the' sums sxuted by ihx Da^d of Trust :.da•t rnattrate unopposed. upon such payment and cuFe by Borrower thn Deed of
<br />Trust std the obiigatioas secured hereby shah terpa+n ur full fora end ettxt n rt tw aecekrateoa had occWrW.
<br />~; Aes(~reteet of IReetr, App~fetoeas of Rr•raiveF: ladrY ii paasasiaa Aa additwnal seeurify hereusukr, Banower
<br />hCF~Y tttsrgttS (O [.ender the rents Of fht Property, provided that BOrtOMer shalt, proF w aCClferMiOlr eltder puafraph lti
<br />hedteof ~ abandonment of the property, have she riybt to tutkcs and retain sech reins as they becotere due as4 payable.
<br />Upon acoeteratian Wrier para~tt. t$ heratf a abmsdoa~ of tAe ProPp'sY. t.ersder, in petsen, by aaesrt or by
<br />ppantuf raxaivu, shag be arottled w mteF upon. uke pasaesssoss of and the Property sari w crofleet ehe
<br />s,~thea psopen~ includ4y those pm due. All rents cokteeted by i.aoo+er or [ht reseim be ap~fied fuu to pnY>+~en
<br />of ~ tasty of tnanarntatt of the Propdty and toNectien of Feels, ineftsSMa, bus tmt limised t0. taaver's fay. pteetiums
<br />oe receiver': tiumb and reawoable attrxney's fay, and shed w tpe susrts sattred by this Ibed of True. l.rndcr and Ibe
<br />recover At~l be tiabk w accipatt Defy [or shore rests aauilry reocived. w faN recanv of the Pr
<br />1f. FnYttse Aiv~tas. Upon e~aq of Borrower, i,ersdcr. at [srrder's option. prwr eyance apertY
<br />6y Truues~ w Borrower, may aWca Ftuure Advances w £orrower. Such Fmwc Advance:. wet4 iatereu tLtseeo, slt~ 6e
<br />sea+rcd by shit Dad of Trust when evidarced by ~ notes stW ing that said notes oar reload bt7eby. At tq Tipte sAW
<br />the principal aFaouat of the inde6tedtress sepsr~ thu Deed of Trus4 Dot including sums adv~~n a~adente hrcrcwah
<br />rs prates tfx saussty of this Deed of Trua, exceed the oripeal atnouat of the Nate phu t13 T--. atVs:l7,U_...._.__.....
<br />Yt. iseeeareyaea. ttpop paytnmt of elf sWns secured by [his Deed of Trtts[. [seder shall request Trutta w reatuvey
<br />the Property Wtd shelf surte+ukr this Dud of Trust and all rwta evidencing indehtednass secarW by this Deed- ~ Trrw
<br />w Tst(siee. Trusts shall ttmnvey the Property without wuramy and without charge to the ptxson a peraoas kgagy
<br />entitled thereto. Such person or persons shall pay aB coos of raordatirnp if say.
<br />33. Sir6a8tele Traesa. Lender, az t.uufer's nptian, may from time to lino remove Tr(sua and o ppoiot a saaeswF
<br />trtsmee to any Truswe appomtai heteurtder by an irutnmtart rxorded in the counsy in which this Deal f That is reeasded-
<br />Wixtout convtyaere of [ht Property, the suoceswr tsussa: shaft succad w sil tht tide, power ud. dulls-amftFFed upoa
<br />the Truaee hesop atul by applicable law.
<br />24. Rgwt for fYatfes. Borrower sequeus tit copies of the notice of default sari notice of yak 6e rein to HorroweFY
<br />addrta which is the Property Address.
<br />g
<br />,,..
<br />Lx Nhnaess WxeattaF; Borrower has eucuted this Deed of Trust.
<br />j(~~_ n n
<br />~ ~ . ' t3 use -eanw..t
<br />r -a,smor.r
<br />Vioky ~,uaty~i'~
<br />81rA1TB'~~: ipP W~BBBftStCA'l
<br />~ ss.
<br />CotatTY of I
<br />,~ G ~.
<br />~{( Ths foregoing inatrusent was acknowledged before me this 1 .day of...
<br />December ly 86 by ,Teddy p, Clause .and Uicky 3 . • C?latrse • as' HuSb3tid' and
<br />Witness ray hand and notarial seal at. X015 jam ~ro8dWe11,. G.S.,NE.. ,wife.
<br />:n. said County, the date aforesaid.
<br />b e, "' 7
<br />~ t
<br />~~ aaS,rAV _ 3r~tr M arf~ i .
<br />~1tIARR M. O'tiflYA~. '°~~ r , ~,^•' , t ' ,~ /'
<br />trt eaa Gra.,7-fir -
<br />~~ rotary Public r
<br />~'~~ xy C,atearisaion expire~ss
<br />`"~.
<br />TC?~ TilttST88:
<br />Fhe undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of Trust.
<br />--•., ittaRfa csr. noGea, togathitr r,".fib- all other indehtedaess secured by this Deed of Trust,
<br />h~.ty h$aa 9y-1d-. in f:~ll. You era hereby directed to cancel said note or notes and this
<br />»~ ifs tttt4.<s s+lsich am ~llvered-hereby, and to r®convey, without warzaaty, all the
<br />nOiF.2se-1d by yore under ibis Dead of Trust to the aeraan oz Persons legally entitled
<br />thereto.
<br />f!#f#11e
<br />