d. Far better security of rite indebtedness hereby secured. upat the r 1_ ~_
<br />egos[ of the mrmgagee, its successors
<br />or assigns, morgagor shall exavte and deliver a suppiesnental mortgage or mortgages covering say addiriorts,
<br />improvements, or betttrmrms made to the property Irereirabove described and afl property acquired by it after
<br />the date htreof (ail in form satisfactory ro mortgage). Futlterntore, should mortgagor fail to cure arty default
<br />in tfte paYnteni of a prior or inferior rncvmbrance on the property desiribod by this iristrumrnt, mortgagor here-
<br />by agrees to perrttit mortgagee to care such default. but mortgagee is not obligated to do so; and such advances
<br />shat) become part of [Ire indebtedness secured by [his instrmrrcnt, subject to the same terms and cotrditions.
<br />c. The rights created by this conveyatrce sh~l remain in felt force and effett during any pastporrement or
<br />extension of [fie time o: the payrne[~t of the irrdebteditess evidenced by said promissory Aou or trots, or any
<br />part tfiereof secured hereby.
<br />f. To continuously maintain hazard insurance, of such type ~ types arrd in such amounts as the mortgagee
<br />tray from time to time require on the imprryvemrnts now or hereafter on said property, and wilt pay promptly
<br />wfirn due any premiums therefor, Atl insurance sha[I be carried in companies acceptable to mortgages and the
<br />policies and renewals [hereof shall be held by mortgagee and have attached thttao loss payabic clauses in favor
<br />of and in form acceptable to the mortgagee. In event of lass, mortgagor will give immediate notitt in writing
<br />to mongaEee, and mortgagee may matte proof of foss if not made promptly by mortgagor, and-each itt5uratrce
<br />company concerned is hereby authorized and' directed to make payment for such loss directly to mortgage
<br />instead of to mottgagor and mortgagee jointly, sad the insurarce proceeds, or any part thereof, may be appyiad
<br />by mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereby secured or to the res[oratioa ~
<br />repair of the property damaged or destroyed. to event of foreclosure'of this mortgage, or other transfer of title
<br />to said property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all right, title, and interest of [fie
<br />mori.gagor in and ro any insurance policies thin in force shalt pass to the pun~lraser or mortgage or, at the
<br />nptivn of the mortgagee, may t+e surrrndned for a refund.
<br />g. To keep all buildings and other improvements on said property in good repair and condition; to
<br />permit, cornrait, or suffer no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or arty pan thereof; in the event
<br />of failure of the mortgagor to keep the buildings an said premises and those erected on said premises, or
<br />improvements thereon, in good repair, the mortgage may rpake sash repairs as in its dtlscretiao it may deem
<br />rtecessary for the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount of each and every such paymrnt shalt be
<br />immediately due and payable; and shaft be secured by the leis of this mortgage.
<br />h. To not voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to this mortgage any lien
<br />or liens inferior [o the lien of this m¢ngage without written consent of the mortgagee; and father, that mort-
<br />gagor will keep and maintain the same free from the claim of all persons supplying labor or materials for con-
<br />struction of any and all buildings or improvements now being erected or [o be erceted on said premises.
<br />i, To not rent or assign atry part of rho rrni of said mortgaged property or demolish, or remove, or
<br />substaneiaily alter any building without the writun evnsem of the mortgagee.
<br />j. All awards of damages in conrteCtion wi[h any euttdcntnaticrr. for public use of or injury to any of the
<br />property subject tp thix mor[gage are hereby assigrted and short bo paid [a mortgagee, why may apply the satin to
<br />paytnent of she instailmems :ass due wader said twte, and m<rrtgage is hereby authorized, in the [same of the
<br />mortgagor, to exeCUte ~ delive_r valid a~uittanees iher~nf star to appeal front any such award.
<br />k. The mortgagee shat) have the right to irsspect the mortgage! premises at any reasonable time
<br />!. To comply with the provisions of any lease if this Mortgage is on a Seasehold. If this Mortgage is on a
<br />unit in a condominium or a planned unit development, Borrower shall perform all of Borrower's obligations
<br />uadcr the declaration or covenants creating or governsng the condominium or planned unit development the
<br />by-taws and regulations of the condominium or planned unit development, and rnnstituent documrnts.
<br />Z. Default in any of the covenants or cortditions of this instrument or of the note or loan agement secured hereby
<br />shat! urminate the mortgagor`s right to possession, use, aixt enjoyment of the property, at the option of the
<br />mortgagce or assigns (tt being agreed chat the mortgagor shalt have such righ[ until default). Upon any such
<br />defaul[, the mortgagee shall become the owner of ail of the rents and profits snoring after default as security for
<br />itte indebtedness secured hereby, with the right to enter upon said property for the purpose of collecting such
<br />rents and profru. This instruAent shall operate as an assignment of any rentals on said property to that. exam.
<br />3. !f [he mortgagor defaults, and fails to make any payments when due or to conform to and comply with any of
<br />the cortdifi©ns or agreetttenu contained in this mortgage or the notes which it secures, then the entire principal
<br />dtlm aitd accrued interest shall at ont~ become due and payable, and draw • per rem (15.0?k) interest
<br />tiureafter until paid of the ai€Etion of tl[z mortgagee; and this mortgage may thereupon be foreclosed immediately
<br />for Yfrc whale of the indebtedness hereby secured, including the cost of extertdittg the abetter[ of title from the
<br />date o€ this mortgage to the tttnt of cornnrenciag such suit. * Fifteen Percent
<br />aI, In t#te wem of a foreclosure ~ defauk as provided herein, the mortgagee shaft at once be entitled to the pos-
<br />session, use, aAd rn}oymrnt of the real estate aforesaid and to the rrnt, issues, royalties, and profrs thereof,
<br />from the a~-truiAg of satch rights and dtung tht per~e~y of foreclowre proreedinas oral such possessions. et_c._
<br />strati at once hr delivered to the mortgage apes request, upon failure sut:h de{ivery of such possession may be
<br />~tf~ced by mortgagee. by any appropriate legal proceed3,-tgt„ including a rttxiver for the property.
<br />3. The f>saeeects of any sale of said property in accxxdatrct with the preceding paragraphs .belt t+e applied first to
<br />pay itt€ israts and expenses vt' said sate, tttc e3tperx;cs ituutR+d by the mortgage for rite purpose o! proterttng ur
<br />rpaintainrttg sett{ property, ttrattdlt+. ro pay the itrdcbudipeys secured hsreky: and thirdly, to pay any surplus m
<br />errors to [tae persim tx pcrwra+ lt~alfy tatatlttl ihrreto.
<br />