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~"'1)tl ~~'fS <br />Uxtvaaxt Covgxnx°rs. Borrows and !.ender envenom and agree as follows: <br />2. paynsrst of priesipN aed Ltgerest. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the principal of and interest on tfx <br />indebtadoess evidettecJ by the Note, prepayment and late charger as provided to t#t Note. and the principal of and interest <br />on any Future Ads•ances scoured by this Mortgage. <br />E Ftreds for Taet tn~ Free. Subject to applicable law or to a written waiver by Lender, Hortower s#at1 pay <br />[o Lynda on the day moor#ly ire ailments of principal and interest are payable utrder the Nae. until the Note is paid in fu#, <br />a smn (heroin "Foods"} equal to otwtwsifth of [he yearly taxes and assessments which may attain priority over this <br />Mortga~, and grottnd rents on the property, if any. plus one-twelNh of yearly premium ins[aBments for hazard insurance. <br />p#es orte-twelfth of ytafly premium imtallments for mortgage insurance. if wy, alt as reasonably estimated initially and from <br />time to tithe by Lender on the basis of asssasments and hills and reasonable esi:mares thereof. <br />?Lee Funds shalt 6e held in an institution the deposits or accounts of whtcF. are insured or guaranteed by a Federal or <br />state agency iincfirding Lerida if I°ender is such an institution). Lender shall apply the Futeds to pay said taxes, assessments, <br />iruurartsc prcyniurns and graurrd rents. LerMer may teat charge for so hokiirtg arM applying the Funds, analyzing said accamt. <br />or verifying and rompihng .said asseasmenu and bi1Ls, unless Lender pays Borrower intereu on tlx Funxk sent appleeabtt taw <br />permits Leredsr to males sash a charge. Born,wer and Lender may agree in writing at the time of execution of this <br />iKartgage that interest on the Fteods shall bs paid to Borrower, and unless such agreetttmt is made or applicable law <br />requi(cs such interest [0 6e paid. Lends shall nett be raluired to pry Borrower any interest or earnings on the Funds. Leader <br />shall give to Borrower, without charge. an annual accounting of the Funds showing credits and 3ebits to the Funds and the <br />purpose for whic# wash debit to the Funds was made. 7M Funds are pledged as additional security for the sums secured <br />by thin Mortgage. <br />If the amount of the Funds held by Lender. together with the future monthly installrnems of Funds payable prior to <br />the due dates of taxes, assessments, immance prcmiumc and ground rents. shall exceed ilia amount required to nay said taxes, <br />asaauments, imutar+<x prsmiaau oral ground rents as they fall due, stxh excess shall 6e. at Borrower's option, either <br />promptly repahf zo Barwwer or credited [a Lk?rreswer an ma~rn[#ly ms[allmenrs of Funds, if the amount of the Funds <br />!x*Hd by Lender s#ali not be sufBsient to pay Dues. assessments. ;nsura,nce premiums and gtnund rents as they fall due. <br />Borrower shall pay sn Lender any amtwn[ necessary to rooks up r#e deFrciensy within 30 days Crom the date notice is mailed <br />by Lender to Botrnwer regtsating payrncnt thereof. <br />Upart paytnsnt in fiaU of al} sums secured by the,, Murtgagr. Candor shalt promptly refund to Borrower any Foods <br />8rsld 6}' Ixrrder. IL under paragraph l8 hereof the Property rs sold or the i'raperty ;s otherwiu acgtured by Lender. !.ender <br />steal! apply, no