<br />X3!3--. tai='~'~J57
<br />f_sridet s written agrixmrnt rx applicable loan. Borrower dial! pay the arrayurx of alt rriortgage insurartce ptemiurro in the
<br />manner provided under paragraph 2 hereof.
<br />Any amounts disLnrtsed by 1_tnder purw::nt to rhea paragraph ?. with ttdercst tlierr:on, shalt becortte addttianal
<br />mdebtedztess of Einrrower serursd by thn Mangsge. tinkss Borrower and T_endt:r agree to other !seats of Payment. streh
<br />afnsmnts stiati he payable r~pon rysxlice from Lender to Borrower requesting payrttent thereof, and shalt hear interzat frost the
<br />dots of dixbrirsetrtent at the race payaMc from tune to time on am[a[rdiog pritcipal uncles the Note imkss ptsymerit of
<br />itterest at such :ate tvnuld be contrary to apptiabk law. in which event such atifawma shag boo interest at the highest rate
<br />amr~ata~wn hersumier- kabie taw. ?alssthirrg corrtsiittad in this paragraph 7 stia?f require Lender to :ocur am ercPeteae or take
<br />E. [aslee6ea. !.coder may make err carat ro he made rcaaonabk entries upon and inspec[iorts of the Property, provided
<br />that Gender shall glut Bnrrrwrtr nrnice prior to any such impection specifying rrasotsahie cause therefor reia[ed to T.ertdar's
<br />mtertst in the Pmpertv.
<br />9. CoairmrWlae. - ,f't[e prn4at~s r,{ any award or claim fete damaaa, direct or conuquentiai, in con[tection with aay
<br />::ondemnat&rn or other ta;rmg of the Property. or part th±reef, u fa±r conveyance in {itu of caaidemnation. are hereby assigned
<br />and shall hr paid to I.cndtr
<br />Ta the rvrnt of a t„tat taking of the PmpetYy, the pmcrxds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage,
<br />with the excess. i{ any, pa:d to Berrrnwer In the event ni a partial taking of the Property, un{ess Barmwer attd Lander
<br />otherwise agm in writing. rhea shalt he applied ra the sums secnrM by this Mortgage strch proportion of the proceeds
<br />as is equal [n that propnrrrrn which the amount nF the sums urvrM by this Mnrtgagt imtnexliatsly prior to the date of
<br />taking beari to the fay market voiles of the Pmprrtv :mmedisttiy poor ro the date of taking. with the balarta of the procxds
<br />pad to Btxmwer.
<br />I( rhs Property is aharsdoned by Bnrmxver. ar if. after notice by finder to Borrower that the cntrdemnor oRers to make
<br />an award or settee a Maim for damagss. Borrower fails to retgand to Cinder within ;(} days after the date such notice es
<br />ensiled. Lender is aurfiorized to cnikcs and apply the proceeds. at Ceritier's option, either to reaoration or repair of the
<br />Property nr to the sums stcvred by •his Mnngage.
<br />L'nlass i.endzr and finrrower othsrwvu agrst yn writing., am^ sua~h appircatinn of proceeds to principal shag not extend
<br />r>r postpone she firs ::ia~e ,+4 the mnnzh~ly it»tallmrnts referred to in naragraphs 1 and ?hereof nr change the arrtount of
<br />3nC{a LRxIa IlnlentR.
<br />18. Bonerwer Not Rdeaed. E=.ntnaan of ttu tams for payment nr mndiRcatinn of amortization of the sums secured
<br />by tihis Mnrtgags grarmed by Lander ter any sue.ccxsor :n inttrtst <yf Borrower shall not operate eta release, in any manner,
<br />the Irabi3frv ++: epxt +yrigtna! Borrower amd Borrrrwer'c suecdssrrrs uri intemt. Lender shall oat he required to c;,:-,-menee
<br />Pr~ccdinga against stash sriccxssor .»r rtfux to extend tame far payrnem ear nrheravisc modify' amonn>9tion of the sums
<br />secured by this Mrt rtgage hy~ r a~son r=f any dtmmr,d malls by the nrigaaal Borrower aRd Borrower's successors inn interest.
<br />t f, Mzrieheora!etm by f,eadev !fat a'Wtdssr, ~Anv I'nrfiearance by l.endtr in exercising any right or remedy hereunder. or
<br />rrttisvwise 3Hordsxf hv' applicabtt 'aw. chair not he a wa rv~er of o prcclrtde the etercise of any such right or remedy.
