<br />
<br />i;tstrrntu Ca'vety sr+rs. Borrower erd Lemder covenant and agree as foilow•
<br />1. Pa:'weat e?f ctrl Isaeeast. Bnrrt»rer shalt promptly- pay when dLte the pretcipai of and interetrt on !fie
<br />ttdrststednrn evidentxd by the Nate, prepayatent and late charges as provided !r. itse ':ores and the principal of acid interest
<br />on attp Fmurc Advtuten yenned by this Mortgags-
<br />Z Fsais !ar Tags d lasttts~aee. Subject to appficabte law ac to a wrrttsn waiver by Corder, Borrower shall pay
<br />to Lendttr on the day monthly ntrtatiments of prittcipai and ;merest arc payable under the Nate. umd the Note is paid fn tint,
<br />a elan therein "FtiftM` i equal to orte-twditfi of the yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this
<br />Mortgage, and ground rents on the Property, if any, plus rrcte-twetfrh of yearly premium itutalltt[etma £or hazard iraunsree,
<br />pitx one-twelfth of yearly premium inuatirrrents for mortgage mstrrallte. if atty. a!1 u reuonsbty estimated initially std from
<br />time to tirtrc by Leader c:, : ~ Msis of a9tlNaments and bilb std reatonabk estimates thereof.
<br />The Fu»sfs shat} tse hdd in an inst*tution the deposits or arxAetoro ut which aro tttsu[ed or guanmrxd by a Fed<xal or
<br />slate agencw t incitdirtg Lender tf Lemier +s such an irtuim[ion i. 1 xrtder shall apply the Funds to pay said taxes, ateearrrenn,
<br />ittaunttee ptetniums std ground rents. lutsder may not charge far so holding and applying the Funds, analyzing said account.
<br />ar vtrrifyin$ acrd compiling said assessments amt Hits. unless Lender pays Sorcawer mtereat on the Funds std appticattk law
<br />permits i.ender to make such a charge. Borrower and !.ender may egret m writing at the time o£ execution of this
<br />Mortgage chat interest on the Fends shad ne pad to Borcrnver, and unless such agreement rs made or agp}rcabie taw
<br />requires sech interest to kse paid, I~tder rtes}I oat Ise required to pay Borcrswer any tnteretu or earnings on the Futtda. [ceder
<br />sha2E givs to Barrewer, without charge, an annual accounnn¢ at the Funds showing credits and debits to the Futtda and the
<br />PurPoK far. which earrh debit to the Futtds was rtxa,le. ib<`Funds are pledged as addrtionai security for the sutras secured
<br />by this Mortgage.
<br />Lf the amount of the Ftmds ttdd by [xnder. togr;lfter wt[h the future monthly mstailments of Funds payable poor to
<br />the due dates of taxer. asxastttents. attaurance prcmturns and ground rents. shall exceed the amount required to pay said taxes,
<br />asts~emeats. rtwrantx pretnirmrs std ground rents as thty fail due. such excess steal! be. a[ Borrower's upnon, either
<br />promptly repaid to Bwmwer or credr[ed to 9-;mower on monthly rnstaBments of Funds. If the amount cf the Funds
<br />h,~ ttv i~r sr'taU n~ be nth ,7 pay taxes, assessrttents, msurancc premiums and ground rents as they fail due.
<br />Boraetwer shalt pay to lxrsder any amottn.z necessary to make up the cltticttncv wrtntn lt} days from the date nonce is marled
<br />try txntler to Borrower request•ng payment thettot.
<br />Llpnn paytttent rn full of all stems secured by this Mortgage, lender shah irrompdy rotund to Borrower any Funds
<br />hekd fay f~ttnier. ff uxider paragraph Ik htneot the f'ropenY „ v,td .nr rite Pra~nv rs otherwtsc ac'yutrcd 'ray Lender, Lender
<br />sltaU apply', no tsar than urt[teed[a[eiv prksr to the sale of the f'r„pony or rrs a::qutsttron t+v !.ender. any Fvnds held 6y
<br />Leedsr at the amt of apphcaftun as a credit ~~ugaLnst the sums secured by rhea h9ongage.
<br />3• AppYtadss rLf PaYateaY. itnitsa applacabk {aw pravrda nxhenurw. xIi payments rtcervtrd by 1-ender under tht
<br />iyote and parag,rap#rs :and 2 hereof sha11 tea applaeei by i..cnder Pits! to p:nymanl rsl amottms payable rat i..c nder by Brtrcrtwar
<br />'.coder paragraph horror. [hen to la[cresa t'.raya6lt on tnc Nate. then to the pnesvtpal ul tht Note. and ihtn to tnttrest and
<br />pnacipai un any Future Advatrces.
