<br />t_etrkx's wrssten agtsemear ~Y ~apypticabie taw. Borrower s1ta11 pay the attwtmt of a{I mottgage insurance premiums in ttk
<br />SnEnnCf prG -iSiCtt Un~r paragraph ~ hercot.
<br />>tin} attttunis dishursed by I.ertder pursuant to this paragraph 7, with itntrest tttereoq, shad became additiomI
<br />+rtsfehtrdttess <,f Borrower axared by this Mortgage- t/rnkss Bttrrr wee arul Lentkr agree to other terns trf paymene. sgch
<br />arnqunts shat! rte payahk upon rsetice from I.tnder ro Borrower requesting payment thereof. artd shalt treat i:tierest from the
<br />riaee of drshrrrsentent at ?he rate payahk from time to tithe mt osnatandarg principal under the ?tote tmtess payment of
<br />intE•rr~€ at such rate would !~ crnirary to appticabk law. to whielt event such amavtts stra8 brae intertst at the highest rate
<br />partniaw7He under app#icable iaw. *iothirtg ernrtairtnt in this-mragnph ? sha8 require I.mder to incur any expense or take
<br />asp a,:Sion hereunder.
<br />6. FarrVeaatisa. I ender may make nr catwe In be made reastatablc entries upon arai inspectiom of the Proptrty. provided
<br />that i.ender <ha1! give Borrower nntrcc prior to any srsch trtspecti~rt sptcihing •easonabk cause therefor related to Lender's
<br />interest in the Prgperty.
<br />9. CgadEwtaufott. The prcrcteds of any award or claim for damages. dim, :;. cnnsequentiai, in connection with any
<br />corrt6rmnation ..r scehrr tstlttgg of the Property. ar part thereof. or far rnnveyance in rieu of condemnation, arc herei+y assigned
<br />amt ihall he pa:d ro t.ender.
<br />In ttre :-~. eat of a total taking <rf the Pmpem•. the proceeds chat! he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage.
<br />with the excess, if am. ~niG to 19ormurr- la the rvrnt of a partial tsk~ng of the Property, unless Harrower and Lender
<br />witeruisc aE•'Pce .n wnrmg. there shalt he appti~ rn the sums secured trv this Mortgage such proportion of the ptneeeds
<br />at h rgtra9 to that^-rnpottson whicfi the amwttn of the Burns soured be this Mortgage itrtmediately prior to the date of
<br />taking trs'arc rn the fate market vEitx of the Pmperiv immediately pricrc to the date of taking, with the halsttce of the proceeds
<br />paid in Etorrnwrr
<br />if the Preperiy is abandoned by 8orrawer. nr if. after notice he (.ender m Bom,wer that the condemnor offer to make
<br />an award ur .etrle a claim tc*r damages, &?rttrwer faik ±n rcspnrxl to Lender witfiin ?0 da:T after the date such notice is
<br />masted: 1_ender is auth. rued to coitect attd apply the prxeeds. at i.endeis option, either to restorarioq or repair of the
<br />Propstty ~,r tc- the some .ecvrcd by tlsis Morgzge.
<br />Untes_s isnder and Bormwrr ntisrt±vi+~ asr~ ~ •:*.n~. a.^.v ach -^a•,••^ ...
<br />... w app±t, .,r pr_s......:...; prtrcipa'. ;hall •"`n eatcgd
<br />err pmntpenc t`c due :fare ,e~f the mon€1c{y tetsrallmonra rc6erred rco ini ir~aragraph'w F and 2 hereof nr change the aqurunt cf
<br />suds ~+nstaiEmc n?x-
<br />IB. fhsrre~arr'+1lert FLE~~Mrwrd. ~strn'vion <nf the time frs~ pavmetrt ar madilpcuur*n of :tm¢nnixatann arf the sums Eccured
<br />by fhss Mrung'ag+_' g,rantsd Fw Lnadef to any «c~sw,rr is #nazxe~wt oP' ibc=rrowar chat! neat opera€e to trrleau. in stay m~annrr,
<br />khc Yiahituy ~I t t ,,:r'i,gar„y9 1ivirr:awxr :and Borrower: sara~cr,,t r :er intercwt E.cnclrr vha19 reds Pre rtrgtrNrrd ro commence
<br />pr xr~ex~si'irg:e ~~r o. nst ^i^tch esnac:esnnr nr re'ftalu; (n extrmd tomes I'or #yavntcrn rvr :aah~uvw'i'se tnn'x9~14}~ amenrttdzutian A,f titC mms
<br />!:acuret h:- this M4rrt7: nryxge by relascrae of .ene~ demand m~at9lc Ih~} rhr nrigantti 13orrmwrtr clad Rcrrenurr s a~ucu:rawsra in ~n'slercMP:.
