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$Q~ 41f~5~Fi~ <br />R.:"ttrtptat CaYEN.+LNTi HOrt'Owef :utd Lender revenant xnd agree as follows: <br />1. Papsrrst of Ptlad*al aid lasesetd. Borrower shaft promptly pay when dot the principal of and interest on the <br />radebtrisas evidenced hY the Pitstt, prepaymrnt and sate ,:tlarges as providW rn ttte dote. and tht ptincipaf of and interest <br />oa any Faturt Advattccs saxursd by the Mortgage. <br />i !Pods tar ?tss ales lasaeate. Stti~t to apr'kipbit Saw or to a wriftrn waismr by f.erder. Horrowee shaft pay <br />ea frndtr ost the day mrarthfy itsstatlntents of p[incepzt amt irusrest arc isayahk tender the Hots. utnil the 'µott ix paid in ftdl, <br />a gran therstn "Futak"? etFtad ro esrta-itraffih a# the yearly fazes and asxsvttents which may attain priority over this <br />Mtxtgppe, atM ground rents on rbe Property. of any, pkrs rnre-tw~}}fth of yeaHy aremium instalitttents for harard ssa[trantt, <br />}dtu onrtweifth of yearly prsmiesm its#attfnents fur tnortgagt inatrsartce, if any, a8 as retuoetabty estttnated inaiaHy acrd }tam <br />Brae to time by -.ender or. the basis of asa~emeeas and bills and rraxatabie est€rnate: thereof. <br />The Fttesds shall !se held in an ins[isut;on the deposits or accauns of wfit,:n are insured or gttarattteed b}' a Fttdend or <br />stax agency firscltding Ltttder if Lender is such an imtitutwnl. i_ender shall a}sptv'ht Funds m pay said razes, asussmeats. <br />ttauranct premiums aid grouted rents, l.ertder erta}• not charge Eor so holding artd r,pplying the Furtds, anaiyziag said account, <br />or vttifying and compiling said a&sssmrn~ and bills, unless LerWer prays Borrower interest on [rte FwWs acrd applicable law <br />permits Leader to matte such a charge. Bexrower and Lsrtder may egret en w icing at the ume of execution of this <br />bSortgage that interest on the Funds stuff be pad to Borrower. and unless sr:b agreement fs made or appiicabk law <br />rtrluites surfs fniertat io be paid, Ixrtder xhr}i raw tae required to pay Borrower a:,y irtternt or earnings on the Funds. tender <br />shall give to Borrowu, without charge, an annual acrnunting of the Funds xhawing credits atM debits to the Furtds acrd the <br />pt®"puse far which each debie to [he Funds was made. ~ Ftusdx are pl~gea! a additional security for the sums seeured <br />by Chi Mortgage. <br />If the imam[ of the Funds held bw l.asdcr, together with the curare mon[hh• snstailtttents of Funds payable prior to <br />the dtte dates of rases. asse~menis, irtsutattce prsmtams and graved rrnts. shall e+ccced the amount rtgttircd to pay said razes, <br />aasessmentx. tnsurat~e prem€umx artd ground rents as tncy fai4 due, arch excess shall be. at Borrowers eptian, either <br />proatptly repaid to Harrower or readied to Bnrrowtr ;rn month!} installmems of Funds. If the amount of the Puttds <br />ttt~d by Lender stall eat tx stdtlritat to pay tuts, anessmenu. insurance premiums and ground reins as thsy fall due. <br /> strait pay ea Linder any arttount rttcessar}~ to mate up the deficrertcy~ wathsn 3J Jays tram the date notice is mailtd <br />ray LttWtr to Barrnwer rrgtaestung paylnsnt thereof. <br />17pan payttaem In full ref ~atl attma secueed by Chrs p44+artgage. I.endrr shalt psumptly round to Harrower any Funds <br />itadWd by Lemfle~~r. !f under parag',raph t7 hsrttaf tht I'rapest}- n s¢rtd isr the Prapenw rs athtrwese aey to rod by Lentkier. Leader <br />cobalt apply, aay ixtrr Shan tmstsrdiare€'y print u, the gale c?t sht Prraprrty err :rs ai:µutxruesn by L.endsr, any Funds held by <br />I'.