<br />a. Charges; ILtas. Burrower ,hail pay oil rases...*ussttscnts end to ncr :harges, tints anJ mtprxmons annnutabic to
<br />rtes Progeny wh~h tnay at[am a prrunty over they tiiungage. and !cascnuid payments or ground rents. +t any. rn the manner
<br />pro»ded under pazagrapfi 2 hereof ur.:l na geld :n such manger. r; Borrower mazmg payment when due. Jtrec[ly to the
<br />payee thentot. Borrower shaft promptly turntxh to i-ender ate Wooers of amounts due ::nder thin paragraph, and m Lhe event
<br />Borrower steals make paYmtm dtree[IY. burrower seal p+t+mpriy !urmsh ~~ i_rnder receipts c-v ~dtncmg such pavmtnts.
<br />Borrower nhait ptoaiptly dtss;harge any Teen whten has pnuun• over rnis Mortgage. pmvr<led, chat Narrower mnali not be
<br />requued to discharge any wch }ten ,o Yong as Borrower ,halt .agree rr. .s ruing ra rise t~aymtnt s,t :ht i+hhgauun ,i•<urtd by
<br />such inen an a mantle[ aceroptattk to ixvC,rr. ,er strati m gsusd Cann ,:ontcao s,scn hen hv. ;. r ,iefcmi cot<.re:rment ut such tern ra.
<br />krgat pra.:,••tzfettgs •a^'rdch tsperate tcs prevent €,.e ents.r;_esnCnt ..a +.. .. c....rc ,':he t'ss+..~r.r -.:. ,,..\ :.. [! r.~rressf.
<br />y IfrmW fawsaasa. Bssnuwsr shall Aeep the rmpru?'tntents roue. cenerng u?' n- eaY ter rrectcu r:n the i'r,"tstrty insured
<br />agaitait roan isy firs, [tazards tm:fuded wrthm the term uxreteded =.,,ver agt sari ,urn r„tnst naznrsts :.!~ 1 ender suss reyune
<br />a. ;; m roach arttauuta and !cr ss -; poi isxLs :., . eoJtr r- rys,t pr , . ci.r rhni ' - . ,h~.tii nu, rc,.!:r «, .hat ri.c esnvun+ ,~:
<br />sua.M cx?vrrage ecsrxd that amount u! .,.verage rr:#i.r~+ .., ha -. ~n., r.. -r a e rt i t.yrirn;,t,
<br />'1'hq rrte:r: arwa auritar presvitiiisg .rat tnsi,s a..s: nil i•r, .\:,se., vv Ba rs rs:s+rr n:~,lt~i , ~ .rppiv .' C.rr, ;c p, u',ded.
<br />ghat sash approval shaf9 not be unreas.nnafrly wuhhl:kt. .^vlk pecranwrnz „n msuu'~ance r'n rcics ,hniN a'd>e~~parJ :u the, unanntr
<br />pis3vrdtd uttsftr partt$tnph 2 hsrsuf ur. ;! raxt pare ua much manr~tr, ?%) tau€ruwer making laayrsxtt[, wears dot, rattily m alto
<br />tnsurnr:rs ;~arre~.
<br />Att insuraru po(rcte!s and renewals thereof shall t>c m form ,. ceptobie t.. I-envcr ;, rsd shall rn.fudc : ,ands rd r xry,age
<br />dame m favor of and in form acxptable to L-crxfer. Censor ,kaali h .... nghl !„ hntd the p. rutrc, .+nd ~r. new ai, is htrror.
<br />atxl $orrowtr shall prornptiy lurntsh to !.ender elf renewal aouces anJ ail rrtcirp[s of paid prcmwun In the cvcm .n loss.
<br />Bssrrttwst shall grva prompt ixsbce to rtte ruswanec .arner aoJ Lender i ender +++av n:aAe pnttsi .d ,pass ~, inn .^.,ssia pnaupn:
<br />by Eorrawsr.
<br />micas L.cnder anu Borrower u[tn:r-wrsr agree ,c ,.;:trig, , .. „ ~ srs+s:tcd, ,rash he appircd ro rcstutauon .•r rtpsrr ~~t
<br />ttte Proputy damagcst, prunrkd such rtstoratiua ur ropsa ., ,,, n+urm.aliv tearable ..rld the ,e.urny ~'n im, :,iongage
<br />nut thsteby rtnpautd. (f su.h rtswrauoa ut repau a' rant G, wtomia.ahv teasrhte er !i the ,as urdy rat !h„ 4lsngage w„old
<br />be rmpautd, rtes msurancx prueestts strati be app[esd ~_ ..._ ,says setuttJ ray :h+s 1lortgegt, wuh :nr c. ,arJ
<br />;a SntrP+vcr. tt the Proper[} +s aisansiunW by fsarnswtt~. "'+ ~.; ttotruver ;arcs m rtspunJ to !coder within iUSdays irau ', he
<br />Jett tsutrce a snuriest by Ltndei to Borrower chat the utsurens,e .atnei .ditn to scale s .Jean for ~a,urance .-~. neht,. ..~ndrr
<br />'s autbur+z~ed to s:ariebt nose -epf`y rtes .nxuran.:=• Isw:tts±:. a+ [ enter , .:,. r,~u e[thar c<? rtstc: atwu .~, reps:; :_~ nc~ 7'rniu r.s
<br />,sr tU LtIC ciYne SCGUk'Cd by lhrA Nattgage.
