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<br />Z '1be:aertgagar eareaams od adtVas as falss~wr. . .
<br />~ ~° tam t~PVy 1?a7 ~ iadeiad... evidsoeed by aldd ptemiwey neae u tie saes atsd a tie
<br />uaaeaar tiee~t. p,ataidad
<br />b. 13e trill pay alt tatsr, .raastare~u, wager ntra, aid o~et ga+ersmmrnf a: ttaeddpl 6taaai ar
<br />~porilieo., fat wild proeiaie~ >W .w beta made bn+eaiefaiee, .ad wli! promptly tleKvar tie aieiti lseeipir
<br />tht>rrl'oe to tie acid
<br />r. He will pay sorb e:penxa and tees as may be incurred in the pmteetion sad maint~aoce of acid
<br />property, including the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgage for the collection of a¢y or alt of
<br />the indebtedneaa hereby eeeored, or for torecieenre by mortgagee's ask, or court praeedings, or is airy other
<br />litigation or proceeding aRecting said premises. Attorneys' fee reaeonablp inemred in say Drier way shsY be-
<br />paid by tie mortgagor.
<br />d For better senrity of the indcbtedaese hereby eeeared, upon the regoe+rt of the mortgage, its anb
<br />ecasora or arigns, Ire shall ezeute acrd deGvera aupplemeau) nurrtgage or mortgages covering any additions,
<br />iatproretnee:ta, or betterrnenu made to the property hercinabove described gad all property aequfred by
<br />it afuEr isaz date 'r~.ri€ tail in form eatiafsctory {o rtwrtgagetj. Ftrrthermore, should mortgagor fait to care
<br />any default in Ehe papnnent of a prior or interior encumbrance on tht property described 6y thl iaatrartxat,
<br />mortgagor hereby agmea to permit mortgagee to cure xuch default, but mortgagee is not abliRated to do w;
<br />aad each advances shall become part of the indebtedness se+curcd by this instrument, subject to the game
<br />terms and cnnditiom.
<br />e. The rights created by this conveyance shalt remain ixe full tome and eNeet during any postpoaemmt
<br />or eztenaioa of des time of payment of the indebtedness evidenced by said pramiseory note or any part thereof
<br />secured herrbv.
<br />/. 'n'e will continuously maintain hazard insurance. of such type or types and in ouch amounts as the
<br />mortgagee may from time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter nn raid property, and
<br />will pay promptly when dru any premiums theeetor. All iosuza~e shall be carried in awmpanin axeptable
<br />to mortgagee and the policies aad renewal Hereof shall be held by mortgage aad have rttached tlterete
<br />lose payabk cltues is favor of aad in form afxeptable to tlu mortgagee. In event of los4 mortgagor will give
<br />immediate aotix in writing to mortgagee. and mortgagee may make proof of tar if not mark prompd7 b7
<br />inortgetler, and cub i3ruraoec compsay ------' is horeby authorised and directed to make paymtat for loci
<br />loss tlireedy to martgagrae inattad of to teusrtgagor and tasrtgagee jointly. and ibe ia~rwos proceeds, or any
<br />part tlrereoi, eery be applied by mortgagee r its opYoa either to the redaction of the beaeby
<br />secured or to tiro restorrtioa or ropair of the property daauged or destroyed. In even! of forekarte od tie
<br />mortgage, or other trewfer of uik to acid property in eztiaguiehmeat of the indebtedeter secured hereby, all
<br />tight, tip aced interest of the enortgagsr tar atsd €3s say isstrrance pslieim rhea is force shall par {o {bs
<br />pur+ehaser or mortgagee or, at the= option of the mortgagce, may Ira aurrcaderod for a refund.
<br />R. fIe will keep all buildings aad other impcoretneote oa satr~ proputy in good repair aad crraditt~;
<br />wiif permit, commit, or suffer no waste, impairment, rkterioratioa of said property or any part thereof;
<br />is the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the linildiaga on acid prcmiaae and thane erected on said
<br />premieea, or improvements ihereen, in good repair, the"martgagce may make such repairs ae in its discretion it
<br />may deem necessary for the proper preaervatioa thereof; and the fail amount of each and every such paymea!
<br />shall ire irnmedtstely sue and payable and shelf he secured by the lien of this mortgage.
<br />k. He will not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property xubject to this mortgage
<br />any lien or lkos inferior or superior to the lien of thip mortgage without the written consent of the mort•
<br />gages; and E.nrther, he will keep and maiotairt the same. free from the claim of aR persons supplying tabor or
<br />materials for cgnslruction of any and alt buildings or improremente now being erected or to be erected an
<br />said premix^s.
<br />i. He will not rent nr assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property ar demolish, or remove,
<br />4r apbatantially alter any building without the written consent of the mortgagee.
<br />j. Ali awards of damages in cotwection with say coademnatioa--for public use of or injury to nay of the
<br />-property subject so th6 mortgage are hereby assigned aad shall be paid to mortgagee, wl3to awY aPRjy ~
<br />aat{r. to paynrrnt of the iaaldlmenls fast d~ under said note, and mortgagee is hereJty authorised, is the
<br />rya=ae- of the mortgagor, to r~~cute anti deliver valid acgaitraa-icea tberefsr and to appeal from any such awud.
<br />k. 'f he mortgaga:e shall have the. right [o inspect the mortgaged premises at say resaoaable time.
<br />g, f)rfauit in aAy.of taus cavpnaats or conditions o[ this-instrument or of the note ar roan agreement scented
<br />iaan~,alvall_tctsatAnte lire martgagur etight to, poasrateion, rue, aad enjoymc of the propcrtr, at tlee option of the
<br />~aa6~ nr his ems rfx lit E,ai.,a a rrrd ft.,, et,o ... _L_II L___ _
<br />_-- _ _ _- to ,__ ~__..e _,,.„-_ ,.._....,...,ort~,a$:,s ,...:., .,o.~ rru n rgit unlit de€auii f. i~parn sa} such
<br />ttofaaft, the mortgagee shall brcomeathe owner of all of the rents and profsts accruing alter default an security
<br />f~Nt t[ae,indebtedrtcee seeursd hereby, with the right to rater upon said property for the purpose of rollecting :uch
<br />aaltts tad-profits. Tftjr instrument shall operate as as saeigt~etst of any rental on geld property so that extent.
<br />