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~-r~ecrde ~ <br />ItN:r-rya er Cev[HxHTS. Burrower rrW Lemier ~ovenrm and agree rs :utiuws: <br />i. Payment of Priwripal and Interest. B+mrarwer +hali promptly pay wfun due tfu pnnctpal of arW interest on rhr <br />indebtedness rvaderr_-ed by the Nar, prepayrrunt seed fate thargts as provided in the Nae, and the princapal of and interest <br />on env Funvc .AJvancrs ,cured by rh?s t]eeJ u( ~Cnrst <br />2. Rwstb fee Tura and Itrsrsnnee. Subjr: t to appikahk taw ur to a wnttrn warvee by Lender, Bnrtower shalt pay <br />to Lrntkr on the day monthly installments u( pncetpal and interest are payable unaler ehe Nat, unlit the Nort is paid m full. <br />- sum eherri^ 'Funds"r equat to cane-twelfth of the yearly [axats :uiJ assrxsmtnts which may attain pr+ority over the <br />C>,yed of TnnL and ground rents on the Property, d any, plus one-twelfth of yearly prtmmm instatltrunfs fur hazard inwrance. <br />plus urae-rwelfth of ye:rly premwm installments for mortgage insurance, rf any. all as reasonably esbmartd inrhalty and from <br />time to urrx by Lcnrkr on the halls of assr:ssmertts and bills anJ reasavnabie eshmates thereof. <br />the funds shah be held an an :nsliiulion the Deposits or acciinis if which are +mureD ur guarameeil by a 'Federal or <br />+iate agency hnduding Lander if f.endtr is such an mstiiution}, t_enJer shall apply the Funds to pay said Uzes, asseasnun[s. <br />m5zeance premums end ground rents. Lender may riot charge for so hWdrrg and applying the Futids, analytrng said account <br />or verrfymg ar.J wmpiling lard assessments coil hills, unless LenJcr pays Borrower tntere,t un the Funds and appticabk law <br />xrmvs i ender ao make such a charge. Borrower artd Lcnrkr may agree m waling at the lime of ea~YUtion of this <br />DetJ of Crust that interest on the Funds +hall l,e paid to Borrower, and unless such agrermem a+ made .;: appbcabk law <br />regwres such mterest to tae pail, i_tnder shall not br rrymred to pay Borrower any murr+t ur earnrn~s un flu Funds. Lender <br />shalt grvr to Borrower, wnhoin charge, an annwl acuwamg W the FunJ++howmg credos :anJ aknn+ to the Funds and the <br />purpose fur which racer +kbit to the Funds was male. The Funah are pltdgtJ a, rddiuonai security far [he sums soured <br />by thn DeeJ of Trust. <br />If the amount of the Funds heed by Lender, mge[her wish th;; future monthly mstaliments of Funds payabk prior h, <br />the Jue Jatrs if razes, asscssnuas, msuraracc premiums and ground rents, shall excreD the amount regwred to pay lard fazes. <br />assessntenis, msurarmt premiums coil ground rend as they tali Jut, etch excess +hall be, at Borrower's upuon, either <br />promptly repaid ti Borrower or credited to Borrower on monthly mstallmenn of Funds. If the amount of the Funds <br />hriJ by Lender shalt not f,e sut}icitnt is pay taxes. assessments. n»urance prcmnams :rod ground rents as they tali due. <br />Borrower shell pay to Lender any amount auctssarv to make up the akficaencv wxhm 30 days from the Date notice is mark) <br />by Lender to Borrower requesting payment thereof. _ <br />L!pun payrntnt in iui! of a}! >ums ytureri by this Dtty! a:f i re+t. I.tnJ v shall prutnptly t.•fmuJ ti Borrower any FamJ> <br />Grid by Lender !t under paragraph iN hereof knt Pmpeny n xald a+r the 1'r v,pcny s rnhtrnvse acyurreJ by lender. Lender <br />shall apply, no kalrr than immediateky pour m the +alr aaf the 14up+;ny .,r ?rs .?cyirs+uun by i..eneftr, any Funds hrlil 6y <br />f..rnder at the time of apphcat?on as r credit against the sums securcil by this L)rcJ of -Crust. <br />3. RpPlicatlon of Payments. Unless apphc able Eaw privates otherw+sc. all paymrnrs reeciveJ by Lender under the <br />Note attJ parag riptts E anal 2 turcoi shall he appplied tsv Lrnda:r first .n prymtnr lit amoums payahle ru I.