~P -reCDrCfe? d
<br />St. Cnadetnaaffon. 'Tee proceeds of any award or .lawn fnr damage>, drrt::t or cansrquenuat, w connection wtth any
<br />condemnation or wher tale mg of eM: Progeny, or part tfxrmf, or for conveyance m lira of condemnation, are htreby assigned
<br />and shall hs paid to Lender
<br />Ir. the evert of a total :eking of the Property, the proctrda shall be appittd to the same sacurW by this Detd of Trust,
<br />vrith the excess, if any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a genial taking of tfre Property, unless Borrower and tender
<br />otherwise agrce m writing, tM:rc shall tx applied to the wens secured by this Detd of Trust such proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is egtml tp that proporion which the amount uC thesrn;s sscurW by [his Deed of Trust immrdiatsly prior to the dais of
<br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immWiatsly poor to the date of taking, with the balance of the proceeds
<br />paid to Borrowrr-
<br />If the Progeny is abandoned by Borrower, or if, aher naix by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor ssRers to make
<br />an award or settlt a claim for damagcx, Borrtnvv fails to respond to (xndrr wohin 30 days after the date such rwtice is
<br />mailed. Lender is authorized to collect and app{y the proceWs, at Lervyels option, either to rsstoralion or repair of [he
<br />Propcrry or to the sums securW by this DeW of Tewt.
<br />Unless I ender and Borrower otherwise agrtt in wriunq, any such apphcabon of proceeds to principal shall not utend
<br />or posiponr tht due date of iht monthly installments referred to m paragraphs I and ?hereof or change [he amount of
<br />such mstallrnenls.
<br />Id. Harrower fVoi Released. Extension of the ume for payment or mrxlification of amoniratron of the sums secured
<br />by Ihrs Reed of Trust granted by Lander to any succeswr m mterest ut Firxrower >hali not operate [u release, in any manner,
<br />Litt (iahility n( the ungmal &~rrowrr anal Borrower's successors m interest. Ltrrdrr shall no[ ter required to commence
<br />proccedings against such successor or recast to extend ume for payment or otherwise modify amoniza[ipn of the sums
<br />ucured by this Dced of Trust by reason of any demand made by ihr ongmal Burrower and Borrower's successors in interest.
<br />11. Forbewasue by [.ruder Nof a Waiver. Any forbearance 6y Lender m exeroing any right or remedy hereunder, or
<br />otherwise afforded by applicable law, shall not ne a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />The procurement of insurance or the payrtu:m of taxes or'other Irons or charges by Lender shat{ not bt a waiver of Lender's
<br />right to accelerate the maturity of the mdeMrAnus aecVrgd by this Deed of Trust.
<br />IZ. Rems67es Cumnbfire. All remedies prnr+aftd-in `tors Iked of Trust are dssttna and cumulative to any other nght
<br />ar remedy under this Deed of Trust or aflordW by IoW or eywty, and array be exercuW concurrently, intlependenL'y or
<br />successively. f ~•
<br />13. Successors sad AsraKaa florrAl; JaW sad Several l.labauy; Captloas. Tht .:ovenan[s and agreements herein
<br />contsined shall Mod, mod the rights hereunder shall wore 4u, the respective wcceasors and asssgns of Lender and Borrower.
<br />subltct to ilea prnvuians ok paragrskph l1 hernsf All euvrnants noel agreements of Borrower sha{E he joint and several.
<br />T'fx cagawns and headings ut the paragraphs of the DreJ of 'Trust are far convenience only and are not to 6e usW to
<br />interpret or dsiSne the pravuiotss•tprtessf.
<br />lA. NWks. Ezoept for any nonce reywrrd under :rpphcanle law io be given m another manner, la) any •nouct w
<br />Bnrreswer providrJ fur m this CyceJ of Trust shalt !x grrcn by marling such nonce by certified mad addressed to Borrower at
<br />ehe Property Address or ut ainh whey addross us Borrower may designate by notice m Lender as (xovided heron, and
<br />tl'.6! oily not€ct tp l.cndtr shat! M: germ by centfiW nand, return rccript rrquntW. !o Lender i address statW herein or to
<br />nw:h other addrrsx as Lender may designate by nonce w Borrower cis pasvzded harem. Any notice provided (or in this
<br />9Jisrd of Trust shall !w: dtemcd to have bean given to Borrpwrr ur Lender when given in the manner dtsignatW heron.
