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MQR'I'GAGE <br />~~-;~~f~z~s <br />This atofrpttpe awde atsd enta'cd truce this tad _ day of Dtt~ez <br />t9 ti'Ft , bq ~ 6txtreen t9taras 8. 6eLa=a a~ Lfrtda S. t#Iazsr Huabattd and trite, and <br />tsermia v. tso aced static !l. €b~aiat, Stumslsd Arid trite <br />fhet~taFErr referred to as aart~ar} ~ Cata>lKrti~ hrsrFa~ 8tudc teed Trost CctstpanY <br />?. ttrho tnaitttsim ast office aM ~ rderr~ toss <br />F~l1 t:'oastty, Akbnsta. t~ of business at nz® tr_ era strut in Grand fslaed. <br />S7tTlat'H, that far the conaiderat~t hereinafter stated, ttxei~ of which is hereby ackeowkdgW, the tttartgagar <br />tbm hereby . sell, greet, assiQa, and twmey testa the ttwrtpgee, its stttxx:sora and attsigaa, cell of thr faL <br />lotsia~ ddta'abed property sittsatcd atsd bdn; in the County of Hall <br />Sias of iVcbraaka. <br />tot (kte Hundred- and Six (206} of Buenavista Subdivision in the Citp <br />of Grand Islaadr Hall County, Nebraska <br />ta~thax with elf the tettetttents atM sttpttrletxtt~s therew brlonging, air ttte rents, issues and prattle thcrtsof, attd a13 <br />Ants, tights, rayafttes, mittcral, oi{ and gas rights and pra~b, watrr, waxy rights, and wazer stock, and irtc€€tding <br />aiF t~tg. rntg, rsft4gr-ration, @igi;ti, ~uiFmettt and alt has€ures of cverr description belonging to the <br />nipttgagor taw of Fier+ntf€sr atiachrd tt€trala ar used in cantte~tiait with the prrm>ses betpin dr°~rilntl ate in adtiitiar. <br />€htreto tbtr fa3tawristg drseribtc( propertirs whielt are and shaft he dtemed to br Ca[[ures artd a part of the rcalty~ and <br />are a portion of ttte ~'tN+tY-for ttte 4ttAebtrt#eess hereatt staid. (i€ none. star "none"} Ana <br />Ta !clue aad to-hold thr saau unto the Nortgagtt, as herein provided: <br />Tote ttxH€gttgar is lawfully seized and possessed o€ and has the right to sell and convey said property; that the <br />sane is free from off encsmhratsces e.,tcxpt as hereinabove recited; and [hat Mortgagoz covenants to warrant and <br />tkfend the title aforesaid thnrto and every part thereat against the claims of al} persons whotnsorver. <br />-'ffiis iastrurtteat is giran to sla-ura the paymrnt of a promissory note dated _ t+tow~bet l4. 1%0 _ <br />is the pntttipal sum of S. 13.a00a00 , sigr~ by Charles E. ~elarta and Dennis v. <br />is hsha{f of ~ r,r vea ~_ wc3ahn <br />also, as suw:h note tx tiotrs tmy from dmc to tame be madifiotl> tetertved ar extended in writing. <br />lp the arorrat the title to-~tid trod tstau is tt~fetn;d, ar contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any <br />tei6>,ia er by >aY aat4od whsitsasvsr, the entitt principal stun artd accrued interest shall at once become due and <br />pt az dts electktrt of the bata9er hereof. Failure to exercise this option btxatite of [ransfrr of title as about stated <br />i~ cue a waiver at the rat to Caat~ the sattx in the event of any subsra_uent [ransfer. <br />t. 'YFttt moth careaeats and sgrtxs as falbws: <br />~~ ~ ~'~#~ fry std prtr ter at the tittles and in the mantcer <br />g. sat peg au` ts%ay, tee, water stay, trtsd outer governmtzttai or municipal chargrs, fines. irr <br />tot whiep provisiPn has rutt hero trick- hr,~tttaefort, and wilt }xampsiv drtiver thr ofii.ial recert+r, <br />tl+prs&3r i~ee tht stud anrptt. <br />e, To pa3 ecY!aa.5rs and fret as rrla, trr irfcurr~ to the prater;tion anrF ntaut[rnan~e ref utd pruixrt~., <br />%~Yile flea s7d any attx+nne9r ~ by thl mart#at{ee tar the ealtection of aas cx aft i~f the indrbtttSnes~ <br />"~~?y?eCt7rttit, at Frxerwktxure by tnarlgagCfi'a sak..~r :purr prcKCt~itatt±. =n rr- ,r.,. ~.t~re~ irtra_tt„at „ ,•.r,r,~ <br />affaattr~( di[Kt j??Ye-t[7MH. <br />