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.. :, <br />w. <br /> <br />The Fonda stall be held by Lender. Lender shall apply the Funds to pap said <br />taxes, assessments, insurance preen#ums and ground recta. Lender may not charge for so <br />holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account or verifying and compiling said. <br />aaa~ss~ats and bil#s, Lender gh~.l give to S*,~o~er, w#thout sl~rge, an annual <br />accatsating of the Fuada, showing credits and debits to the Fantle cad the purpose for <br />wlxich sash debit to the Funds cans made. 'Tire Funds are pledged as additional secarity <br />fvr the soma seCUred b9 this IIeed of Trust. <br />Zf the aa~unt of the Funds held by Lender, together with the fataze ~sotxthly <br />installments o€ Funds payatie print to the due dates of ta~:ea, assessments, incarnate <br />preaaiums and ground rents, shall exceed the aunt required to pap said takes, as~ess- <br />ffiattits, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fa11 dae, such escesa aha11 be, at <br />Borrower's option, either prostptly repaid to yurrower or credited to Borrower oa monthly <br />installments o€ Futxis. 1€ the a~runt of the Funds held be Lender shall not §e sufficient <br />to pay taxes, assessments, insurance premiums and ground rents as they fall due., Borrower <br />sha11 pay to Lender ant amount necessary to make up the deficiency within 30 days from <br />ttc date notice is mailed by Lender to Harrower requesting payment thereof. <br />Dpon payment in full o€ all sums Secured by ti:is Deed of 'Trust, Lender shall <br />prtiy re€uad to Bcxrrawer any sands held by Lender. :f under Paragraph i8 hereof titre <br />Property is sold or the Property is .otherwise acquireii by Lender, Lender shall apple, ao <br />Inter than iasmediately prior to the sate of the i'r:apertr ar its acgaisitiaa by Lender,. <br />nary Funds held by Lender at the time of application as :~ eredit against the sums- secuzed <br />by this Deed of 'irtast. <br />3. ~,PPLICAT?~ DF pA`;`iE~d"I`5. t:niess -~ppi>cac~ La» prop,ides athervise, a12 payt~nta <br />received by Lender antler rite `klte and paragraphs i and ~ `aereaf shall be applied by Lender <br />first in payment of amounts p:ayabie tc Lender by 3crrr:;tser under aaragraph 2 hereof, then <br />to interest payable c?n t;te ~stc. :he^. to the pri:~€-;. ai ..a. 'he :;c~tc. <br />4. ~BARCEa; fI$.'iS. &arraver sttali ;~,~s 3.: ta~:vs. ssstssaents and other charges, <br />firs .artd im{aosi.cians attributable to t'*.e ~re~pert•e x..A.-: a:a•,~ .attain a priority over this <br />wed of Tr-sat, and le3sel`.cid payr~nts rr ~r~5unc' -. ,_ .= an}•, n the rennet provided ender <br />paray?raph ~ here<>f err, if sot p.iid in >u.:h ~~a^::~* ~4v °~,rr~ r -ak'~tg pay~aent, when due, <br /> ~., .,.. ;.,;yes ~....r~x;f. ~{...._~. ~.._._, .. ,-..wish ~v :.ender all noti:es a€ <br />amouats•~iue under this para~;r.aph, and t.a t:ce .even*_ySk~rrover Shat: mks payment directly, <br />Sorra+rer shaiz rramptly furnish to 's.ender rtceigts evid:>na~inF such payments. grower <br />hell pr~4tsptiv :iis:rxe any lien •~',cich has prt~~rit~s aVe=. this wed oY 't'rust; grov#ded, <br />teat Burrc-rarer sb$ii neat €:-e required t3 3isc3;ar~r .a:~z au~i~ lira s<. ?gag as corrower shall <br />agra!~ i.^. :zricCag tw *_he pays~nt of th+~ nb33~a~ti;~n se~urea by such lien in a canner <br />sc;cepcal:i+e to i.a:nder, :sz shall in uo+ad :.with -nnt~~st sac =c _ien ny, ar defend enforcement <br />if sorb iizn in, teen:. pr~cee*iicags :sir.: ~~:rat~ .t, ~r.~ei:t e~ c.nforcant a€ the lieu <br />ar or~Qitur~_ „t ~.e ~'rsspertr .,c an= ;art t'~~rc~.=. <br />~. r"i~L'B~i+ k:f~ti+~;`5. ~xrrrravaar s.a=l +reN;; 'ae iapr3vea~nts nov existing or <br />hereafter erected .,yr. the prespa-rt+ , .asured :a~ni:l5it ..:s5 "sv .ire, hazards included within <br />the reran ~'+xtandarrl ca?veraye" .ens: sa~~h ,t:~r ic~exaria as trader may require, in the <br />amount equal to the a..oan hal.ance, .ar .a-r not :e~:s -:°wn '_" .~f the zu2l replacement <br />values of the i.~are~vemaaxts, vhic'sarvrr is ;rtiata.:r, :as e~atabiished by a ~_ampetent insurance <br />appraiser. i~~prehsensive ~enerai pubi;_ ? i3bilit insurance •rii: also be obtained, izt <br />a co~any aceeptab7.e to the ?,ender, ±".rr .sn :i~iuri amt egs ti~,aa ? SC~.t3Q{).JIT combined <br />single iizait. Bcntai ..slue insurance zr,~i tc the value far a six-fseanth period <br />as gstatrlisised by a <=caeaiaetant insurance appraiser, sttali also Ire carried throughout the <br />to>ra of tine loan. ~ - x - ° '- a ~-~--:' 1 <br /> <br />''be insurance carrier pra:viding ts`~ ic;suranee szsall be e~hosen by Borrower subiect <br />to agprcvaS. by Lander; provided that Bch agpr~,val shall not be unreasonably t-i.tiaheld. <br />All premiums zn insurance policies stuaii tae paid in the :naaner provided under paragraph 2 <br />hereof, or, ii rsr~t paid in such mnner, by iScarratrer Raking pays~nt, v.*tten due, :?ire€tiy to <br />the fnsuratnce carrier. <br />In the event any policy is net renewed an a;r besore ten days Of its expiratican, <br />thi- I;iaBsia'+r, to prvt~t it:s interest, may prcrt:uge in$ctraaace on the irapravements, pay the <br />preeis~s such seam ?tec~? mme<fiataiy dae .and payable with Interest at the rate <br />sat #nrCh in awi#d oasts until paid and shall ire secured b`r this Deed of Ttvse. Failure <br />by ~rrctesr tax cottgrly say. at tits optiern o€ lender, constitute a <;e€;tu1t antler tare tet:rss <br />a~ thtia e3 of ~r~sst. <br />A,II i.nauc:~ pe>1ir.iasa and renewals tizerexaf sha~il Ise itt €:3r=a -ace:epta3sie to fender <br />sail tfuae r staseu},atd ~rtgagv cl~aeast: ire `avor of 3a:: in ferre;z acceptable txr <br />fir, temnde€ saiI,S haven that right tar hot=; the poiis_ie~a =and renewals ther?vi, and <br />„~9t <br />