<br />- 3. The mortgagor eorenants add agree that if tee mall fall to par acid ittdehteduaa or arty part tharea( ~rltir
<br />dtse, tar shalt fail to perform any eovmam or agreement of tbisiaatrttwtent or the promiwory [rote seeoecd:hvuby: the
<br />satire indebtedneea hexby secured shah immediately beeoase due, pagabk, and co}leetibie witbmtt oafiee, 6 tie
<br />of the mortgagee or aasigtta. regardless of maturity, add the ntottgagee or lria sasigtu may before or sfNreapiy
<br />seEj aa$d property without appniaetrtent (tire mortgagor lravidg waived and aasig»cd to the mortgagee ap riglfia of
<br />ia~ae°t): ~-
<br />-- I r i at judicial Bate pursuant to the pmviaiona of 2g U.S.C.. °001 l a) : or
<br />(~• i at the option of the mortgagee, either b7 nnutian or by eotieitatien of sealed bidr, fur thstl3ghsw amd
<br />best lxid complying with the terms of sale and maaaer of payment speedfied is thrpnbWhed tsaiat4ytf ark, fist
<br />giving four weeks notice of the time, tot[[[s. and piece of each oak, trv advertisement net ktv thm oatee
<br />during each of said (our weeks in a newspaper published or dntribated in [be twuaty in which sad ptnperty
<br />is situated, ail other aotiee being hereby waived by the mortgagor (sad sao~ mortgagee, or say possess- ea
<br />bthalf of said mortgagee, m:y bid with rite tmpaid iddebtedneas evidetteed tH' said note). Said sale shall be
<br />~- held at or on the property to be sold or at the Federal, eoanty, or city conrthotae for the ootmty in w6irL the
<br />property is located. The mortgagee is hereby authorised to execute for seed oa bettaN of the mortgagor sad to
<br />deliver to the purchaser at such ask a sul6cieat conveyance of acid preperty, which conreyaaee shall coataffi
<br />neitaL n to the 6appeniog of the default epos which the rxeeutioa of the power of ask hete® grmted
<br />depeada: and the said mortgagor hereby eortrtittNn seed appoints the atartgagee or asy ag~t or attoraty of Ute
<br />mortgages, fix agave! sad atteztsty is feet d said mortgagor eo arrke streh recila& and fo etteevte said
<br />eoatveyanee avd hereby Mreaatt4 sad agrees that the recitals ao made shall lee eHecttul fat bar ale egaity or
<br />right of redemption, homestead, dower, and ail other exemptions of the mortgagor, ail of which:x hereby
<br />rxpnsesty waived and conveyed to the mortgagee; or
<br />f ttt } take any outer spproprixte action pursuant to state ar Federal sUtute either in state er Federal
<br />court nr othesatraa~farthu~~d3s~oaitian dF the property.
<br />Art the evert[ of a aaieNatihereioahove'previded, the mortgagor or any peretm in poseesaion under the mortgagor altali
<br />then bernme and ere teti~rtti holding over and shat! forthwith detiyer poeeeasion to the purchaser at each sale or be
<br />wmmarity dispoaaeaed, is accordance with the prwieioee of law applicable to tenants holding over. The power
<br />and agency hereby granted >R coupled with as interest and are irrevocable by death or otherwise, and are granted
<br />as onmulatiyc to the remcdin for coikctioa of said indebtedness provided by law.
<br />4. The proededs of say sale of said property is accordance with the P+~~6 )x*a6reP~ eluil he applied GrN
<br />W pry the coats asd-eap~ d nisi ask. the exptawa itteuned by the mortgagee for the purpose of protecting or maie-
<br />taiaing said property; sad•reaestnabk attorneys' tees; secondly, to pay the indebtedness secured hereby; and thirdly,
<br />to pay any surplus or exceea to €1M person or persons iegsliyemitkd thereto.
<br />a. En the eves[[ raid property u sold st a judieiat toreKtoaure sale ar pttnuant to the power of ask hereietabova
<br />gxan€t~, sad t~ ~ err not sd6cieat to pay the [seat indetrtedneaa secured Ivy thi. irutn:meat sad evidenced by
<br />seed Promtsws7 ewra, the mortgagee will be entitled to a defic6cncy judgment for the amount of the detEeier.,. ::tirfeott
<br />rsysrwR ro apprsrisetasat '
<br />6. In the event the mortkagnr faib to pay any Federal, state. nr loose tax asseearttcnt, income tax or other taz lien,
<br />charge, fee, or other expertee charged against the property, the mortgagee ie hereby authorised at his option b pay
<br />the acme. Awy autw eo paid by the rnortgagee shalt be added to and become a part of the principal an.ouat of the
<br />iodebtedtteea evidenced by said note, subject to the same terms end conditions. if the mortgagor ehaU pay sad
<br />dueharge the iadelnednear evidenced by said promissory note, and shall pay such autro and shall discharge all taxn
<br />ads liens sad the coUs. tees, add exPeayea of makieyt, enforcing, and executing this mortgage, then thin mortgage
<br />ahteN'hseaiitrslad sad atttvaatdteed.
<br />7. The coveaanq herein omataitred shall bind and the bene6te and advantages shall inure to the rnpeetive euc-
<br />eessoaa and awgta of the Partin hereto. lo'hanerer used, the singular number shall Made the plural, she plural the
<br />aihHaNtrs sad fix eye d say f~d stall taelode ail garden.
<br />S No waiver of asy oavenatst herein or at the obligation eepured hereby chap at asy time thereafter be txld
<br />to ha a ssaivar of thn.iesaaa hereof or of rho note secured hereby.
<br />~. la oaaspliana wide sattim 18Lt (d j of the 11oks sad Reguiatioro of the Small Busitaess Admisiwratiea [l3
<br />CF.R; l(ll,l4d) j, this iatteiaatraa is to hs eaaaratxd sad ett(4reed is •ececdaaea with apptieabk Fetknt Lw.
<br />ttL A. jttdirSaf.darrso, order, er jw{lpaastt holding- say prevision or [ion of this lets[
<br />atfa[ ~(~ ~ Pm' tvareat invalid o: un-
<br />--v.~r -. any way tatpair or prec{tie the eatoreement of rite remainitte orevi.T r,_,_. ~ or
<br />ssae .. +sr rawai .,, .. ,„
<br />