<br />TFic procurcmcat et insurance or the pav:r.:nt of taxes ar raher bens ar charges %v Lender shall rant Ft a waiver of Lender's
<br />right en accelerate the tefNUriry of the :ndeMedrtess sccttred by thn Mnrtgsge.
<br />I?-. Reaasdfaa <Ta.aiatlve. Ait remedies pmveded :n this Mortgage are distinct and cumulative to any- other n¢ht or
<br />remedy under thu Mortgage nr afforded by law or eywty. and may fye exerusrd a>ncurrently, independtntly ar succevively.
<br />13. Soeceaaers cad Aasiges Booed; ioirrf aed Several I.' C
<br />cantatned shall head, atr;li the sig_hty hercundtr shall enure tn. the riab~htty, TMs covenants and agreements herein
<br />subicct to tear roviseotn of pectrvc nrecesxan cad assigns of Gender and Borrower.
<br />p paragraph t^ hermf. Ali covenants and agrttments of Borrower shall be jean[ sod several.
<br />Tree aaptrom and hradmgs ut the paragraptss rat this Mrartgagr are fn. .~.^,ecnrerse .mh- .:rid arc rani to ix used !n
<br />:nerrprct or de$ra: i!x prasnsicrn: tatrerrf.
<br />Td. 'vtd#ee. Eyxcepr far any nrxtce required umkr appFkutyts i~,rw t:+ tte• given m another man[aer. int cry notice to
<br />Borne+wc€ ,srtrvrrTed for r.t+. [hss Mortgags shad Fx given by matting stuc tt ncrt~cc by crt!fird marl :tddre. sod t:: Borrower aS
<br />the Irraptrty ~;yd,[+•.as err a[ rt>ch ,aher address ax Bormwcr may ,its:gnatc %v ..^.orice to t.rnder as orov:drd hct-_?n, acrd
<br />''." [. -'3 Y..~z -.der ,ha7i t+r g vin _, ctr!!ftc.l ma 1. returrt rer.eneq °equc ,tcd. t•, i rnaier~ address staled heron e•r to
<br />such the 9d '. [ends may ua~signafe by nxyc-e is Burrower as provided heron +nv tx,tt=^ pr nv;dc- - -n
<br />~f• ,,..tg.,. s.,.~a,..,R arems:d .r• irawc neon r e, t:,is
<br />g en r Bn r aver .r ntkr - t eta g. - n e iht manor designated herein
<br />15. 1 aifmae srloregaee• (oyuei:~ [~.. Gv+ral>_+[#y -rh - , ri~eage m # n. fyr[n cayena°£ ~ - es;,,.rai
<br />lest -rid nort-rrnttxtrut -: ciia-r -rfh tirntter7 sonar ns %'c ~. eryvrt rc!nn v< ;,. [rr.r.vtr a ~ n_fnem ses:uruy instrument °nvtring
<br />rea? p' ~^y ~T'-, ,.;,,,ts: <rrar£ Y.~ garvtrned hp rise lau ,:i [he .unsdu:trn.^. in x~hia:h the Frnpettt .s ir*cated. In tree
<br />event !hat any proviuorr ar cisux of then Mortgage nr the *r,xr a,~nfltrts with appiicshlc law, such conflict shxl! rant affect
<br />trthsr nrovysinas of this Mnngage or the NMt w%ych pan hr Gruen etTtct ,a:eha.ut the conflicung pnrvisinn. and to rhea
<br />end the pn>visionx of the Mortgage and ibc \o!e arc :ies;lartd to rye severable
<br />16. hErreaser'3 Cti-Y• Borrows; stroll hr furmstxd a :unformed copy ut the tiote anJ ~f thrs Mongmge at the time
<br />of cote-trtinn or ~£ter rr.°ordation hereof.