<br />114 ,'H11nFvrr. Ara f~nrixsa taw; e'. t+n I rrw^'t!r :n ceuun:rsrnq anry light rnr rntnlutHw Ern~nnun'dr[r, nr
<br />rstlhEtv~ri'.~ ~hFh Iaw, Ithdt Cl mm~ hs .r w~rt i'vtrr ~. nr peer hrd~e nhr trsrrcas¢ too anv 'cut.h eight nor aernedy.
<br />T'Yte pr r sYt.~ payment ttf - es - nthe . zr cfiaran hs t-ender ahaR not hr a waiver of Tender`s
<br />right t:Y _ - ~3ttttrr*y of the :rdeMrdrtcF --Y .r ;i !'+v h- N ,newer
<br />12 as[tNfs C~tdikve. 11# retncdrra pv~„drd ,r. n ltot?gage are ,+. isunr? and -_:rrnulaf:vr to am other right or
<br />..rme:3y ;ar..l;.:.h:; kinrtgagc :,r alfordtd by taw ... e•yu+ts end mess fir ,~.cr-:.,r<f :,•n<,:rmntla ~n.lrpenden?iv ,•r <u.:<:•<xivety.
<br />tJ, Saerrssars tml ~lsdtas e~aad: }aia! atd Sts Brat liEOtLg: t'stptiaw, iTtr ., senant.s .,nd agreements berets
<br />~xrntasrred shall hind. and the riRhfr hereunder ,hail :suer n• !hr. rrspe. err utecr,a:~•, .rr:d asv¢m .,# 1 en ice and Bnrrnutr.
<br />subject : the prc;s-i,rxt= .rt parat?TapR ! - ii' .,r e.rnts a ,,, rrment< : t doe. shalt he ::,mt and several.
<br />The capnons end headings of rice paragraph,:{ thm Llongage lrr ` ~ .,rnvert:ence ,~niwc end arc not k~ is used ar
<br />tnterpmt ere de[ttx the provsiem hcrcut
<br />YJ., "sotke. Eatxpr 6i~• Entr =wx,~ee -aay,nrex'I under :Ippiin•.Ilahiw: dstu r,'~ 6r_, yrvrn ~ mtmcrd~ra•r s onset :ai arey nnnce to
<br />n n
<br />fi.rr-: r. ,t,.r ia.d t.~r Si. atcs..;gas.x, nt a.. he Mrre:• •; °'rw-4u',g .rt., tr ~r,ti r*• :ertrneri +r!at{ ,dd.rrsvcat t,i~ Bornrwer at
<br />[hv. Pron~tty .A€idtxss or a .uw:.h .zthrt 'a cirtrr+< w Pie.-r;v~wru rl ea ir.n:.en; u. hu- r.rruee to i.e'Ide r gfrcwided herein, and
<br />lhli nnw~ ttogarir Hs i,rupdet eh~aln he gt*er. pmv .emlEk~d rdatL retru^ru nl:a:<t q•t regttcsced. ar f rnder'M adslrrnts ss atccl heaxin or to
<br />s~.s r<..shrr - an +~r-rnr ., rtes tgywatr -^ a:~.z~ It<.r~rt:r':.e a •:tdcc( berets nA rs;- r„,t,. it.:_'4tdm•d tr:r:. -r+ this
<br />?~. ..,..: ~ha-- ?:•,' ax:..t,.~; ,,. ,n.r ^crt }; r~.... •.: i.....y,:, :,s rr,tler wa,en qr. err ice the vta,a:cncr :ir'srttn a#ed hr„rein
<br />`. i.in~oxat'"slu>rrlSaRtles{,i~w'rorrtttnp fix+: tie'vE.tttiriNy~. rrrr'rrn:..r vrr<. r-,.rtes^y:-a~^th nr:r •tr~.f<. rz•.~ :Boat.. s~ xtia::na.
