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2 - <br />i / - - <br />- ~ ~ - -. <br />4 <br />DEED DF TRUST $ ~ ~ V ~{ ~ [1 <br />TkI5 DEED OF TRUST is made this. 2nd daq of Januazy <br />1S 61 , ars~g the Trustar, '1'~` ~' ~.~ ~ •~3'T €3F y~ <br />9 <br />(herein "Borrower"7, <br />Hasp (herein '"Trustee', and <br />[he Beneficiary, FSRST FEDERAL SAVFN85 A#D LOAN ASSOCIA'rI4N 0P LINCOLN <br />a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States of America;,s~se <br />address 1s 1235 N Street, Liacoin, Nebraska 68506 (herein "Leader"), <br />Barrawer, in consideration of the indebtrciness herein recited and the trust Iserein <br />created, irrevocably grants and eanveys to Trustee, in trust, w#th power of salex the- <br />fallowing-described property located in the County of Hall Stale _ <br />of Nebraska: - - <br />Lots One (I}, I'~ia (2) and Three (3), Setag Subdivision, in the <br />City of ~",rand Island, E?a11 County, Nebraska. <br />which has tix. addr~r;+ra >>r `708-:8O6-~H.7.ti .west .?ld vale Road, r:rand Island. Nebraska <br />-. V. ~~_~_____-_.. '-harem "Property Address"), <br />TiIGE"^~fER 4J.TF? .iii i:"tproyc~:iz~t.~ ;,_x -;r ;,z.,E.u~.r:r c-rectei; nn the property. and all <br />e3se~sents, righr;~, appurtenances, rents isu^_;rrt, ?±crvever, t3 the ri~,hts and :.-t3xarities <br />given heroin to Lender *_s.i -~riiect .3n~ .zpply suc:'~ .~ntsi, rccaltit~s, -iiaeral, aii and gae <br />rights anti? pea; its. vatcer, eater ri~iat,;, ind :darer ,_e<-~;, and .ail Efxtures now ur <br />laereakter the ;ar=~nert~, .aii >f ;::si:~h. nr.auding replafezaents and add itians <br />thereto,shazi be .~,eetried to ae and rr.~iia :r Hart v~ _hr rroP.zrt.° -avered by t:sis Deed of <br />Trust, an=4 sli ,=f tine.*":zregain„.. t,~e>t',ac,r ::ltr ,si rnn~r*y t„r the l~asehald estate if <br />this Oeeu' .~E Tr~3s~ i3 :an .a ;.~a~°ho,., =r.r ia.~rri:a . c .,.=r-_=1 _., rs *_h:= "'?'ropert~ , <br />°.'0 §EC4~?tIi to .a+t.der t;~ .t_;~.ay~•nt ctr.• _rn4et;t~~. <br />;^~=s3 s=~.~idtnce3 by }}arrcwer'S note <br />dated a: even irate nerr>.rith ne^cr:^ , _ ... .tae . "'_nc:faal un or_' <br />SE'4i h'L'NDRED is~F.*:T'#-rT'~£ ~`filr sa,,,~a . 1z '~ -_ _ rG - -------#k?ilars fS 7~5,` O.OO--_-- } <br />with interest thereon, 7r_r•.i;linh .,. •~....~... ..~~~;;-x,,xts ~~r ;arineipal ,nd interest, ,*ith <br />t!:e ±'alaca;.e yak re indcbt ,~. <br />t ~~z::t-at,, i; ~=_ax:r::~* ;zai.i, :ur :,n=l payable on <br />Febra:ary 1, l'..~...._.._ __ ~ th,, ~xa'~rnt :~f :rL susas, a«ith interest thereon, <br />advsaseed l,aa acc;~rdsnce tirer.t~s ;~*~vt , ~,~e~arat ;Et` tiFis :iced ot" Trust; and the <br />perfarmanez' of t.te ,: erenant;? any: arir.-e~m~:nt: _. °';~,±-r aver `tere~in :-ontained. <br />Sarraraer .~~+r.-ye^.nzxt: t.kzt ~.~rr=.;~rr is =~:~i;;i.~ „t{4a :,t the estate 'zereby conveyed and <br />has the right to 4rant an~i ,-•.:nv~~v t',rt ?r,~pert•., tkuzt r~,Preperry is unencumbered, and that <br />Farr<rwer wfli warts:at and -3eznd >;ener:ai?~ the riti~~ :~ tibE' property aKainst alt claims and <br />demands, s.jrject tv .,.::} erl.sra*_inns, ,.~a:>{..c-ntz ;r -~4tr*:>>tions listed ir. a schedule of <br />exceptions to :-.average in a:~v title irsur~sn:e pt?il_y insuring tender`s interest in the <br />Pruprrty. <br />t=:kllIt*t CL~V%`'W'E'T5. 3c?rrower anc; ..e- .f . , :.y~nant ~.nd .isyzee .3s toiiaws: <br />:. ?AY'~CE2.'7 UP PRI:wC.FAL AND "ric'at'%ST. ~s;rrcoaer .~nai; ;.rrzra¢t+ pay when due tfce <br />ri~t~t of s~ i^.°rest ~,.= the fac3tedyess avidea3 e>d ~y the Iate,••nrepaYment and <br />late c,hergetz as providesa in t}~ '~.~ec. <br />.. yt`;YUS Ft#t 'i~i;ES_:1*u"} t.iaURA`i[.k. 4ub,ge,-t to :rpYlicable law ar tea a wr#tten <br />waiver by Leerier, Barr€xs,r~r shall nay to L==adQr <_an r~ eay ~:nt::ly iestallmenes of <br />principal and interest arse p:ayahir under the 'rote, until the 'kate is naid in full, <br />a a~ (!trretn "1'ztttds") €zlual to nna-twelf`tit :~k the yearly taxes and :ass+essments ayhith <br />aay detain priority nyer this "wed ok 'Crust, .and ground rants on tip Property, .ik aaty, <br />plus e-tvelftit tsf yearly preml.rm 'ttstallznts for hazard insurance, ail as reaairnabiv <br />eattat~taxi iulc#,,iljy sad irom tip to tip ha. I.errder vft tiro basis .,r assr~esments and <br />bills grad re,~sarxable extites thereof, <br />