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<br />L Tlrs ae.msw mi agrees r ta8arat $Q...., ~; ~ ~ ~" V f U . <br />s Se will l~ptly gn ~ evfdseed by add ptnmiaaxy sore as the titres mi fa the <br />,ratmes titvem pawidad <br />b. lie roil! gay all [aura.. aawaameaur, wary etas. wtd oiler go+wmamW or maieipal eharew, 5aee. ae <br />itetpaaitioaa, far which providon hr trot Item strode 6eedahdorG and wllI promptly deliver tlw stela} reedpea <br />thwefar to the said taoetga®ee. <br />c. He will pay ouch ezpetraex and feu ad may be itcurred in the prateetion aad maintertanee of wid <br />property, ineludiag the fees of any attorney employed by the mortgagee for the collection of any or all of <br />the indebtedness hereby second, or for forealosarc by martgagae a role, or avert proceeding, or in any other <br />iitigtion ar proxeding aRecting wid premises. Attorney' fees reasonably incurred in say other way shall be <br />paid by the mortgagor. <br />d. Far batter security of the indebtedatas hereby secured, upon the rcgttesi of the mortgagee, ib sue. <br />ceaeon or assigns, he shall execute and deliver a supplrmenlal mortgage or mortgages coasting any additiom, <br />itnpraea:n.-at:h or irz:icrxaertta made to the property hereinttkxrve described : nd ail Property acquired by <br />it after the data heruaf call in forts satisfactory to mortgaacei. Furthermore, ahoald mortgagor fail to acre <br />soy default in the payment of a prior or inferior eneumbraaee an the pt•oroperty daseribed by this instrument, <br />mortgagor hereby ay,~reee to permit morigaga to rare such defauh, kart mortgagee is not obligated to da ao; <br />and su^h advances shall become part of Ehe indebtedoese serurcd by this instrumen4 subject to the lama <br />terms and caaditions, <br />e. 1'fae rights created by this conveyance shall remain in full force and effeat during any postponement <br />or ustension of ¢he time of payment of the indehtedneas evidenced by wid promissory notu or any part thereof <br />secured hereby. <br />f. He will continuously maintain hawrd iasuranee, of such type or types and m such amounts as the <br />mortgagee mar from time to time require on the improvements now or hereafter on said property, and <br />wiD pay promptly when due my premiums thexfor. All insurance shall be carried in ~psniw aooaptabk <br />to tanrtgagee aad the policies aad renewals thetmf shall be held by mortgagee aad hate attached thereto <br />low payable clatrw in favor of aad in form aaoeptable W the mortgage. In evmt of low, mortgagor will gfve <br />immediate twtiee in wrili:tg ro mortgages and mortgagx may malts proof of lass ff not made P~1~7' by <br />arortggor, aad sash iosuraace company tvenearaad is hereby aatltorixd and directed to tasks payment fur atnch <br />for directly to tortgagee iopead of W mortgagor .nd awrtgagea jointly, and the ins~aoce protroeds, or any <br />part t6eratG may be applied by tttoatsagee at its opttoa eitlter to the rdioetioa of the iadebtednew hereby <br />aeamred or to ehc reAasxtioa ar repair of the property damaged or dusts»yed. to event of fotraknure of tlrfa <br />markgage, or other tra~fer of tit5a to wid prnpurty in aatiagn.iahate~at of thu iadehsarlaess secnrt:d }[crabs, all <br />right, title, aad interest of rite mortgagor is and ua say imnraaae pofieiaa tbm is foray shall par to the <br />pur.~ltaaer ar naortgagae ar, at the option of the ntortgagae, may be surrendered for a trfaad. <br />p. Ae will keep all buildings and other improveotenle on said property in good repair and coaditioa; <br />will permit. commit, or eu$er no waste, impairment, deterioration of said property or any part thereof; <br />is the event of failure of the mortgagor to keep the building on wid premises aad those erected on said <br />premises, yr improvertreota thereon, in good repair, the mortgagee rosy make such repairo m in its d'ncrction it <br />may deem neeeswry for the proper preservation thereof; and the full amount o[ eaeb and every eoch paymwt <br />dull be irttntediauly due aad payable aad shall be secured by the lien of this mortgage. <br />h. 13e will sot voluntarily create or permit to be created against the property subject to the mortgage <br />any Fbea or liens inferior or superior to the lien a! this mortgage without the written comeni of the mort• <br />gagca; and fnr~r, he will keep and maintain the wme free from the claim of all persons supplying labor or <br />materials for cansttactian of any and all buildings or improvements now being eructed or to be erected on <br />said premises. <br />¢. He will eat rent a: assign any part of the rent of said mortgaged property or domolish, or remove, <br />ar aubstanitiaAy slur any building without the written cans^ot o(the mortgagee. <br />j. AH awards of damages in connection with any coademaation {or public use of or injury to any of the <br />property subject to this rnortgage are hereby aaaigtud aad shall 6e paid to mortgagee, who may apply the <br />satrnt !o pttyaa«a. of the inatalhttattta last dtte utuler said [rote, ar:d mortgagee is hereby authoziaad, in the; <br />name of the mortgagor, to execute and deliver valid arqutttaarra thereof and to appeal from any such award. <br />k. 1'ha moNgagee stroll have the right to ittspeci the mortgaged premises at any reasonable time. <br />2. fktfanit is any of [be coveaawta or aow~~tiom of the instrument or of the note or loan agtrement secured <br />Y ahalf taraaiaata the_rrtartaacor'e right too _ =.,a . _ „r .t,.... ,r~ _ _r ,,__ <br />__ _ ~ - - __ _rin; a.}._ ~ ~;,,.~~ .,.....~ t.ra~.:-ty, st ...G .,ptiaa .r....~ <br />taa'Hpgc or hie assigns tit beitsg agr«d-that the mortgagor strati hove loth right until dufsult). Upan ewy such <br />dalaak, the taortgagae chat! beconu tlae owrur of s!I of the canes and proiiU accruing after default u security <br />fir lira iavlabtedness secured hereby, with the right to r~rt~r span property for the purpose of collecting such <br />ega4 sad prali4. TAM inetruateat shall operate ae an usfgammt of any rcoala cm said property to that a:rant. <br />