-cnafer ny Burrower <br />under pal agraph _ htmof, then ru interest payabkr un the Nate. then to the pnnupai of the Nae. acid then to mterest and <br />princrpai on arty Future Advances. <br />4. CbarArs; Lka+. &rrruwer shall pay alt Iaxt+. .K.ctnanuula .mJ ntlte,r rnargrs. tine, anJ nnpi:w inns uunburable m <br />the Property- which may attain a priority over ih4.s Dared of lTust, unJ Icu>ttmlJ payments ur ground ernes, if any, in the <br />maurnr prividaJ under paragraph 2 hereof or, d pror frail oat larch rtianner, by Uor rower making payment, when due. Jucetly <br />to [he payee thereof. Burrower shall promptly f urn+sn to Lenakr all Wooers of mnuun[+ Jut under Zhu paragraph, and in the <br />tveot Bormwr-r sfrali make payrtunt directly. Burrower shall pramptly formate to Lender retnpts eviJencrtag such payments. <br />Burrower s hall promptly Jtscharge any hen whrth has pointy over Ihi UtrJ it -toast; pruvideJ, that Buu ewer snail Wan t,e <br />rtyuucd to Jixnarge any ouch lien m lung .+, Bun ewer ,hall agree :u writing n? the payment ul the obliganuu secured by <br />+uch lien m a manner acttptanlr to i ender, or shall m gaxaD faith tonm+t +uch hen hy. or JefenJ rn turcunent of such ben m. <br />legal pruteeJing> which operate to prevca Uit oulorctmtut of nc~ iron ur lurneim+c if the Proprn y nr any part therein <br />5. Haaard Isrwtrsace. Borrower shaitketp ire rmprovemenu now ea uung or hercaller trecieJ an the Property insured <br />against loss by fire. hazards mcludeJ within the ?eon "~exlenrleJ wverage-'. aril wch other hutarJa as I tnJrr may require <br />and m such amiunls aril (or wch pcnaxls as i cnJcr may reywrc. prov+JcJ, that IsnJcr ,hall not reywrc that the amiunl lit <br />such tumrage extteD that arnuunt ul wreragt rcyuueD m tsuv rhr > rc•J by ihi+ UteJ o1 Tnur. <br />The insurance carrier pruridmg feu insurance ,hall t>r chu,en t,yralia:rniwer suhlecr i++ approve! n;y I rnakr. pxrviJrJ. <br />fitaf s;„.;t approval shall tW[ art uurtaaunabty wuhheW. A!: prtrnaurns asn ~nsumn.e l,iftccc> shalE ere pa.J :n the : tannsr <br />praviifed unJtr parttgtapb Z herwf tu, if ua pwD ?n su+:h nianort, h} Birtuwtr making paYrrunt, when due. darcctly to the <br />itssuritrcee carrier. <br />Att iosuratict poiix:tea atul re+ttwafs thereof snail be ua firm aa..:rptahic err f-eaJtr urd shalt :ncltiJt a standard ttwntSagc <br />clause to favor it and in form accep+abit to t_rnJrr LcnJte shall have rot eight w no1J the pohcres and renewals tturtoi. <br />attd litarrower shall promptly funrish ti t..cnakr all rrctcwai naxe+ aiiJ ail rcctrpts of pauJ premiums. in the event of ios>. <br />lloriuwer st?a}l grvs p[impt ncrrtt to leaf ;uwraitcc carrier .inJ I.a.~naW:+. Izridas may mal.r prawE of loss it nut nieJr promptly <br />by Bo€rower. <br />tint: +s 4.rauier aril Bur[awrr ultltrm-i>e age'er ;n wrHrng, umuraua:c paan:ueds >hah :x uppbtJ u.r rceiurataun ur ;epau ail <br />t}tB Propa:riy Damaged, pririattii suits rtsturati[w? ur rep.+u is uaausaiacaBy !easthtc .mil t!rr >ttur:ty of ihrs UteJ :at I nest '+ <br />not thereby impaueJ. it such restoreuon ur repair ?s rim etonunucally eta>?ble or a the ucunty of this UeeJ of t roar wuu1J <br />bt ?mpairtd, the insurance proceeds shalt be appheJ to the sums secured by thts LheJ of trust, wch the cafes>, if any, paW <br />to Boaowrr. If ttu Property is abanJotteJ hY Borrower. or t( Birrowtr hats ro rcapund w Lender wnhm 30 Jay, from the <br />date notice is m-iltJ by L.ewier ru Borrower that itu unur anct arner lifers w acetic a claim fur amuranrr benefits. Lender <br />is authuriteJ to collect and apply the imuraru:e praxeeJs at Lender's upuun ether to rtstorauon ur repair lit the Prupeny <br />or to the sums soured by this DetD of Trust. <br />Untas Lender attd Birrowef otherwise agree m wrung, any >uch applrcauw? lit praxred> tar pnnc+pal shat! not extend <br />or pt»tporu the Jue Jate of