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r <br />BQ--nt3ti"%275 <br />+;&id prosnirtaary oak was glum m recurs a loss in which the Stab Baa}ass Adssin}strstion, as agtary of the <br />fJaited Storrs of Aerxriea, hen partidpated. Io compliance with section IOI.l ld) of the Role ~ $e{ulatioas of <br />the Sasr+fi 8usirreas Administration [13 C.F.R. 101.1 { d i ), this imtrument is to be construed sad eniorted in aeaord- <br />usre-frith appiics63e Redera! last. <br />~, The trmrt~ar ewwettanp and agrees s follows: <br />' sa He wilt prr~ptly pay the ia,lebtedagr erfdemed'ht said prosissary Hate et the tits std is tiro-. <br />.manner therein proride:d. <br />`. - _~ fi. He will pay aR tur>t, sasvneras, ..acct rates, and other gavernmmtat ar 16aSiClpa} e3utaea, fioea,.or <br />' impositions, for which provision has not been made hereiahefttrr, sad will pmraptjy deliver the rr6ciai reealpttl <br />tberefer m the said aortgagee. <br />a Hs wilt pay welt a:peace a~ Eeee s may be iocarrdl is the- prseetion std mamnsnatas uY:iaid <br />Property, itectuding the fees of say attoetxy employed by the aortgagee for the colieetion of ~t to aII of <br />-' thevettebtedneae hereby scented, or fortes}sours by mortgagee's axle, or court protxdings, or N ant other <br />- - ~ - ~' NNgtion or ptoeadin>; at$eetiag said pmpetrty-. AEternevs' fees rrasorrab}v incnsred in oar other war shdt he <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. For Letter security of the indebtedness hereby secured, upon the request of the mortgagee. its <br />suceeeeors or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a. sup~pkmentaf mortgage or mortgages covering ans <br />adr}itiurts, improvements, ur betterments made to the proptm lterzinaboye described and all property <br />acquired by B alter the date fiereof ~ all in {ornt satisfactory to uturtgagee i. Fnrehern+nre, should mortgagor <br />fail to cure any default in the payment of a g+riur or inferior rucurnbrance nn the yroperty dr.~se rihed be <br />thin. inntrumrni, rs+or[gagor I+errby agrees to permit mortgagee to cure sr+cb default. but mortgagee is not <br />abligeted to do so; and such advances shall hecarme part of the indebtr+iness seeurerl by thu: iu+stn+mrn4 <br />subject to the name terms and conditions. <br />r. The rights created by this conveyance shall remain in Eul) force and effect during any pruapunrwrnt <br />-r extension of the time of the payment nE the indebtedness evidenced 6. ,ai+i promissurv cote ur any part <br />thereof secured beech.. <br />f. Ifs will eontinaaualy maintain Lazard insurance, of such type or types sad in such amounts se the <br />mortgagee may from time to time require un the in+pruyement. now or herraftrr +u+ aid prop,vtt, .u+d <br />will pay promptly when due say premiums therrfor..AiI insurance shall be carried in compaai,u+ acceptable <br />to.mortgngee and the [~t1eiM ata$ renewsls thereat shat] }re held by mortgagee and have snorted thereto <br />lass psyabk elausas is favor o[ and iu form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of lose, mortgagor will give <br />itnntediate Holies in writing to mortgagee, and mortgagee mev make proof of loss iE nut made promptly by <br />mortgagua and each insurance rnmpauy taaeerr+ed is hereby authorized and directed to make payment for such <br />loss d}rxv-tly to mortgagee instead of to mortgagor and mortgagzt jointl;. end ihe insurance proceeds, or any <br />part tlsenurE, may. be apglied,by mortgagee al its option tither to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby <br />scented or to the rtsiaratiaa ur repair aE the property damaged ur eiretroyed. 1n event of ioretloauk of tfiia <br />mortgage, or otter transfer of title to said property in extinquialrmtnt of the indebtedness secured hereby, all <br />rigb4-title, and interest of the mortgagor in send to any iruunnce polic}m then is force shall pass to the <br />_. prtrchaser or rnortgggee ur, at the optiot+ of the uwrtgagee, mad In• rurrrnderwl fur a refund. <br />' g. Hz will keep- all buildings and other improveutents ou raid property iu good repair and condition: <br />_-will permit, commit, or sutler no waste. ~mpairmeat, deterioration of srid property or any part thereof: <br />in Flte event a>f faitare of the ntor!gegor to keep [he buildings uu said premises and chore erected oa snid <br />premises, or imprtwements tttereoa, in good repair, the mortgaagee may make suds reiwirs as in its discretion <br />-lt may deem necessary for the proper preaervatiaa thtreot; and the- tole amount of each and ever. such <br />'pa;meet sfia}I be.imtnediately due and psyabk: and shall be recured Ly` the lien of this mortgage. <br />h, Ift will not valuntarfly create or permit to be created agaimt the property subject to this mortgage any <br />'lira ur liens inferior or superior to the lien o[ this mortgage without the written consent u( the mortgagee; and <br />' further, that ire wilt keep and tuwintnin the .stns trey (row the eiai:u +.! all perswm ruppiying labor m~ <br />- - naatrrisia tot-rotstruedon of ant setd~all buildings or improvements now Ming erected ur to he rrerted nu <br />' ''laid promise. <br />i. He will not rant ur assign an} part uF the rent of .aid nturtgaged property or demolish, or rruw+c. <br />nr .uhsta++tialiy abet soy butldiag without ibe written cotaseu! of the mortgagee. <br />~~~ - - ~ i. Ail awards of daraagtr in centtection with any cwtdemnatiou for public use of ur injure to an} of ihe <br />I+ropeny ,object to this mortgage are hereby ansigae,i and rho{l he paid to mortgagee, who May app#y the <br />"ague to I+a++urnt axf rice inataHmeuts )ant due under said note, and n+ungagee is hereby autfioriaed, in the <br />~~aattu tsf the mungagot; !i, tkecriit aru} deliver +alid aequiuu+ees tl+erraf sad to appeal fr+era any such award. <br />__ _ _ _ _k.-~C}uc tawrtgrgee rirall have rite right to inrpert the uxutgagtal prrmi~r at ant rcawmabic tiwe. <br />i"Tfelault lit say of the cavtauits nr c,mditioas of this irutrtuntnt or of the nok or loan rtgretmrwt secured <br />strati termiaak the mortgagor's right to possession, us4 sad rnjoytntnt of the prnperty. at the option of the <br />atY~rtdsfRet or his assigns +it lxirrg agreed that the tnurtgaE(aF ahal5 have such right turtil dtEsuitj. Upon any such <br />,1sil4h, tha• rrwrtgagrr sLsl# ixtomr tb.• owner of all'oE ~e reau and prahts nrtruiag after default as seeutity <br />f+a6j~itsdfbta3ritss sect#rrd bertby, wit~r~to~attsst a'aj~a'styyf property Eor the purpose of colhxting such <br />tarts i~pt} pragta. "f"Itis irutrumcat shall a¢atnte as tua'ttiitti~tms+et ~ am) rtntaals oe said pregertr to that osieal. <br />saa a.p tau ',,u ..~ <br />