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-.. ~< <br />_r <br />~~,.~ tea. ,.i e...ea ft~ dd. 3, .t <br />~ ~~d#+~het.eeo Attdolf F. Plate and Tim C. Plate, Individually attd as General Pattaers, <br />DfB/A A. ~ T. Properties, <br />(6seindter retested to o mortgagor) and the Athni~aiserator of the SaaB 1 Ate, ae agsty of tha <br />Goveenmmt of the United 3uta of America (herdnaher referred to as mortgagee}, whe soa~a~a as~te6re'artd <br />~isesatitttierat Empire State Building, 19th and Farnam Streets, Otttalia, Nebraska 6$102. <br />Wet diets for the ea~eidsrMioa hataieaRer gated, tRapt d adtidt is httettiy. aakrisa~isati. dye <br />~ ~! . ae~. lass. assess. ad ~~7 tattas the tesat~ee, his weearoa ad aattl~ts, al; <br />e[ the fallosiin; dtatrihed pntrpettr aitaatci'atatt haityl is the Coerrt# d hall <br />5eate d Nebraska <br />The Northerly Eighteen and One Tenths Feat (N1Q.i`) of Lot Tea (1uj and <br />the Southezly Sixty Six and Nine Tenths Feet (566,9] of Lot Nine (9j, Block <br />Three (3), Southern Acres, an Addition to the City of Graced Island, Hall <br />County, Nebraska. <br />The Northeriy Ten and Nine Tenths Feet (N10.9") of Lot Ninec (9) and all of Lat <br />EfgltC (8'), Block Three (3), Southern Acres, an Addition to the City of <br />tEtand Island, Hall County, Nebraska. <br />Together with-raid iteetuding all buildigga, all titunree iadndityq but nut liaoited to al! plumbing, heatieeg, light- <br />ing, vrnt&latintt, re[riperatin¢, inriateratiag, air eonditiuRing apparatus, said ellvaturs (the mortgagor hereby <br />deeta{ri€tg-that it is inilfaddt that the items herein enumerated ,-udl be deemed to issue l.een prrmatteutly in- <br />atalled,,a~.pat9 of the realty },and all impcw•ementa noa or iterea€ter eaisiing thereon; the hereditameate and <br />appurtenanrxs and:alt nt6ea• riFhte theraunte bdttagittp„ or in auywitf! appertaining, and the r!•'etrion and re• <br />vetai~n, remainder and remainder, ail right": of redemption, and cite rent,, issues, and profits of the above <br />des;rr"tbrd praper)y {provitkd, hoNever, that the mortgagor shall t,e entitled is the poese+sion of said property <br />atwtl tui!a~leci atuf rttaln the rents, igeucs; and prolitw until default hereunder}, To have and to hold the same <br />ante the m4rf~agee and-.the sureeasors in intlrosi of.the mortgagee forever in fee simple or uch Other estate, <br />if attq, t"' is_.~tated#agrY~lr„ <br />~t ttYte~u4 that h! is latrittltq aeixld' 16d pesaessed. of aed has the right to atH said conveq- aid <br />ytopatx#: -li$; the utaa is free from a)t entuw6ranea ezcept as hetcinabove recited; anti Heat he hercb} buds <br />biatseN tNtd ltl~a wgCIEltbn is ieterttsi to warrant and ~fatsd the tick aftareaaid thereto and every Hart thereof ^:aint <br />• - - ~- <br />the c:tittaa_ d rpiod whoataotvlr. <br />This instrumetu u peen to seeur! the psgmeni of a pramiswry sore dated ! !L^~`li '~ :~~ ~~7 , <br />in thegrin~igAl+gamuf3 3b,100.90 bq kyd if F. Plate and Tits i:. Plate, flndfvidualiv. <br />iotart„t€nf aat~xi as Gmteral ParEtters, 4/8(A A.. ti T. properties, <br />&. xk T, Properties. <br />w rasa ve : s.:sx e,..s,n, €r-aw a.+ ut .:f.+ <br />