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6. to the corm said property h wig at a jadteuti Tonxlowtre sale or pursatatt to tde power of a sak hereinabove <br />granted, and the proceeds are not sufficient ter pay the tom atdebtedrtaa secured by this irtstrutnetK and evidenc- <br />ed by said promissory note, tht mortgagee wiN be entitled- to a deficiency jttdgetnem for the amouet oT the <br />del~Y tt itAovt regard re trpJrrtairenrertr. <br />~. In She rveet tine mor't fad ta pay any federal, store. or iawl tart assergnent, income tax or ef'nes tax lien, <br />charge, fee or other rxpense charged against thr property the mortgatgee is h~ aathoriud at its option to pay <br />the same. Arty stttr~ so paid by rite trtprtga~e shall be added to and beixsme a part ~ the principal ataoum of rite <br />inds~dsteas evaimeed by said note, sttbjeet ta the same terrna eed eatditieess. 1f the mortgagor shag pny and <br />discharge the ~ evidetteed isy acid ptontisaory note, and shah pay such stints acrd shall discharge atl <br />farces attd urns std the costs, fees. attd expenses oT mating, etttorcirtg, and executing. [his mortgage, [hen this <br />marrg~ shah be canedi~ and surrendered. <br />g. The covenants herein can[aitted shah bind and the betufiu ar[d advantages shall inure to the raltattve aw~sers <br />and arsigtta of the parties hereto. Whenever usai, the singular number shall ittctude the phtrai, the plural the <br />ssngttlar, and the ttse oT any gender shall include all . <br />4. No waiver of any cavettant herein ar of the oh}igation secured hereby si[all at arty tirt~ therpfter be ixld to bt a <br />waiver of the turns hereof m of the note sauced hereby. <br />i0. A jttdicisi decree, order, or jttdgemem holding any provision or portion of this itutrttnvntt invalid or ttaenforco- <br />able shall not in arty way impair or preclude the enforcement of the remaitting pravisiom or pottiom of this <br />insirtunatt. <br />ll. Any written notice to be issued to rite mortgagor pttrsttant to tlrte provisions of this instrument .shall be addressed <br />to rise mortgagor at P. O, Dox 2173. Grand Islam, ivy 68801 <br />and anY written notice to be issueri to tdr mortgagtx shall'. <br />be addressed- to [de mortgagee at. a24 ts_ 95tiird _cr _ . e. a. B~nsc 1267. Grand Inland, 11tE fn69a3. <br />lrt'Mlt ^t'tuE,wS WttgagoF, tdr mtmgnger has earaettrted [his ensirutturnt and ttu mortgagee has actxpted, driivrry of <br />this. instromttuant as of the day and Y~r afarsaid. <br />.~ <br />~ ~ < <br />.. .....:: ......... 1St..~_~.~2n.:.~tt/........... <br />iss B. DeIazm 1 ~ ... Linda S. DeZ.azm <br />t , <br />~(~ t / ~ t~ ': (1 <br />~' <br />DEnnla V. irajahn Juli. A. Wojahn '.} <br />llxecttacd and drlixered in the PrCSenix of the foilawiitg witnrsst:s: <br />(Add App[opr~te Ackttowlalgea>ient} <br />3T?#TE 4i? 1V'k?$RASXA ~. Br#ttre me, a qualified PubiiS >~ Y appeared --- <br />taoaun to iae to be itfenti l ptrsott at pt who signed the for ittsttutttmt acknowledged the execution <br />titrrCOf ap 6e u volunraTY trt acrd dad. <br />Witt>ess ray load and Notarial Seal on ~•`~ Q._,>;:ti i' , i 9 <br />~M~4~A~A^ym-rw..r yy <br />Ilpifl60~M1IHk'iBt F,.r-~.~ ~-~---'f"~ <br />#vw ti,e, w.. as. tvaz <br />Notai,~j?ttb-ic <br />Cozai+~t Expires , 19 <br />S'FA'CE[1'F NE$it,4SiLA # lEfore the a qualified NWary Public. personally appeared _ _._.-___--- <br />ss_ _ __ <br />tt~Sltf1E C11? ~ President of ~^-- -----------_ _~__ <br />a . kn4ttra, to ~ to ire [l+r Presidtnt sad idemiCa- person who signed the foregoing iu.urument, and <br />tlRipgoyktir>gR0 titFtps~catlaetthtxe4T ta lie his vohttuary act and dtxd as suti'h officer and the vohtntary act stud dead of <br />r tt~-ti+at.itsserppt ~ was a#fued theseta by its au[ltority, <br />_ .raywaar:aauivasartatst~toa _.~_-___--• ty.----~ <br />Nocary Public <br /> <br />