$0-- ut)=r~7v
<br />- 3. The mortgagor covenants and agred chats{ fie at-.afl lail to pay wid indebtsdmaa or any pat{ tfter~f when
<br />dse, or shall fail to perform any gvenant or agreement of this inrtrument or the promissory natc seeared hereby, the
<br />~!e ivdehtednees hereby secured shall immediately became"_¢ne, payable, sad aalhxtibk- withoat narice, at Ilse
<br />altgoa of the mortgagee or assigns, regardless of maturity, and'the mortlta6a or hb aesigaa m'ay Lefore or after entry
<br />asli.aaid property without:appraixment tthe mortgagor havl'eg.wrived std aasigncd to tht mortgatax all rigkL o[
<br />al6frafaeaunt)
<br />t t } al judicial ease Vurouant to the provisions of 36.U.S.C. 2W 1 rat ; ur
<br />([[) at the option of the mortgagee, either b7 suction or by solicftatiov of sealed bide, far the 6igheit and
<br />Lent bid complying with the terms of eak and mamer of payment specified in the pdtlished aotioe of gala, first
<br />giving (our weeks' notice of the time, terms, and place of such sale, by advertisement not less than once
<br />daring each of acid four weeks in a aewepapez pttbliahed or distributed is the cotmty is tvlti~ said pratpertT
<br />b eituited, ail other notice beivg hereby waived by the mortgagor {sad said mrttga~e, a say peraaa oa
<br />behalf of said mortgagee, tray bid with the unpaid indebtedness evidenced by acid note). Said sale abalI be
<br />Geld at or ov the property to be sold or at the Fcdera4 county, or city eonrthonse for the oo®iy iv which the
<br />property is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to etmeuu for and on behalf of the mortgagor and to
<br />deliver to tae purchaser at such eak a ettfficient conveyam:e of said property, which coaveyatrce ahaU contain
<br />teeitale ae to the happening of the default upon whfch this ezeevtion of the power of axle herein gravted
<br />depends; and the squid mortgagoz hereby otmNitatee and appoints the mortgagee or aayr',a~pnt ar attorney of the
<br />martgagx, the agent: sad attnreey is faei of said mortgagor to make arch recitiia and to ctteeute said
<br />conveyanax sad hereby uoveaaata sad agrees that the recitals so made shall be effeetpal W liar all etptity or
<br />right of redemption, hameatead, dower, sad a0 other exem~piiana of the mortgagor, a~Ci of which are hercM
<br />expressly waived and gnveyed to the mortgagee: or
<br />(ttli ta$e any other appropriate action pursuant to state or 1''ederal statute either in state or Federal
<br />court or otherwise for the dispwition of the property.
<br />]n the event of a sale as hereinbefore provided, the mortgagor or any persons in poesearion under the tttort-
<br />gagor shall then become and be censure holding over and shall forthwith deliver possession to the purchaser at
<br />such sale or be summarily diepoeeeaeed, in accordance with the provuions of law applicable to tenants holding over.
<br />The powcr and agency hereby granted are coupled with an interest and are irrovucable by death nr atherw-ice, and
<br />are granted as cumalati.e to the remedies for collection of sand indebtedness provided by law-.
<br />a. Tht: proceeds ~of any rata of said ~pro~Irerty in aeca[dance wilt the greeetiing paragraphs shall be applied first
<br />to pay cite mists and expettsea aE said sale, the ezpettaea incucrrd by the mortgaace for the purpose of protecting or main•
<br />taiaittg, said property, and neasanable attorneys foes; secondly, to pay tl~e indebted»css secured hereby; and thinfly,
<br />to pay any ssrplus or ex.~a- to the person or persons legally entitlnl ehereta.
<br />5, Iv the evert acid property is sold at a judicial foreclosure oak or pursuant to the power of oak hercinabove
<br />granted, and the proceeds are not sufficient to pay the total indebtednpe secured by this instrument avd evidenced by
<br />said promissory narc, the mortgages will be entitled to a deficiency judgment for the amomt of the deficiency tdtkout
<br />regavd to appraiaerrreat.
<br />b. !n the event the mortgagor fails to pay any Federal, state, or lw:al taz aasewment, income tax or other ta>
<br />lien, charge„, fa, or other expense charged agaiwt the property the mortgagce is hereby authorised at his option to
<br />pay the carne. Any soma ao paid by the mortgagee shall be added to sad become a part of the principal amount of the
<br />itdebtednoss evidenced by said note, eubjcet to the acme terms and eonditiotte. It the mortgagor shall pay sad
<br />disrhagie the indebtedaeaa evidenced by said praanissory note. and shall pay each soma sad shall discharge all
<br />caress sad ileac sad the costa, fees, asd expeaees of making, enforcing, std executing Fltis mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />rha11 be catn+olad and aut~eentluod.
<br />7. 9"Iteeoveoaa4 herein contained shall bird and the 6atefiL avd advautages altall inure to the rr~pr,:tive eui+
<br />esasnrs sad >~ o[ the Parma hereto. ~l~e+rer wad, the singular number shall iaclade the plural, the plural the
<br />sltKahu, avid the use of any gender .hall ineipale aU rptaden.
<br />[L J"io waives of say covesaat Lerein or of fhe obligation secured hereby shall at an. time thereafter be held
<br />b be a wairar of the terms hereof of of the note secured hereby.
<br />9. A judietal darter, order, or iudameat bolding say ornvi~ .,.....~r:,....,t .~~ c,....~...~.. _'~.~ -_ - _
<br />------ -- ..,m, srv _ ..._-.
<br />farceabk shall sot is any way impair or preelade the enforcement of the rowtaiaina provisions or Iwnians of this
<br />iastruz>reaut.
<br />~' 'k°y w~aat nofli+e m be lawad ro the tr+rigadar putwaut is the proriaicsa of this iaateumaui shall be ad-
<br />sa~"'+'t Box 374, C,rand Island, IiL fi8$ffI
<br />sad .ay written vatic. to be iwued to flu tnortgag« shall
<br />~ ~ m the as°rig+6ta at Ilex 146, Uannebrog, 4E f F38?!
<br />taR rsr.a yxs ~.. •e~
<br />