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r <br />~tl7275 ~~~~' i' <br />tl~.l~r~r~ll.) <br />'Itftlrriel~r~ rrdr arri wairei Wo f~ lsth ~T'~ Decet~ter <br />u eo .>+~.rdLertte~t~ <br />HIDWEST BY PRODUCTS, INC. <br />(heeriusfta~ eefeeead a a aaetByrr? ~ <br />State Bank of Datmebrog <br />(MaeireflMr <br />tteert®yes), trdao irfarads trta eiee eted piece eCiieea aR <br />Dannebrog, Nebraska <br />' ptftwaass, that fir the eeaeidvatie~ hesei~sher acrd, nests sd rtitiah is hewiq -tiie <br />rises ~7 tre8, fR~+ +~6a• °d ettttit~ attM ~ ret~c, Lis ancsnrs ad:aar~et- ~ <br />of the fi6atrisg desaa7te~`psipratr :r.tsad arthai.Fia tLr C+~s1 of Nall , <br />Etas aE Nebraska: <br />A tract of lead in the Northwest Quarter ofthe Northeast Quarter (NiR~1FAh of Section ' <br />Sixteen <18), Tatrnahipr Ten (10) North, Range Tern (10) ifeat of the 6th:P',.kE., Ifa].1 <br />CottntyNebraaka, more particularly described as followaz with raftrrence to the Narthtr6t <br />corner of said Section 16; thence running westerly art the North litre af', said 8e~etiart <br />i6 on An asstpged benYing of N 90 Degrees 00' 00" W a distance of 1318.,~fi'9 feet'to the <br />northeast 'utycrier of said NiBs of ttte Nl~ as previously described, said po~fnt being the <br />actual paint trf beginning;', thence continuing raesterly°an aftsresaid North luxe a disitance <br />of 329.70 feet; thence running southerly bearing 5 1 Degree 11' 42" 1J a distance of <br />926.40 feet; thence tttffiing easterlp beariug N 89 Degrees 58'10" E a distaaee of 330.30 <br />feet; theacetvmting northerly bearing N 1Degree 09'30" E a distance of 926.21 feet to <br />the actual point of beginning, said tract containing 7.02 acres more or less, the <br />northerly 33.00 feet being county road right-of-way. <br />Tasetbet wNh and fwekdiag sli 6efldittga, ali fixtares iacirding bot not limited w all plombiag, heating, lighting, <br />vewtiiatitrg, rcGfgersting, fnr:iaeratieg, air coaditfoaiag appanna, and elevators {the mortgagor hereby declaring that <br />h is iateaditd--tlrt tic fte~a hreain ereareatttd-sltrii be dewed to have bees perrwaently installed as part of the realty), <br />and sll Ipproveateata sow or bereaites exfstfag ebereve; the betedituesta and apparternaces and all other rights tbere- <br />seto beloesiag, or in anywise eppeHaiaisg, and the reveraioa aad reverrtioae. remainder and remainders, all rights of <br />rtrdawptiya~ and ibt tents, isases, tied profits of the above described progeny t ptovfded, however, that the mortgagor <br />absU be a~itlcd to the posa+rasitn of aald property aed to eoifect and retain the rents, iasaea, and pmfita entil defaalt <br />bereaadar). To have sad Ee held the sage nsto thr awrtgagee cad the .a ratertst of the mongagce forever <br />fa fes si'tt~le or-sack otbaraaut[c, if say, as is stated bereia. <br />The roortsttgtrr ettvenaetts that be is hwfttHy aeimd and poaaetsed of and lua the right to xN and convey acid <br />property; thai the apxse ia, free fratu all epcambrancea except ss hereiaabove recited: and that he hereby binds <br />hiaua(f wd Lis atteeeawta iA interest !o trerrant and defend the tiNe dorewid thereto and every part thereof agaitmt <br />d~eLutstefalt Mtrens, <br />~. T#tfa taattauaent. ia.gtrsa to +erara the uaynueat of s pronti.wr} mte Mated December 15 , 1980 <br />inE~s'p;itse3pafcamt~B:~1r,~,000,00_ .aignetibs Edward A. 94aininger <br />~ Ladtalf of Midwest &q-Products, inc, <br />9a+ s .iti 9:b `• A. s+ttY -+IV ~J~. E..t ~v„ •NF : LAS .-._. r <br />