later than imrnsdiatety prior to ohs sale of the propettr or ore. acgwsnian by Lender, any Funds heM by <br />Lender at the tune of appfisation as a r: rc~dtt against the sums vec:ured by th:s Mortgage. <br />7. AppBratfaa of Paynaeab. Unless applicable taw provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender enter the <br />Vote sent paragraphs I and 2 fxree€ shat) >x appled irv Lender first m paymem o[ amoums payable to LenJcr by Borrower <br />umkr paragraph 2 hetrnf, then to interest pavabit on the tiote. then to the principal of the Noce. and then to interest and <br />pnrtcrpa! an any Futttro Advances. <br />A. C68rLdC Liss. Borrower ,hall pay aft ;oars, asssssmenis ant other charges, fines ant rmpasiunns artnbutabie to <br />the Property which tnay anain a priority over the Mengage, and leasehold payments or ground trots. if any. m the manner <br />provrdcai unakr paragraph 2 hcrwf or. if nut pa;J m such manner. by Borrower making payment, when dos, dirctly to the <br />paves: iherrof. Borrower shaft promptly furnish to Lender all notucs'et amounts due under this paragraph. and in the event <br />Borst?wsr xhald make payment duxcdy. Borrower shalt pro[npily tunush !u Lender receipts cvtdrncmg such payments. <br />Bornswer a#all promptly cd'esc#arge any teen which has priurr[y s+ver Ihis Mangage; provided, that Borrower ,hall not be <br />regwred to drscitarge~ any +uch itn str Rang as Burrawxr shay agree m wrumg to the payment of the ,.bhgatinn secured by <br />ouch halt :n a enamor acceptable to tinder, or ;hall m gaatf faith contrsr such Isen hy, or defrnd entorcrmetn of vich lien m. <br />legal pn;weedinga whtch +rpaale to prevent t#t cnturcemsant of rho hen or tortcuurc of the Property nr any part thereof. <br />5. Harard laaanaae. Boreost-sr shall keep ihs ,mpravemenrs now eatsung +~.n nersaf rcr cre.reJ on the Propery ensured <br />agamsi toss by fire, harards mcluJsd wu#m feu term -~eatendeJ ~ svrraae- , axed such otl±er hazards as I ender may rsgture <br />snot ri sus:# amaetrats ar;d for ~9.ucn pcntnfs ac t-ender may reyurnr, pr,?srdcd, that E enter shat{ riot reyuirr that ihr amount of <br />-.""t::"'"ertagm _z~«1;S t#.t a.^,Ya~;:r:r ; ,.ytafir :iSaLnred ; tax the .,iii?+ za ured ht- r rs ia'toriea¢2 <br />'f7is itrautatiee earner pru~eviding the msixancr shall be chaxen h4 Botrowrr suhlect to approval by I..ender; provided, <br />beat <ucit approval s#al) oar ere unrca-~_rahly wtthhefJ. .;II premiums on. iasur;mse }whores shat he paid m the manner <br />provided ureder paragraph Z hereof err. ;I m[ paid m ,ueh manner, by &xrawer making payment, when dui, directly to the <br />insurance tuna. <br />AB indUraare policies ant renewals thercor shall tx m Ramt ncaeptebir to tenter ant shall mcluJr a swndard mortgage <br />clause m tavw of and !n farm asceptaMe to tinder. Lender ,hat! have the right to hold the polities amt renewal, thereof. <br />and Barr Weer shalt promptly furnish to tinder alt reorwat novices ant all receipts u! paid prcmmm, In the event of loss, <br />Bttrnrwer shad! give prompt nonce tc, the !murance earner and Lender. Lender may nrakc lxsx?t of loss if not made promptly <br />t?v Butrowsr. <br />Unless Zinder sad &srtawer a>Qlscrwise agrees m wrrUng, msuraucr pr.xreJn shat{ t?c applied to restoration or report of <br />the prrperty damaged, praviJed su.:h restoraUOn ut repau ;a ecunomi.:eliy feas+ble and the wcurtty of this Martgagr :, <br />ne?i t#sreby<I_ li such eeateraU,?n or rcpatr is reef ramomiaai;y fcas;bk or rf the security of the Mortgage would <br />t>C ;mparrsd. the msuran«:e ptxceds ,hall he applied to the soots aeaurcJ by rhi, Morgage, wuh the excess, ;f any. pa;d <br />to Bottr?Wei. if rife Pru~rts rs ahandonai ny tiurruw-et, or +t fWrrower t:uh t,: resl?cmd t;: Lender wdhm iU days !r. t the <br />adze i'u9krC¢ ro nra.led h} IA:ndru" ta+ BJ(I:+wr[ thLlt the InbUrai1er iafrKY Vlteh lu aeHte .r ,.la;m for :O,Ura[ta'r heneh[5, 1 ender <br />u atrt6sonrad tp csnBact and apply the mautancr precesds at LenJet, upUon rnhcr to rasa+raUUn or repair n! the Property <br />ssr t..• Bst auues +rurav1 by thu Mortgage. <br />1Jnitas t,snac: and Borrower otherw+u agree en writing. any swh app;rtauoi, :•i prawceais to pr+rn~.rpai shell not extent <br />csr paatprxx; the ai,c dart of .he nxnttMy inatailmmets retcrred ru :n paragraphs i ant natant or change the amount o1 <br />suc'# itutaBtnereis, if under paragraph l8 hereof the Property ;s acquire) h} fxesJer, eii tight, tale and interest of Borrower <br />m and to ant} tnauratxe palia;ira and io and to the pso«eeds theraJ resuir;ng ti.~m uaniage to i#s F'n+per;y prior ro the sale <br />Jr acaWSe[wit shall ores to Letxkr to the extent of the cams seCUraJ ht~ this Motieage :mnte•1:ata!v arv~r t:• -~~: h sere or <br />usfuUatiuu. ~ .~~.° <br />b. lreaaasasiaa atad SSaiaEZaas:.f ai prepetyy: Le,~ i_~~ Flannel their i7!ec ckrpmeisq. Borrower <br />atssWi k+vnp the Property rn good repair alit xha)3 oat commie waste ui permit impa,rnrcm or Jetertaratnw of the Propsny <br />rod shat: cwuupiy .w-uh t#e pravesiratta ai say lease .f they Mortgage :, <+t a lesxlxa+W. !t the Mortgage i? :•n unJ rn a <br />csasdorottuuut cx a planner! amt dtvelapment, Barsower sha{I perform alt ut Barrov.-cr'a ,?tsHgatrons under tfle destaraUOn <br />dr wvenants crsaurtg .x gnve(ncng Idrt cotidamtnium ur prantrr<I +snit develaapntcnr. the by-laws and rcgulaUC:rn of the <br />axtsdor[sinttatt err planned unit develstptnent arrd cansinuenv ddct[rt[ent, lr a ~unJ+vmmum or planned +:un Jevcleprxx-nt <br />radar rs saecn3ed 9v Barrsswet amt era-lr~.f teecsher w:rl, rb,.s af.,n..~..., .a., -_ ..,.t <br />,.. ~t~ .t::;; .: <br />atsasid he :ncctprxrited into and shaid amend artd suppleaevm the .;ovr:nanta ant agrscinrnta~,~t this Mortgage .u~:t ~ihe rider <br />were a putt #sreoE. <br />9, Ihcakcerhae of i,radara Aierrad~. ft Boct;?wtr faiEs va pettnrm the cavmaots ant agrteteunts aavttained :n Chia <br />>karegaX.r. na rf oar+~ astwt err praseeciitgt is cumnunsed which mauriaBy atfeets Lrraitr-s mtere+t m the Pr aprrty. <br />butudtng, feat nc.t bmtterf tn. smnnen! domain, inwfvctrtiy. code entorcemeni..+r arrangenxnts „r prtnredings m«ofvmg a <br />bankrupt of der "roan[, lion Lcnthtt ai Letuisr°s aptron, up<sn natter. to Botratwcr, ma} make such appearansva. J.sMxxs ouch <br />sums and ttdts str?ft aa-tistr. aY is t~v to ).:at~t Lender's :.^,terest, :txh;Jtng, t~.,tt n:x l,rn>ica ~ drsbtrrric-Haan „r <br />inESr~aila attorr<oy'x Lets and arrtry upxsn the property to ntakc Mpaerx, If f.a~.:frr rcG;nrx-xt Kx;rtgaga inauran::r as :t <br />C4«~eetn€pt t.t nra#tutg tha Laaruy tewrad try tbttr Mtattga;e. borrower shall pay t#e premrunts rsqurrsrt to maintain aucf. <br />a~,.ua'. +n '.+,. e:n;r s:st ti~'.s .as errs raueutia~ian. far stic#x rnxurFlnct tttouns?ca :n accoevfanee with Borrowers :+nJ <br />