<br />15. Daiiorm iJetd of 7'rast; (;oreruiatt l.aW; Ssrsnb8fty. This loan ul derJ ut trust comMnrs ismfurm caveaants (nr
<br />nananal use and non-uniform covenrnts wnh hmdW vanauons by Ituisdiction to cnnshtute a uniform security instrument
<br />-"ovenng real property. Thu Derd of Trust ,hall ht guvernrd by the law of the turisdmuon in which the Properly es located.
<br />In the event that any provision ur clauar ut IMs 1>rW tit Trtsst nr cite iVwe .unflicts wnh applieable Ixw, such conflict shall
<br />eat atIect other provisions of this DtW of Trust or the ~Nwe wMeh tan be given el(cct without tkre conflicting provision,
<br />and to taus red the provisions of the Deed ut Trust anJ the Nute att deaarrd to tx aeverahle.
<br />f6, Borrewer's Ceipy. Borrower shat! br tun:ohW a canlurmed copy of the Note anJ of this Derd of Trust a Ihr time
<br />ut exccuuun ur alter rtcurdatwn hsrenl.
<br />l7. Traasfcr of fhe Progeny; Aesnmptlan. 1( all ar any part of Iht Prgperty ur an interest therein is sold or transferreJ
<br />k,y Burrower without i.er,der's prior wnt[rn consent, exrtudmg Iar she 2rsaiwn ut a hro or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />this Dsrd of 'Trust, (b) the crea[son <>f a purchase rnuncy •.rruruy ;merest far htmaehoid appitanefs, i c 1 a transfer by devise.
<br />Jrxsrd m by operation ut law upon the death of a (amt tenant or - -
<br />Lender eta>, at Lrnder'a ulrtba. Jrclare alt the sums sesureJ by thu Deed of Trust to be
<br />ummsdiately dur~, and payable. Lender nhafl hour waoved such o~w.m to uccekerate if, prior to the sate or transfer, Lender
<br />+wxd the prrsr.n to whom!hs Property is to ce stri8 ur nrannfrrret rrmvh agrceinrm w writinJf that the credit of such person
<br />:s sattsfastury to Ixndrr aW that the irleresE payable .tit eltt sums sccurrd €~y this Deed of SfusS elan!! tx :tE such rate as
<br />1_tnrler 3ha:l err;u=sE If t.cnder has wai;•~! tkte option to s~.cErra3c pre=aJe:d +:: th:, paragrapfs i 7, anJ t'. isurruw-re's successor
<br />ice tmtrsst has t.xeruted a wrriten assuenpuun agreenrcnt scatp(tJ w wining by LeieJrr, i_ender shall relensr Bnrrowtr Irum
<br />as`# ot>#~igatiaua u - -r this Deed ;=i T reset and the Notr.
<br />I( Lender rxercrses such option to ateeltrarc, I ender shall mad Borrower nonce of ~cetlrr-anoa i aceardanee wnh
<br />paragraph is herrx,t. Such notice shall prov+Jr n prri,nf of riot ins than 3U Jn}s from the date the nonce is mailed wuhin
<br />which Barrowci may pay the sums JeelaroJ Jue. If Bun owei fad; w pay weh wens poor w the expiration u( Such period,
<br />Lettder may, wuhuu[ further nwue nr demanJ un Borrower, mw#r any remeJics perm+tieJ by paragraph I g hereof.
<br />Nuiv-Unttuknr Cover4em ie. Borrower and Lrndti further nntuanl µnJ agree as [allows.
<br />18. Acceteratiou; Rrmrdies. Except m prorided is parageaph t7 hereof, spun Borrowels breach of any caaeaant or
<br />agrermenl of Borrower in Idis Ueed of Tnest, ixcludiag the rot rrwwes to pay When due axy soots secured by this Deed
<br />of 'Trust, Leader prior ro accrkratiun shat! mail notice to Borrower its prusided ix paragraph 10 hereof specUyirrg: II) the
<br />breach; l2f flee acl{ou required to curt such breach; (31 a dale, not teen Ihaa lU days from Ibe date the notks is mailed to
<br />Borrower, by witch wrh Harrah nursY be cured; noel (dl [bat faiturr Ia rice sereb breach oa or before the dais speeffied
<br />in the xoikr Wray re>uli in acceleration of the sums secured 6y [pis Ihrd of "Trust and sale of the Progeny. 77re rrNLcs
<br />s{uru ianher iGf::piirr B:;:owes ;tf tt!e right to rs}ns(afs after a.crkralgrr and /he righ( to bring a Born action to axsen
<br />ikt eM;n-a:islsacs of a default ur any dhrr defense of Burrawrr to aresisraffon and stele. If fhe Drearh is na[ carrel
<br />on ar brfrvre Ihr date spec(trsd is !be nutfce, Lender a1 Leadels oµtioa may declare aU uE the soots secured by this f)erd
<br />xE'Trmt to he fmarsdialefy doe send payable w(Iiout funirr dewaad cad mwy inrake the power of salt acrd any wher remedfes
<br />psrmltled by applicable law, l.rader xhali bt entiUed to collect a!{ reasunabk rose noel ex(sexses incurred hr prrswxg the
<br />rrsardies pine ided in tb{s par:p(raph Ig, including„ but nd limited lu, reawnaWe attaroey'n fens.