<br />U ttleaa !_rtsder and Huvnrwtr utherw rye agree m + !crag, ..-~ ,., npVaircxtlua •:I pn needs :. opal -•.rn[i nut rs,cnu
<br />,,d .
<br />,x pusipurxt :rte din date of the rnunthiy ;nsus;imenLS ;rtt e. red r:F_ ,, scrag:ape,, a• '.arcs„ ., ,h:sngr !~., .~,n, ...
<br />ssait rtssrailneertis. 1t under paragraph 1 s hertuf the f'ruper ty ,s asyui: es: ?+\ Lender. ail right. r,tic ar,J ::,rcre.=.t -.~: ~IS<rr,.w _~
<br />ra arxi tc axs} insuriuue patams astd a end bs the prcx uin thereat r rvurng : .m damage w rirtr rv{nu ,• .~ ..u ....
<br />or acgtusrttute shalt pees to Lender Luttht axteat of the sums .e,;urtu ray !h„r~vt ortgage :nmtedta[ciy prior r~i.~ r: c'.n ;.s:e „r
<br />acyuisitian.
<br />fr+ Rsiteasat4pp aqd sfalpsssnce ut PrupertY. LtasskWtls: i;oasturuiniattaa; Ptasued Unit ilr.-ebptueuts. Jnrrouc+
<br />shalt istsp Lhe Ytbgserty to gwd repau and sitaii tw[ toruuxtt waste .,t perntsr :mpau moor :~r drier rorauun ,~1 .he t`: s+ps:rt•
<br />aLkl Yhkli faupiY with Lha prayrstuns Ji of 4 leant :S ti);n 4t t,rtgage .-. .- astral=li. i' !, ~ ~I,a, taut „ . ~., . ,.:, :,: ..
<br />ctntc4xn~YUm or a pisuuesi caul Jfsttuprntnt. Borrow€i .iwii irertur n: a„ - i~&rcn+,+e+, ,.t4,gsn.,rs ..Hurt ...e s.,a. ,
<br />ar ccvenatus ,xtaurcy ur guviroucg Lhe aard.,atrntum ~r piaanzu r;?,i n>,rertopmert .-a by-.aws ~nJ „-,..~_ ,. ., as ~hc
<br />a,ttdttmenntint of pWrced uvtt Jcvedoprrxant. snJ s.nsurst<n: Jotwrrcar= , .,...uvuunrum ~~, piannuU ~-w s,.i<,p:nu
<br />ru~a n cz~:urtd try 73orruwer ;md res.crJed s.:gither 'wuh ens tiongagc~ :.._ ....< ant, sass ., .eu . ,.I r. :cn r-
<br />•- ~n gttrtr o- etc•
<br />sttaif be nrs:vrpuxatsd lino uad shall amend anu supptttnsut tht ,,r strsant, .aryl exrvy.mchts •.: !h:_ !stuatgaK.: es . ..,s :..ls::
<br />~e a past tsarsa>€.
<br />3. Peaarxd4a ttf lssder'a S+eeasM7. if Bottower ta;is ro v r::arm s;tt _, na;3t, .;nu agrecnu;ats. _: manres} .:r ih:,
<br />Mq(lj{YQe. !:)r t. any aaniHI _' prVCCettiY#k .n .aniAKn92J +. h;s.i: ! t. Waif, dfecb ! c z _t. cep .,, :_~ f'•.,pr,,,.
<br />~Lttdtap, fart sxrt iimtieal ta, rmsmzu dtrtrwu:, :_ nagvanc7- "+te cn;.~rsarna:!; .. ~_. crags re;etx ., ast~drngs .. ,,,..rag ..
<br />bamkrttpt ut Jasrdent, Chsn [.fader ;u. I !nder, „pr,un .. .. ,. ;sor .. .~,_.. , rxar.s,,,c.. , .... „ ,:,. ~.
<br />tiruK and iahe tuck ati wn as ix r?e,.twxuy to p (s_ndae - s. s+ ~-ngi ~ :, ~rn-ti.d : i ..,, ,x-:,. ni
<br />rexsrau:zs~ aEauraeY~s loses and xrun ;par. !hx Pru~:e., - ., .. ..-res. :.a ,,,gage -. ,._ .._
<br />oasirdrensn :,f nsaksug ?ht !eau aCat3i rat ;.: •`t,. .:o!tgarµ. ?r• r+, .,.. ... w, ., ... ..t .r svi.b ..y-. __ ~ a„t. _.. . r.
<br />rgK+sw.'<t- an s$t~t +a4W cue rants a> . ,t< r1:-yuuEnien[ fua ...,, _ -_ 3,,_c _.,,azs.. _: ,_~or~,., s- . h r +~.. ,...r
<br />