<br />17. Tttfasfa of rise PrrfPerry; Aimee. If al! c=r am pan of the Pmprrry or an rntereat [hercm is sold ur t-ansfened
<br />by Burrower wt[hnut Ccttdtr's prior wntitn consent, ex.;ending ial tfac :rcation of a :yen or encumbrance subordinate to
<br />Ihas Mar'tgagt. Eh} the crratrrxn of a nurchast rixmev ,ecurrrv ,:trust i„r nurrxhx,ld appitances, sCi a trarrxfer by devise,
<br />descent i:r Fjr aperauon of 'Faw ulacxn the death of a µ»nt rcnant or rate tl:r gram :>f any iearrhnld interest of three years or tens
<br />riot ~nuataeaing an op[ron to putchsae. L.emitt may, at Lender s - pi m. Jeclare af; the wens veer red 'av this Mortgage to he
<br />:ttirtreaiaattly dtse acid pa}abk. i.ender shah have watveri such p - xr t, as.v. crate if. prior i+: the ale or ir-anaier. i.rader
<br />and the Pe rrtin ra wir~~tr [;x - pis-; , - rye -'rtd - t•anstrrrrJ - 'h ~agrremenr .n wni:Rg mat the creeli! of -uciy person
<br />:x sairsfac.uuv to Leerier acid that [hc mterrvl Tayabk an [he v:,n cured ha iris Mongage shall be at such rate ac Lender
<br />sha!! res}utst (f t rnrkr has waive) tfx ::prism to a..ekratc prma~±-ri ;~ the i,:rragrapfi i 7 and :f &yrrawer's succr~aur an
<br />~atertas than enccuttd a wr+ttett aasirmpficm ,rgreemtni accxprtd :r, w-[tyng by i enrkr, I coder shall :ckase &yrrowrr from al!
<br />cbligattans under this Mortgage acrd the Rote. -
<br />Tf 1_.nuzr exert°[srs such opt[oa to ac.,t~ektate, !.ender shoe: nure Borrower no[ace of accekratron iv accordance wrth
<br />Paragraph :; hsteof.:xrch nrytrcY shad provide a period of nrx etas than 30 days from the date the notice is mailsd within
<br />which Bnrrowar may pap the wma declared due If Borrower farts ra pay sw:h sums pear to the cxpirauon of such period.
<br />Lender tray. wuhauf feather riou;,t ar :kmamT ve Bornrwei. ~nvoke any remedies perm:tttk by p~raaraph ;.° herea_.f.
<br />No++-iLfHtvCNt*.,r ~ -i"§E.RSN.~fs Ek rrawar a W Lender lantern c<,vraaru anal agree as r.,Prswas.
<br />ti, Atedewlfmy. Remedy. @_~~ w procBdN /e PeraRsaO~b 17 hetetrf, uPge herrtrwer's besarcb of aey tortaa®t or
<br />f~ od herssxrer fa etas !flerfgahe, teeiediag tits coacwaafa to pa} ratree der nor was secured by Lbw Mortgage,
<br />fs ecuierWlaa sla$ meY adica to horrowu as provided is paragraolf !d baser speriryepga i Ti the brerrY;
<br />if}tlts aeGme ragaiwi b tires sash tafeaela t3f a data. em f4 ibee 3fl d{ye teem the date fbe rioftct w muted to harrower.
<br />~ wfyisb iwsb beeacb seed 6s eaaav~ sad 44! shat (aWre to case rweb breech oa or heroes the dam sreci$ed ~ t~ rtatrce
<br />^aq rttaaft hi treeel ~ Litt iwasa aeratad by few bfaeltage., fora lrisan b. iedkid nrm_er.f:~ .~ a>,i..s .>r nM..~°-
<br />"Y- alma xarsier isiates herawser er fire slant W aeiaaase fifer acrdetMiuaf cad the m ...R ~. •~ • .~s,r.
<br />! Bee essa.aswtsaee R#' a dafaak er ea other rigks to +eaert is the forecfasrrre
<br />ianM ssa!Ed ee er bstata [he dslre Y defaaae of hmrewa W eccs/erarla:e and fsgerkiswe. ff !bt breach
<br />apeclkad b ibe eetkv, Leader a Lender's uprise mey dceiue a® of the anus seyarad br
<br />i1Ma + to 6r Y alt cad peYakla witbmt feeder draaaad cad may furedoar by iadiciei prsrtraedipg° !.coder
<br />«~+ ~as* ~ a* ~ sacr rrcetsditt ~ ..iaaaa, e! r«.dumre, t.dudi,g, brat ,a sawed to, saga na aatrmeafary
<br />eparR.
<br />i9, taem+ears Ryg9rf ha Rdttaiatt. f~:awdfuaatidrng t.trrdtr's a:t;eratrrm ,=t tot sr:ms vecrrrrd by !h.s Mrrcigagt
<br />ter strati hart the ri~t do Nava s»y prs><`.aedrrrgs hcgwa Sy i_rmist er* cntor~e :%;. !v};srt gage •3rsav;ntrnrxd : r•r.ys
<br />