•e'~oder at the trine of appNuatian as a crcdn agarrsst the sums secured h+~ rhrs !rfangage. <br />,'!. Ap#ilcattfat at Payasetna. tinfess apphe°a€+ic law i.+rc -'ks athr;r s'ne, apt p;ryments rca'eivtd by- Ll:.nder mnakr vhe <br />plane atW,'pa,'ra~grap9us 1 ;aud 2 fruirex shall 6e app9aet1 by i recite! trv rn g aty~meaat Iaf amoums payable to L.eradtr by Barmuswcr <br />zrnider para6raRmh ? hcnaai, tlsaa m rmtr~t payahNu a+n the vo[u•_ shins? s,i the, prrencapsel of the hlotc. m~rtJ there ta, imeraxt recd <br />prenr:dpat +eo a:sy F'uttarz Advances. <br />d. Cisasgaa: !.tree. Borrower shapi pay all taxes. a.xs meets and :nhu ch:+rees. fines anJ Impxionns atirlbutable to <br />the Property which may attain a pnerity over this Mortgage. end lrasthulJ payments .,r ground rents, i( anp. In the manner <br />praa stftd under paragraph 2 herero{ ar. t raw past m sucfi manner. hs &>rr.,wer makmu Payment, whrn dot. Jsrectly to the <br />payix thtreai- Harrawtr shall pnsatptly Yurmsh to Lcn.icr +. r:otrces „I :cmounts ,Sur under thrc paragraph, and in the event <br />Bottowtr shall matt pa}'mrst dtrtcaW. Harrower ,halt/ pnrmpUy lumtsh in lsndr•r recespts a~tdennng such paymentx. <br />Batrawtcr stall ptxsmpt}y dt~hatge sny I+en .x hs.h has pr,ornv .,.er ;hr~,; Mortgage', prnvlded. !ha[ Bnrrixwer shall eat ce <br />rtgtarsd Ea discharge aus sorb hen sa tang as HLUrowxr shall aprrec m wnturg to the pay-mein of the nbhgaurn secured by <br />such Sett m a mantitr ecesptabk t« f~ndrtr. or ,hall rn gaavi teeth uantc•st warp l..n hv. or dtfend entarcement of each Lea sa <br />legal pr++1xtdirrg!C wtlith apsrate to prevent ttoe eadrr~xet[ent z+l slroe l,en nr tanttl'elEare o€ rho Frapcnv i>r rulti part thereat_ <br />3. Etsaarrd t~ranse. Borrawr:r aitaii kexp fn. ntprnvrntta?. s,=,, a I rr.p •r t. r 'trt:r •, et tc'tl rrs the: F mlurry Insu real <br />against S+tsn. by Mre. hear rds in+vluded wnhm the tree .sctroule € ~;r. ctagr ~~ a'la s:zxh .hci fwaranfx as !order may reyusre <br />i m ~aaeYa:unaanfia ureJ Ear sucfi permts .a, L.rm','k:r may rcyu r •~. prrs,rded. 141~a1 Lvndcr .tlai~ ant re~µulrte that the aonouarl ant <br />s ~~a-erage rts:s»:td lira'. iris amt r,. ':rserage ..: ditrzred s„ kr:„s ri r° ,,..rn, :.e.:~ratp l,,. -... 1,7artgay,.t~. <br />f'Sia snaxane<t ~a~sr pe vtdsnkj he n i a+, e ,al. k'e t 'a $ rs ...:Pte E : avp tr'a r Ccnaer, nrovrdtd. <br />:~~. Wy,;'„ „p:t,. L,sa.. ,least! a sr - wrsnittiv. .ell p crrC t i e : rs' ra .t I- is -Ill ry - aIJ the rt ,ref <br />ptravrds^d uesakr paragraph ? kern~estt rtawc'nant+naru ~,:rrs Intl r, :r'a Be ....s., s.tas _ r,.yr..,,...• d.~; - .,.~.;y .:,the <br />aox+u.ra~tsce c'~arr+tr~ <br />pct ='-'a~;:-i r'~.•-~~ ate: r¢ ;~a,k~ ,=`v-rea„ vt- - sv +r. i,xrm e~..rP:,mrc s., i rn.l.-r r,J ~ t [I : I _r - r n,i>;rl m„rrgagc <br />clause sn favor of and sn form aiceptahlc ro Lendtr. I. nJer half h.rvr the nght tr ha,id ,hL puuaics and renewals thereat. <br />and Ba[rawer ,hall promptly furnrsh 3n f_tndcr ail rcriewai nrsuces and ail ra,.:erptx of yard prenru,ms. Ir, she evens of („>.,. <br />Borrower shalt gtvt prcmipt nauce Iv ittt snsurar+ce iarrrrr and I_unater. ! enJrr max make pr„iri r,i !oss st not rn,sJe prnmp[i~~ <br />by &^rrawer. <br />l~nleme L+'ssder and Borrower ettrerwsx agree In wrung. snsurau..e pr.Kecais anal) 6e apphrd tr. resntratian or rcpa:r rat <br />the Proprxty Damaged, provide) strap mtutautxt ur +epasr ss .:one,+nwaHy