<br />
<br />3. The morigsgor covenants and agrees that it he shalt iail to pay said indebtednew or my part theeed whet
<br />#~+, K shall fail to perform any nxmant or zgrectneat of this iarlremem or the promianrry note secured hereby, the
<br />[tl3lra indebtedness hereby 'stared shall immediately became due, payable, and rolketibk without antics; at the
<br />iAtiow of the mortgagee or assigtp, rrgardlen of muurit y, and the mortgaggee or his arsipte tmy before oraher entry
<br />ailff raid property without appraisemeat 1 the mortgagor baring wairtd sad ateigaed to the mttrtga6tx aR rigllta of
<br />ttplAetttlxment 1:
<br />I t 1 at jud'eria7 sale pursuant to the provisions of 28 U.9.C~34p}7a) ; or ~ - '
<br />t tt) u the option of the mortgagee, either Is7 auction or by aolieitatioa of sealed bids,"far the hi6iseat send
<br />beet bid eotaplyigg with the terms of ale and manner ad payment apaiSed is elm ppbliahed antics of talq (pat
<br />pvinq {oar weeEi ~tia of the time, terms, and place of each ale, by advertlretamt not las that: oaee-
<br />d-~rittg r9rh of said four weeks in a newspaper published or diutibtttad ig the eotttsty-in which stud prrperty
<br />is sitwt~, all outer notice beirtg hereby waired by the morigagae (and avid aaoetgagea, or say pmwa m
<br />behalf of aid tortgagee, t:ay bid with the trpaid iadebtedrer erideeeed by aid note). Said ale rhdl be
<br />held at or og the property to be a1d or at the Federal. rttnatT, or rig roarthoaae far the easraq is tvhieh ells
<br />propterty is bated. The mortgapFeu hat~y authorised to esecnte for sad an behalf of the ~rtgaplor sad to
<br />deliver is the pordtarrr u such ale a en~cimt wmeysnee a[ aid property. which canveyanee shall mntam
<br />teeStaL • to eke heppeniog of the ~: efmlt open which the ezeeutiea of the peseta of alo htu+eia gaoled
<br />dapa~s: and the acid atoHgagar hereby rortrtittttes and appbims the irarrtgap)ee or my agegt or attnrnay o61he
<br />6a. dx agent and attorrtey in fact ad said taortga6ar to mabe sash rmeitaia sad to esaeute said
<br />caaYeYma nerd hereby enranautlr stud agttea the the. reeitak ro made shall be eRaetnal to bar a8 etptaity ar
<br />right of redemption, lramratead, dawn. and all Mhc,r examptkrpr of the nwttgagor, all of whirl are hereby
<br />ettpteraiy waive F mil raproyad to tfYa mortgagee: or
<br />(ttt) 4kc my other appropriate artiest pungent to roue or Fedast stunts either in state or Pedant
<br />court ar uthetwiae far the dispmeit(sn of -the property,
<br />in the event of • ark a 6ereinabore provided, the mortgagor ur any person in posedsion Hader the mortgagor shall
<br />rhea heeotoe and be tettmL bolding over and shall forthwith deliver pasarsdou to the purchaser at each sale or be
<br />aumnserily diaparxseed, in acrordatm wish the provisions of law applicable-to tenmu holdityt orer. The power
<br />sad agertry hereby grmted are coupled with m interest and are irrevoeabk br-death or otherwise, sad are granted
<br />a eumuletive to the remedies for eollectioa of said iodebtedacea provided by law.
<br />~, The promatk of my sale of aid property in aeeatdanre with the preceding pangraplr rhatl 6e applied feu
<br />hr pay the onaL and espetras of said sale, the expenses iuctwrcd by tbs. morigagea [or the parpsue of protecting or ®aia•
<br />tainittg sal,( property, sled rertonabk attortteys° ices; sereutdly, to par the inrleltta;new secured hereby: and thirdly,
<br />to putt my entphp ar extxiw to due penan or persasr legally rntiCkd thereto.
<br />`. 'der the seeps ~d prnposty is se#s$ at a jtadicial fareelawre sale err (garslraaa to the Power of tale bareiaabore
<br />dranaad, sad dte posoeeda are trot .natieat ra pay the tefsl 'sudebardaer sarisred by thk iaatr+atatear and eridencad ley
<br />said ptraaaiaaery tsaMla, tbn mortgagee will ba enlitlod is h deftrieacy jtsdg#eat for the amount of the deey twtttwes
<br />rert7ut 4 rpF+aiarttrart=
<br />6. to the event the nnorigagor (aih to pay say Federal, sure, or local tax aareaament. income tae or other tax (lea,
<br />rbarEy ice. w other expegse ohuged sg+iast the property, the osartgri{ee is hereby authorized at his option w pay
<br />the saaac. Any soma a paid by the nwrtgaY,ee +hall be rtld~ to and 6coorne a p.ri of the principal amount of the
<br />i~ rridegcetl by said clots, subject to the army terms and rowlitiorts. if the morigrgor shall pay and
<br />ditttlsaegv the iadfbtadrtar evidertred fry said promissory note, and shall pay such sums and 'hail discharge all taxes
<br />sled liana and rho sorts, (acs, and expettan of makittR, miorc4tg, and rxxuting this mortgage, then this mortgage
<br />shall lx r~tnrcled teed -°---- - .
<br />T. 'Glee oaveatanL heeua conttinal shall bind and the benefits and advatttagd shall inure to the respective ate-
<br />~~ ~ Pu~hn~ua. ~hmesu uaed,the singular auetber shalt include the plural, the plural the
<br />T r rball iaelade all geada:<
<br />di. lWt waiver of my ervenrnt hareia or of the obligatim seethed hereby shall xt any lilac thereafter be held
<br />~ lee a was nr of tlt* tarsus hetxof err of the gore scented hereby.
<br />R ht eomapllaace with seotioo 141.1 id) ~ the Raker and Ret~stktimta of the Swa{l $Rasineaa Adnriaiaration [i3
<br />C.F.tt, 14l.lldl j, thir uateaaleat is to be anstrned sad etafare,ad a accordance with aptplicabk Federal kw.
<br />Eli b ~ dertee, at+ftrr ov j,t haldssg my Itravisiag or portion ai this :o.r ,~stutu e
<br />man test is an wa pnalada else en(oreemeot of the - - ___•_~s •.•.~,m a ®-
<br />~~. - Y impairer retaainittg previsioeaeor
<br />pertioaa of
<br />
<br />