<br />eco rd,~~ ~//
<br />' L'EED (JF TRUST '~ t)Ct:-3~C1
<br />,{r ,~ff,.y
<br />THIS DEFA QF TRUST is made this....... b ~... ........daY ~ D~embe~' --1.......... .
<br />t4. ~., anartng the Ttvuor,..1'sddd7. A•..Giavse. ;tAd .t+ielsy. J...Glattse. - liuabead. sad .Kite.. , ..... .
<br />..........................................(herein "Borrower"},.................................
<br />Edward !(. O'Boxle. _ . • ..... ..... . .. . .... . .. . ..... _ . (herein "Trustee"), and the Beneficgry.
<br />......................
<br />Fire Poix:te• Bank ., a corporatacu organised attd.
<br />.................................................
<br />' ttndti the faros of..... Nebraska ............... ....... , whose address is............... .
<br />S North Broadxell Grriad Inland HE fi$$Ol , .... , (herein "Letsder'>).
<br />.............r..............~...........
<br />BFMttow8r4. k~ consideration o[ the indebtedness t,erein recited and the trust herein created, irrevocably grants-
<br />and tbetveys to Trustee, in trust, with power of sak, the fofkwing described property located in tlu County of
<br />`........1h<li ............................Stateof Nebraska:
<br />T.o't One (1), is Block Throe {7), in Clauasen Country Yiex Addition to the City
<br />of Oraad Island, Ball Conaty , Nebraska.
<br />t+rbich has the address of... $.t?k .Svutp, Cl4uaeeu.. ,. Grew3. ls.la,nd, .tE1;.....6$$G1 ............. .. .
<br />Istrntl tc,yl
<br />.. , ... ~ ................. (herein "Property Address") ;
<br />[Sara raw Z.p Carol
<br />Ttxarr,sa with all the improvements now or herca([rr crecteJ un the proper[}, anJ a!1 easements, rights,
<br />appurienattces, rents (subject however to the r,ghts and authoritres g+ven herern to Lender to collect and apply such
<br />rent&,M1, royahirs, minerit, od and gas rrghts and profits, water. ,~atrr rights, and water cock, arui all fixtures now or
<br />beKSa#~ auacfted to the property, all of which, mctudtng repWcr,nrnts and uddiAOns thereto, shall trz dremctl to be
<br />nrAtt rato~tin a pair of the property covered by this Deed of Trust; and atl of the foregoing, together w,th card proprny
<br />(ol[ the leasebt>]d estate if ifus Died of Trust is an a feauhaW) arc herein referred to as the "Property";
<br />etc
<br />To S6CL'1tS to lerfdt:; (a) the: repayment of the :rdz.`,c~.,'~ess r:rifeoctJ by Borrower's ,;ate dated. llee 1 , 198 (J~
<br />gg~ (~q ) i the principal sum ofT1°anty :'been. TbouAr}n¢. Two Hr}ry}Fed, 1?43IAt's.. .
<br />sr~~oXGbrt,Ls (i27""""~~ ...Dollars, wnh ,ntcrest thereon, providing for ,rtonthly installrnrnts
<br />ttLatittC}p~l.rgid intermit, with the Daiaoce of the rtrJvbtedtxss, +f not suo,trr pa,d, due and payable on. .. ..
<br />12-1 2©10 - • ~ • • :the payrncnt of nit whir sums, w,th interest thereon, advanced
<br />ec~ordaece_ Iferexrith to_ pratrer f~ _Qe„rrrv nt teT, 11-,•~i of T.,..r~ ~„~s rt,: .,.~~r.,.r„_..,~_r yr t!~ ::ove^._at~ ..,:il
<br />agseesaensx of Soitower herein Contained; and~t b) the repaymuft u! any iutur. advann-s, wrth nttcrest [hcrew., made
<br />to IIWr#eweT by (..ender pr+rsuant to paragatplt : t hereof (beer+r; "f-uture Advances"}
<br />BDtfLlWer Cnvtnants that f3curirwer ,s lawfully seised of tlx estate irr:rcb} conveyed and has the tight to gran! and
<br />cottvsy flee Pmperty, that the Property n urtr:rreumb+:red. and that Borrawee w+ll warrant and drfc,u! gea,cralty the
<br />title W thtt Property agALgst rtL claims sad destasrtfs, sufrfret to err} °4=clarsr:exrs. =~asenunts +x eestrir:t,ons [;seed rr, ,s
<br />schedxk of e>c€eptkrss to irrversgs; in any [rife insurance pods y rnst;rtrrg t.n+drr s :ntcerst :,. the Pnrpcrt}
<br />fi~F 31f1()
<br />