<br />If tie power ui sale is inaoked, Trustee shalt rtrurd a iwlicr of default in eacA cauuly in which the Progeny nr some
<br />paps ticereuf ix Fexnled and scud/ nsstil copies of Burn notice in the manxrr yrracribed by applicable law to 8orruwrr sad to tit
<br />otkier persaas prescribed by applicable law. After lfae Wpsr of _aci time m may be reyufrtd fry applicable WW, Trsrs[ee Watt
<br />g{ve pubBr wti:ce of safe to tie persom axd in fhe moaner prncriicd 6y applicable law. Trustee, wGhmrt ekewaad ox
<br />6orruwsr, siaB seB tlx Progeny sl prhlk atrctum !a ter hisieq DitWer M /be flax sad plan and under t~ trews dtsa{aNed
<br />is the ttutice of sale ix nee w nNUe parrsk and fro srui order as 1'twtee may delermites. Trrslee may pers(paae eels of dl
<br />or .ay parcel of the Praptny iy public anuswsrceweat W i~ flair and place of say previously sa-iredtded sale. i,endsr or
<br />t.ra9er i eleslgaes may parclrasr SAe Praptrty at itwy sale.
<br />I;poa rereipi of payment of fhe pries bid, Truster stray delfarr is the panhasrr frus[rrb decd eunveyine the Propsrt}
<br />sedd. The rsci(ais fa fhe Trustee's deed sbW1 br prima foie eridewce of the truti of the statements rnide Ibsrtia. Trustee
<br />sfrpff apply (ire prorteds arf f(u sate iw ihr fa1MWi'(~ wdsr: Ss) to aU reasoaabk costs turd rxprnsrn of tie sale, inciud{ag. bit
<br />aW lfrxftrd far, 7~rrsiet a fees of mr! mars (hen 1! 1 O f 1 `b of for giro sake price, reatonabls attorney's fees and cuxts of
<br />tide cridancs; (tr) is a8 srxu xarce6 by ibis Ueed of l tint; sad 4cf cis ezctss, if say, to the person ar persom Iglayy ewtMled
<br />tierexa.
<br />t4. liarrowtls iiipit to iiriasiate. Non. dhatendmg 4ndefa acaderauon of the aunr, sccureJ by thu Decd of Trust.
<br />___ s#rars have ehe rtgnt en nave any pruartdwga begun by I.rndrr to cornier chi Died ui Trust .haauntrnurJ et
<br />any.hrtu;rpnur lu the tadrer to ,.a..ur of ui nx; fihh Ja} t+rfure tiro vae or eM; Yrolxny pursuant tit the power of sale contauttJ
<br />nr tbl<tTecd of Trusf ur {uj entry of a iudgntcnt cufara+pg thy (?rid of "i rest if ea} Bur rower pays I ender ah aunr3 wMeh wonlJ
<br />ter ihrs Jut :under this f)rrJ of Y nut. the Note anJ ::aicv a-aanng Fumrr AJvauce,, rt any, had e cefrranoit , unrcJ.
<br />Ib} 7xeruwcr ail brtac tits +., any other .uvepanty ur agrrcrnciurs rf &nruwm auatasneJ tar +a Otis Detd +sf Trunf
<br />tai lLisu'uwu pa>+"aa rrawnab7e rst~.nses iw.w rid Lq Len.kr and touter rn snfnrhng ihr r. .anti anJ age •einepts ut
<br />ik,rr:,wrr aantarncJ z, rh+s Deed !•t (ru~i anJ m enlurung I,nsJer\ .end irustcs's mmeJies .ovpu~.ukd m paragraph !t1
<br />hrxrvt. ;ur.hrJSe:y, fvt oar i.tnatd tai t nrahkr .ator neyl fcc s, anal td! Namrwti ;,#es > rcre xnoru a. al etudtu era} ttawnaide
<br />tequorc .cs c,.u-e its; the ?ror+ :~f thsa L7red ..i Fruw. 1 endrr s rococo .,r eiu- i'rot~n. end Huu u„tr-s uhirganw, t•: pay
<br />