pass to
<br />Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Deed of Trust iz~diately prior to such
<br />sale or acquisition.
<br />b. FBESE&VATION A.'VT; '1Al:iT~7AYCE 4#F P3~PEi.TY_ LEASExOI~S~ roxrn~sr*rrn~s. rr.suu~+o
<br />'.ALIT Di?YELQi'1`S. Borros+s?r rshatl zceep the Pr~gerty {_n goad repair and shall hat com;ait
<br />xaste ar permit impairment or deterioration of t#se Property and shall comply with the
<br />previsions of amp lease if this Deed ~>! Trust is nn a ieasehaid, if this Deed of Trust
<br />is on a unit fn a crndaminiusti or a planned unit development, 3orrow+er shall perform all
<br />of Barrow2r's obligations under the =#eclaration wr ,:ovenants ._reatirg or governing the
<br />eotsdtaatiniuxa or planned unit development, the by-lava and regulations of the eondaminitsm
<br />or planned unit development, and constituent ic~c:nse::ts. .f a condominium or planned
<br />=snit develops~nt radar is executati by #~rrrower and recorded together Frith Chis Deed of
<br />trust, the covessrents and agreements of such rider shall he incorporated into and shall
<br />amend and sugplnt t'._x covenants and agreemenes .at this seed of Trust as if the rider
<br />were a part hereof.
<br />?. PROTECYIC7Y JF LEJiDER'S SFCT..'AiTY. :f 3nrrvwer tails to perform the covenants
<br />and agreements Lan coined ix: this Deed of Trust, or env action ar proceeding is
<br />eneed which aaterially affects '.tinder's interest fn the PrrapertY, including, but
<br />not limited ta, eminent dam€tin, insolvency, coc#e enforcement, or arrangemeents ox
<br />proceedings involving a t~ankrupt ;sr decedent, t#aen i,zstder at Lender's option, upon
<br />notice to Borrower, may make sueh appe;srances, disburse such sums and take such action
<br />as fs necessary to protect Lender's fnterest, including, but not limited to, disbursement
<br />zf .eaten=ble attar~y's fees ~' _..try „~;:,.. ,:.e Proper tz ¢mska repeats,
<br />Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant to this paragraph 7, ~sith interest
<br />thereon, shall bmeomt additivnai indebtedness of ~arrnwer securec# by this Deed of Tru.sE.
<br />Ihilesa Borrower and Lender agre+~ t;a other terms of paytaent, such astuxcnts shall be
<br />papable open notice from Lander tea rrawer requesting pav€sent thereof, and shall brat
<br />fnterest from the date of disbursement :st the :ate <;f Seventeen (373 ~> unless
<br />pe7wetat of interest at such rate :could 'ar cz,ntrary *_a agpiicable law, in which event
<br />sueh ameuata shall bast :merest at the hig#;est rate permissible under applicable law.
<br />'!itsth.#ng eonCained in this paraa,raph' shall rzquir~ i...nder to incur ;any nxpenss of take
<br />~p ~Ctioss hereunder.
<br />8. iAtSPBCTlti~#. Leader may seeks cr czsuse t~~ be ride reasonable entries upon and
<br />isespectios-s of the Property, provided thsC Lender shall ;;ive Borrower cacaos prior to
<br />arty a~sch ia~.spsotian specifying reasotsabie cause. therefore related to Lender`s interest
<br />f n the 3tr.~assrr-e-v _
<br />-~-- -=
<br />9. C~ll'ION. Z2s.+ proceeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or
<br />cas:se+~utisl, in eoaaectian with any ~:ondes¢nation or other taic#.ng of the Property,
<br />ar part ehareaf, or for ccanveyanee in Lieu of condemnation, are #~ reby assigned and
<br />rlaall t;ffi paid to Lender.
<br />iu the went of a total taking of t#~e Prap®rty, t;re proceeds shall be applied to
<br />the a aaeuxc~ by this 4}eed of 'frost, with t~ excess, if any, Paid to Aarrawe~r. In
<br />cart event of a gatrtial taking, of the Property, unless Harrower and Lender otherwise agree
<br />1n +elFititag, thsrg sdxn2l bc~ applieri to the soars secured by this Deed of Trust suctz
<br />g[srg'uct'ioa of tht proce~rds as is Pquai to that pregc~rti€Fn w'irich the emount of char sums
<br />~3-
<br />