<br />tttiC .~ 1~.! nCgn.'d tt A, rnR i..:v ve:nllefl it ~e: Yttl~ wFrk _r-_a 17,i .t:;t yl__. !f` ..'rAF..,. .~ .. .. ::. a2:. - 4+...ng
<br />rem, t xatrx--s T.,t--~ N!S=et:~tgn :u.a. ~r li rr, ,ri hr. t s lauv Y rtoc ri.: rt. Gi4tt+;:n mr#r rh«~ PM.r prrr E. xeatrutl frt shYe
<br />-=+---s= --. _., - _._ -c r: 6t .>=Rsyr ~,r ore c,av .,•nire~i< rh rnnlicarir taw. :rmn ~. hater sha## n.zt atTect
<br />«cfter ~, nt<,rs ;sf ~. ,. 4irrgagr ,: :ire \n;r +r..<h ~ n t+c ~:ven ctFr~t ,. reboot the ~.>ntiicttng pr.n tsion. and :o this
<br />crsd rite n +s tst.~na „rrrhe ~i.rr?gtsar e,.d srn ~::te arc .x.~.,?rd :,. hr ,everah{r
<br />ii. Morrowee's L'otr. iigrrnwerr ,hai# t+r i~:rn:stce•,1 ., ,.••nt.•rmrd .;rps~ ;-•i the :<iotr and .+t the, Nottgagr st the t!mr
<br />.sf ecrc-uiicn ,rr a?ter rrcordatirvt hereif
<br />17. Traawfcr of ties f't'a/rrry: Aasrat !` eft .,. arty tart ,.t the Prnprrts .~r an tnirrest thrtetn i+ s,=id .+r tramferred
<br />by Sssrr..rwcr ~:i beet[ i_cndcis prt.v ur:tt..a ~.rns~*_„ rxi t,w,r?R .._. ,hr areau<x:.r .. ,r enettmhrau.e +;.h<rdtnar. u
<br />this Mcsngagr :h; the ;.; rest u+n „# ;. ;~ha.sa muu+cs ,s_.. rrtcrcv t.. ,, xhoid apphartces. ~.t a tran<trr hs de;tse.
<br />descent iir h)° r•prrstu_~ o! taw upon t±ze ,bath ,r. ree'•t?^. .._: the g arc •~, .case hold :rttc rest ,rr thrrti ,;ear, ur less
<br />twat t:?sitaau`mif a 'p.lne, ,. .-chase. i enefer r:ra+ tendee # ~t.,°rr treeless art -hr wmv mot, ei ~s rats Mortgage nr he
<br />trtnrnedtaTCl,. dtx atsd payat:le 1 c~ndxt srtai? have ~rd .u .. ..pt7yn ,; .tats rt pna.r h. the ,..de or tramfer, i enter
<br />a1uJ y. mt<,~:r -. -,ahcn: rhr prt~srrn ;< rr hr ,nt,l -nn-.: e~r. u3 .a..h ..aprrcmrne „ •,y; :h..t he ~ ru;t of :u<h person
<br />is ~a.t~~c~.rg =^ t w^J~~r acrd t`•.>i ;;~ sr--, :; p>s ah^~ t: ...- ,uoss w weed ~ s '<iortxagr ,hail be at rich rate :w Lrndet
<br />Idrail ne~ppc+st tf I vhdrr has wanes; the .,peon rn arc::elsrate p m.dtru ~~• rhr, pae.Algraph 17. eno :P kiaurowrr's ,aa-esvrr .n
<br />igrefetd haw es~rattdi n wutltrn assunrpttAxr agrermcm: a::<rpta:C f!r: ssn nrng by i cadet. Len,hr ,haft rnicase Burrower from ail
<br />t~.7ttgal~.iogts urxtrr titxs at:•; tgag€ ~d t}rr `r'cxc.
