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Ma~rTC~GE $a'° t~~E~9s~3 <br />THIS tNOitTCAGE is tttade this........:?l ot....figtwtfi!•fr . . ............... <br />19. ~. between the Monga~r...f?M03i. ~w. ' .~Id.Dl~iX.S.....I3~ . aBd,tr3f1 <br />...................................... {herein "~rntwer"), seed the Ft3ortga~r,_ fitQY>ML'C~ti.~i1, <br />. S;~ixfgs, sad t.o~i.?E#acscia#~tm . . . .................... ..... a corporatiot ar~tized a~- tag <br />utrdexthe taws ~.. ~ ............................... whose ad;tirxs is. !1.i,Q.l.A6'd~14. ~t~afC.... <br />.. , WtYEaEAS, 8orreiwer is indebted to finder in the ptittcipal sum of.. F~:CY. ,F~P9. ~. i~ .ljpcjj~i. <br />.....: ~ --{$tt5,OtYJr~.) ......I}ollats, which incktrtedness is evidenced fry f3ortowte2sruArs. <br />dated .. ~!?!~4;'. ' ~i ...1980.... ('herein "Rfnte" ), providing far monody irsstaiime~ of ptincipaE eta! fi£tetest, <br />wilt the 'i}afance of the indebte6tress. it rot s«xter paid. due and psyabk on.. .7 s . YGJ.fE........... . <br />Ta seeuae to tinder {al the repayment of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note. with iotereat iheceat.-the <br />paymem of alE nLf~t sums, with interest thereon. advanced in accordance herewith to protect the setytlity of this <br />+.inrlgagc„ serf Fhe performance of the covenaa[s and agreements of E3orruwer fserein mntai~d, and (b) the repayment <br />twf any ftriare advana, with. interest thereon, made to Borxowr.r tt} Lender pursuant to paragraph 2f honsaf' fhentan. <br />"`E~atwa A,d+wtrrarxs'" ), Harrower does hereby morrtgage, grant and cctnwey to l.endec the fnEEaweng deserElied pigpa><yty, <br />lueatett in tEtc C.o€€nty,).y ... ................ .........., StaNr. ttf Nelxaafta: <br />f.caX E7.errttt€ (11) atsd tlza cotxtEatesly Five send El.emaa titmdraaEtha £ttwi: (5..7.try aF f.anC <br />NEiar {BA iaz Bieck fivia C3} Efaiveraity F"lace, as xdditicm to the City of ~x*aattd'. <br />Zaiaod, 6hM1uI1 Coamxq, ftt+aaEua, <br />wiiS4 ~~Er~~ ~ as~s€ of_ .. 231 .fes>. Shhridag ....................... . .. ~ ,-r,~~F~ ~..........., <br />13tnw1€ tCsM <br />~f".. ~`'~...... .... f Erece~t "Pr~prstY :#dstre~t") <br />ilre~Ft ra0 Y4r ceey <br />Tasai4mfe wstb aH tlst imprctxetnent>< tw>r :zr hereafter crested ~,n tt€a property. ate sit e~f rim <br />~~>~.w,c..~~. =:ro, rugs. nn.serai, art arxii gas rights and protsts, water, water rig)Na. sod water *~iacft, ~$ ~ <br />fixtasos tww or hereafter atiaehrd €u the praprrt}, ail at which, inciading cc-pfaccmenia and additirrctl tlretxtq, sE ftt <br />dpea€rtai err Ere and tctnain a part of the property cc*tn•red try this Mortgtrgc: and sit of zhe fun~goitag, tct8rtber with saEtE <br />prae~rtg 4or the teasehoAtf testate if ifrFt Mortgvgc is .cn a i °a~t>a!d t i€re fterttn reterr~i to ag the "P#gep~triy'. <br />Stsnsrre! sasvasants that tl+irrcrrrer is iawfuft} seised .if eta r<catr tccrcirc .eat~eat and }tar the rtgAt io urctrtc, <br />grc~ c~ ta`tE F€cipcriv. terse the Pt»partp• ,~ unerts~x€nhrred: arW that Ficsrr„wer urfi warrant and defsrai <br />~ra3fy :~ *xjt~ tar itrC PriJfletty ag6rttt<t a;t Sta3SnK ai~i itCirtandS: sdhj[ r S t.. a.., l.'2CaiaE€rs313, ; aSCITit'nt3 ta€ rCatrlLtitM$ <br />ti-;.r:.s~ .. .. rte ftrelpcrt#. <br />EiEiA ~a e r ~:r A . , fitlsM?r7RY6 Wtrr6aft rastt~prn ...,....,.,E , ~„ <br />