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<br />MORTGAGE <br />~(3~ i~Cl'~05"7 <br />THIS MURTGAGE is made fisia ..............3rd........ . <br />19x90.. ,between the l! ~1 ~ .... . r~ce?aber ............ . <br />~aor. G£OF3C,E. R... LEE7tXi, . uttttt~r [ ed ................... . ... . <br />..!!Stela "Batrrowtst''), and the <br />Kama Fedtral <br />Saviie(Rs emd I.esa Aeeodatisn, s aapor~on otgaaisld and etdttWng uod~ the Lta-s of The UrtSed States of <br />Atarertea, wfittae address is 2si south I.a~en.t Street. (iraad iaLod, Nsbt~asha Iherem'•i.~der'ry. <br />Wtttttews, Horrmver i3 indebted to I.ettder in the prieteipal wm of .TH 1 RTY. ~3NE .TNOtfSA,C93 .TWO. tit~1RE0. <br />ANA . NOLLO.Q--------r.---------r--------n--flotmts, which indeMedoeas is evidenced by Horrtnrer's sole <br />dated.... O~sp?ber-. ~.. i 98Q ..... (hertdn "Note"), providing for trtwtthly iretaBtagtts of principal amisnteaest, <br />with the balartee cf the indebtedness. if trot sttoeter paid, doe and papabk oo... ,J.agUary..1,,, .2006.......... <br />To SECUae to lender (a) the repayment of the indebtedness eviderteed by the Note, with interest thetsort, the <br />pa},tt~stt of al! other sums. with interest thereon. advanced in accordtttq-e hereaitb to protect the security of this <br />Mottgagen scut tht perfotmavoe of the covenants and agrecatents of Borrower here>a contased, ~ (b) zhe ttpayateat <br />of attq ftuare advances, with interest thereon, made to Hrrrrowe,r try 1.cnd;:r porsuani to paragraph 2 t hereof (hereht <br />•'l~'ntttrt Advances"). Harrower does hereby mortgage. grant and Conway to !.ender the follirvring described ptvtrperty <br />foeattd', is the t'-aunty of .............. :TAIL ......................., State at Nebiaaka: <br />THE NORTHERLY ;IkTY-FOUR FEET (N64'? OF LOT TEN (Iv?, gLC,CK SIk i6), iN H. G. CLARK'S <br />ADDITION TG THE CITY OF r_.~p ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, <br />trhichhittltcaddteasoP..........'[.`'.'.y,t~ Ncrfin EIm ;,rank Islano <br />.............. <br />.~hrahka 59$G! r3rr~'j [Wert <br />........ ................. ihereitt "property Address'"): <br />tstw,~ ay Caaft <br />Ttwaiatta with a1! the itttprttvetnents now or hereafter erected on the pruperty, and al! essettxnts, rights. <br />reins, royakx~s, mirteraL oii and €~ rights and profrts, water. water riut»; ,,,,t ,., -u,c _ <br />nsterras now 6t hereafter scathed to the property. ail of whit}[, itufuding replacements and additicros~thecetu, shall be <br />deter to he sad remain a part of the property covered by this Mortgage; ansi sit a:` lire forrgoing, trtgethcr with said <br />PfoPaLLY (qr the lr~ehdd estate it ihh Mortgage is un a tetasehold) art herein refrrred to as the "Property,. <br />~r cetvettams [fad Borrtwer iK fawittliy seised ai the ,:.state hereby c+Wtveyecf and has she right a> rtwrtQagc, <br />grace awl +:anvay the ptcrpeny, that the property is uttentumbered, and that Hrrtr,tw:'r wi?4 wrrrant xtrd defend <br />gsn¢ra~y imp t let the Proptpy agaitrst alt ctaitrts and demands, suit t.> ens dsiarsix:rts, r„semeata ..r re,irrctirms <br />i~d itt a sehiuie n# tacepdorss io coverage m any tttfe tratxanu pcrlu:y irtstrreng i xrt~r a ietca--s; a,r ?~ <br />. -=.e Pr~:~rty <br />~,..i tqi tsar... b•r^,~-ditAMiFMtMt fktirMlt aKtgtll/!R . <br />