<br />31'` i..a',nder celr ins s:mk <~taGZn := ~ce'xrar~- t e=stet ,'s51 mtAtd 13,.rrt - =~aP<`c ,. ac<ekrae,on ,e ,ordtusce waft
<br />}s:aragraplh i~ hElrznf itr4-n In.~ttsr short preside y <<r;,,y :+€ tw,a 'ras than 1L7 :Sas< !:,gym tfte dau ;hc nsxire iv rnat3ed witMn
<br />wtti[h Brunrwct may pa} rht arms dt~iared dtu tt At?rretwer rada •<' pay su.:h ,uma prrr,r err the cxpiraucn .+f cuch prrr<d.
<br />f_cnder tgay, wttheiai ftrrttrer nsXtn or drmarW ern Ifnrreswxr -n,s+t<e :ens temrdtu prrmatrd hs~ paragraph 1 x herrcf.
<br />~~'=t-L'*,3 ~-_ ~~~;s==~. ~~r,-~-r: a:.u :_<.n3zt uzthra <„s~_,:,r,r .nci .rgtcc, art. :..bows.
<br />i h. trra#eraifir~ +~Etaredivat. ~s'eM as provirkd M pwaigrapk. 17 hereof. ttpau lkuerswers 9reseh aF sae eavtnaa! nr
<br />of 9arrnsee* fa this .'~trforf#[agAt, wag Hie cn+eaats eo psry ahra der way saws +erared by t~ '4ieatKage.
<br />1.tttailK ~w w aEtEMrsaiigq sia8 taaA aaika iv Rerrawer to provided nt ptrsYraph t9 hereof sprrffyial: tlt the 4reas•h;
<br />.:~}>~qe aftiiaa rEgfdifl rtes cne starA 6aannc~ ii) a dtth. sot ksa thwt 36 daya frow tfte dtr/e tier aatice is wet'kd to borrower.
<br />ig altie-- vaei OESaseiw Eataat ie rnaed: awl Ni tit fabaec ua c>ae Baca br:arA xtt art hnare the daft gecifrd is the neEieE
<br />atrg rearit Nt asrefEraeAaa ei tb vMt» aecnRl by ttds NreYftpte. IrxrslaEtve try jtrdictai lgtuvrrdiait a~ sate trf rite Pntperty.
<br />Y1rr alaab fttrs~r idrrsEEa tEtrawn at tilt t~tgif to rrfnsnMe sPfrr arrtrleratiro awd the right Nt avocet is the fwecittasre
<br />rile tfaawsiabaaE of a da(aEiF K ray Ml[rt d:rfeaae of bErraner w w•rekrtpiwe ant! fotExlaaare. If t!x Mraeb
<br />I4 auat earl wt ix IrEteeE g:r dEtr sprl®tfl is tAe aWieE, l.ewler d f<ttder'tt n}OMn way drrWe a8 of the vrsms xrcrrEd br
<br />ilri4 tlir-iM9Vs ra bE ftn~ tNa and IpffaiN wi1tNW fwrfltEr sletatatM wad way feteciats by twhriEf proeeeihyt. t,.adet
<br />attil~ ~ lall~Rd fe C11Narf test trERfl art ri~seaaa of foreCiaatltls !~~• bot asst hatktd r0. s'a is Of docawrt9M
<br />esilEatrE: airrarfE trot QGIE flgntaa.
<br />E!#. i~ f2 tt e'+r~wiiirs4aaxtrraj i.et~r's :v:ickratrc*n !t;r ,<m:x sacurrd I*s thrs bi.:rtgagr,
<br />~'s$tri; hseve rite rlylq t¢ bass .co'y pry{a issgun FSp t ender w cal:rrc€ rn;'s 's!a•.ngag:; .#tv, ct?unuad aY a . i=:nc
<br />