ihr monthly in>talhntnis referred to an paragraphs i aril ? hereof nr change the artwum of <br />such installments. [# under paragraph It{ hertoi the Progeny m acyuueJ ny LrnJtr, all right, G+h coil mterest of Borrower <br />in artJ [o any insurance policias aaf m and m the prara:etJs thereof resulang Irum Demage to nhe Yroptrty poor :o ant sale <br />acyuis:hvn steal} pass ti LtrrJet to the extent of the sums stcureJ by the DerJ o! Trwt imrrtt:harely pr?or to such >ale ur <br />acyuisu[ian. <br />~. Peeservatiwn and Mairatenaate of Property; Lraxlwids: Condornfoitmrs; Plaarud Unit Uevelopraeats. Borrower <br />snail keep rhr Property rn gaxrJ repair rnJ ,hall Wax annuuit waste ui pcnnu :mp.,u nxm + Jtttnorauon of the Property <br />alit! shall comply with the provisions a any lase if this fkeJ of Trust a on a Ica>ehoiJ. Ii thin DetJ of 7}mt is un a amt in a <br />condonrrmum ur n pfanneJ unit devekipmrnt, Borriwer shall fx:donn all 01 l3orruwrr'> obhgauona unJrr the decdarabon <br />or c-ovrtlanb crcrnng or guvtniing the cunabminium ur planurJ um: Jtrtiopmtnt, the ny-Izu> aril reguiauons it the <br />condorniniunr eu planned amt ,kvelupment, and conautuem Jua:umcot+ If a n,nJominwm ur plamud lino Devehrpmrm <br />reeler is exetated rip 13orruwrr anJ recurdrD together wuh rho 6etJ lit 1 rus+, rhr wvtuauo and agcetntenis of such rider <br />shad 6e incorporattxf into atal stall arnerul and suppitnrent rhr covtnanta .uiJ rgrecnaenis of this [keJ of Trwt as if the rider <br />were a part hertw[. <br />T. Ptmicetba of Ixisder's Security. if Burriwtr fads ti fn:norm d+e covenants roil agrermrnu comained in this <br />Deeii of Trust, of it airy actiin er proceeding rs cnmmenctJ which rnattnalty at{errs ! ender's interest :a the Properly. <br />mcitWing, cwt out Iim+teJ lu, enunetu Jo+nrin, in>oirtn y, elide enter cement. or anaigcnaenia ur prottrJing> involving a <br />bartkrupi of Jts:rJers, !teen L«ndtr at I.rir-ier~s upuun, upin notice tax iiut ruwca, i,?a; !ua6e suite app+:aranru, Jiahurx suite <br />sums aril take +uch aciron :a> s nt:.essary to protect LruderS mterest, nrcluiling, but nut hmueJ W, Juburxnaent of <br />reasonable atiarnryi fees aaJ tnAtp upon the Properly to naakc rtpain It ttnJtr reyurrcJ mortgage ?nsur:ince a <br />curttiatson of making ihr loan secautd by Ihi> fhcJ of Treat, Burrower shall l:ay the prenuuuis rryuireJ fo nsarntrm s~'` <br />trssurarsce in tBect until leech titre as r reywrenunt for ouch rtuuranxe teruunatts m r<curdana:r with 8irrower'> aril <br />i_COCftCa wnttea agrcetntot it applirabic lasv. Burrower shall pap Ihr anwum of ell mortgage nuuranet prem?wn> ~n der <br />rr nrtu pr:rvidrJ under paragfaph 2 tvrreut. <br />Anv ansnewts Jf~fw[sr-J by f ctuier _ __ itvc _nh 7 r+h rher+•.:n 1,x11 hi•..mee :+dJ+n.,n..l <br />_- ~ -__-_ awaaeunt ar, __~ rvr~er.. -, w.__- !ntrra`>! .__-__-_. ___.- __-..-_ ____----._ <br />tnJtbtta~ntss of 8uu owes stcureil try this f>titJ of Trwt Uukss Bttrwwer aril t cnJa•r agree ro oitirr ternt> u( paynunt, ,uch <br />amawnts x}wii fK payable upon notice frorn /.toiler ti Hurruwer rcytasltng fr:rynirm thereof, aril shah bear interest nrom the <br />date of disfiwrserncnt at rhr rare payubit irum time to tirnt iu urtstanJing pnnc?pal iinJer !tie Nutt unirs> paymmnt of interear <br />at sir:;fa raft wuulJ be uxura^ w app}mable Saw, in which event ,uch amuuni± ,hall hear interest at the haghtst rare <br />pGniisaiWt wake applicable taw, Nuthtng cuntaitud in Chas paragraph 7 shah reym rt f_ende[ to incur any expense or take <br />any a=fluff i*trtturaks. <br />YL fgpiptfion. l.roate+ mat rtrake lit crust to L+t mate rrasu,ubit tutors ripsx? rnJ msprcu,sns lit era: Prupa•ns. pr:,, i,kJ <br />that i_ernltr snafl girt 8++rriwcr --atvx ptu_,r to my >uth rnspr.ttun >ptc,t yang ?eu>`.^r?ahk aau,a: tfurrtui :cia!ed m t a~!adea <br />:ratrarst ,n tba: Prxaaarty <br />