Yeasthic anJ the +ecurity of fh+s \tartgagc ,~ <br />c <br />tint ttserebY itttpatred. tf stub res[ixa[arm ur repast rs not c~.,anns:=vllg scastnle oc :t the error rty a( tht, ',7 engage would <br />be imparted, Iht Iaxuran+x prai:eedv vhrll 6e appl+cJ t,? the as:uts v., ,. d by :,,.v ttangage. .:th Ihr <. eel s'. part <br />ro BCSrrphytr. t# the Prnfrea± +s 36nriduntd h }fern*wer. „r ,; Ha.rr~rner t.,Iis !n ravpund to 1_enJer w,thln 3tt Jay:, crate the <br />date Horace ss misled by Y...ender to Bassawer !hat the s+uurarn~e cattse.r :?fiats I., gels a ~ia:rrs fur •,ssurarsrc. hetxtits, 1 ender <br />rT audixs,rtted b.'s eoi{rxt aid aaigc ttte snsura+rc pracreJs at t_crnler a nptn:n i:ufscr su rxsturauun ar repau of the Propem <br />or [a t~+a estates s~:s+r.~i t,,: the Martgpge. <br />(.V~n6aess. !.ender avd &xrower athsrwlse agree en wrstaag any o.Lh spph:m`s,n ,:t proceeJs to pnncspal snip me[ e~.rend <br />rx peautpaer; sMr due date iaf ttte tnanthly mstalltnents :e[mrrrd sn :rr paregrapit, I .r. ? hrreoi nr .'hanwe the ci .. : <br />xuch €ns~lalirtttnis. it asstler paragi~ap#s S% hereat ilea i'ri•perty ~_l u,reil i;; l ends:r ~vsi rsghs. s:sie anJ ,r?srre+t oI HiYrr ~,wcl <br />m anal ua aaq ssssurasaa ~f:mss arw m aid to the mi;c cvs crrvr€cf rr~~susr,Iag Ir -, danxagc i:, the Pa,pene t,r,or n, ihr seer <br />or- agCU~astsoes shall pass la F~.sder ;o tree extent ;d !tx: sumo vccutcai ixa ths~, ~it;,rtaage uun:<Jsatel: i :.;+ s, ,i:i:ir ,ale os <br />at?}[pEFitila6. - <br />5. Ptersvsatlw aid Mrtlatew~ce of Pregesty; Leasehufds; (: a+sdamiaiants; Ptanwed L'tdt [kstlopnsenfs. Hncruu rr <br />shid3 kufp the f§agprty in gaud rapier aid shall rnM ~antnsit wa+te nr lxrntn :mpa;rrrtsm cr ckteriaraven o: the Pmf~rs~. <br />:-sBSiF ctnrrpta whis .isr pxsvtsssxi.x of tiny itase :i Ile: Mrrtgagc „ „n .s Echo{). ii this R-lort4eec s, i •uu1 : <br />:atr;drra~niurn izr < }Kanised unrt ire+~cl.=pnsrut, iii t __ait _ --. . . <br />f :f - H- ig:, - t l s <br />or Msyvtdautib craatsug ar g+-exrn,tig h.: J::~mt._ams ,,ors , : r,ta+, s„f ,sr, ± perm! . .ht, cv-las. ,r ..:g, ~st,nn= rt r6r <br />eosadtsmi~slusan tx planaad unit sl€vel~+prnens. asst -. ztnue::s -Feri:umeszl. i. _ -•o;,tsnsuns u r ncJ ::_ ,s. i.•1„p:eae=.:.t <br />radar i-s rasara:arted iry Bdrrtswtr and trraa,1¢d Ia3g,;ttset ~h:th she, lt,ang,age. r+rc -r,as•n:.nt. .r:zd ai;reentess~~,.,: ,;,i.n r;drr <br />xkiYll lbt a+x:arpetsated isito me nhafl ataWast agcl s:ppisrrsrstt the ee~-enants and aarremrnts +ni tRs \tattgtrge as Ir N?r n,kn~ <br />were a part heuaaL <br />3- Ptafac#ra of tesfsr's 5reark?. Si Horr.,rwer 'a:#, :,, ra•r •,rns the _. ..,=t, <br />~. or -if sny actson u. prswx~7rng ,:. a~.mamuaaes. Ysr„h rnra+ctiast} .:lk:.ts , cnwsr .k nta-re4t us^,hL f s.rprra.` <br />assittdtng but sa;1 fttnasasf Car, crosrrsnt d; Hitaen. ,ns.+#exrr~a. :,:~ i~nis*r,.e+Ytcru. ,_: _., ,rrg.•rrx'crt:n :, :. erittn¢. : ,..r:E:nk; a <br />btwitrtgtt s7r +jYStAFpxu. if>en ltmtts ai 1,espkr's a(>u.rn. span n..ote sa Herter wet. , each aplse,rsem;=~, :n,i,ax~ , <br />nt[tx atxf hdce stscth r'#~ av as xsas^i ', _w aav., fnrr..k ~: cx a. crag ,. ._; _ .sal .,, , v.n su ~.: <br />rifiaane:at.%.a atrasrnay~x lees arsd entry ttsxsn ±nr Pr -pr s°3 :,, all _j. - i>i /"-s«;~,r ;•agc _. - _ , . <br />hems of i tfu ra:urtd +zy <nsx i4t-,itgagc. t3. - a.,- a;a - _ .nr uses ~r,ar ~•.t :. t ,nt....: ,,. , <br />u7enKYt)~t in, r.#Imca vessu stxn iatae a. ;hc rr {s#%tiatrtni r::r 3c --! n v: ana .a.~ , <br />_,..+rd, s.. a -.1 F. H <br />