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<br />M~RTGA~ $~.~ c~{I~a7~
<br />Tlds ..rtgg. tt..aia ~ it:is dtia ~T ar ~'.'-•~-c. ..~, , ~ ~~ //
<br />l9 1,l'y sad betvrem Bernard R. Shovlain and Thelma M, Shovlain, husband and wife,
<br />1 bereieafter referred to a• mortgagor) and the Adatiaiatntor of the Small Baaiaeas as etpasT of dte
<br />(:oere~eat of ibe United Stets of America (baeieafter referred to as mortgagee), ~ amairt.isr er oiee uid
<br />piaaaa[btearat Empire State Building, I9th and Farnam Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 68123?:
<br />prrattwsrx. that for tba etraiiaratim hetteimafter sued, receipt of ~ i ~'9 ' ~.
<br />aarttdittgtarr doss herebT aartgtge, aal1, tt~t. swigs, std etatrq moo tbs moaspgae, his saeraaass ttatt ~ aR
<br />d the foUa~ desnibed propeetT sgaaead atad bsiag io the ('~tmtT efHall
<br />Sate ~ Nebraska
<br />Part of the Southwest Quarter of the 5authwest quarter (SI~£ SW's') of Section
<br />Twenty Two (22), Township Eleven (113 North, Range 'line (9), Wesc of the 6tlt
<br />F.M. and described as (allows: Beginning at tt point 240 feet north of the
<br />southwest coxner of said. Section 22, 'S'awnship I1, Rang¢ 9, and extending thence
<br />East a distance of 433 feet slang the north line of a tract of land described
<br />in a Deed in Book 66 at page. 435 of the. record.:, of FCa.11 Cbuaty, Nebraska, run-
<br />Wing thenc¢ north a distance of 200 feet. thence w¢st a distanae of 433 feet to the
<br />center of the County road, known as Locust Street, running thence south a
<br />distance of 200 feet to the place of beginning.
<br />Together with and including aU buildings, all fixtures including but not Iimiled to all plnenbing, betting, ligho-
<br />ing, vrntilsiing, refrigerating, incinerating, air conditioning apparatu,, and elevators (the mortgagor hereLT
<br />decta,ring that it is intended that the itrma herein rnutraerated ,hall br deemed to have been permaar~tly ia.
<br />stalled as part of the realty), and ati improvements now ur hereafter existing thereon: tax heredilammb sad
<br />appurtcnar+cca and al! other righu thereunb beleugiug, nr in anywise appcruiniag„ sad-the revereiea ttud~ es
<br />versions, remainder and rcmainden, all right. of redemption, and the rents, issue+, cad profits of the above
<br />described property (provided, hwMever, tlut the mortgagor s1aaU be entitled to the poseexsioa of said prepeety
<br />sad-tn collect and retain the rcuts, issues, and profts umil default hereunder). To have tnd to hold the satwe
<br />uutn the rtwrtgaga and the 4uccessors in iateres2 of the mortgagee forever in fee simple or suet other estafie,
<br />if an}°°, as is stated herein.
<br />The atorttseor eortat.w tlut he L Lw[ntb .eigt .s,t r.,.._...a „r ,.,a ti_..ty .:_w.. ~n __~ _ _
<br />fT; that the same is fm from all encumbrances except u bereinabove recited: sad that lte hscebT biota.
<br />hiiaaaif sad his sueeRasga in itterat to warrant and defend the tide aforesaid thereto and every part eberwt against
<br />the ehiitn ~ all pertwus vrbtimaxrer.
<br />_ 7 ;'~-~ ,
<br />This instruntent is yreo to secure the payment of • promiewry note dated ~+-~ ~ '`~`=
<br />~eprarys~i~ralst~eft 144,700.00 ,siKaedby Bernard K. Shavlaia au~l ~h51ya '~. ?'nu~aal~:, ,
<br />w
<br />themselves.
<br />