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For[ 848 8 ~(~~U~, 7~,`aZf <br />Lender's writtsn agreement or applicable law. Borrower shag pay the amount of air mortgage insurance premiums m tht <br />manner provided umier paragraph 2 hereof. <br />Any amounts disin:rsed by Lestder purswnt to this paragraph 7, with interest thereon. shall become additional <br />indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Mortgage. Unless Borra*er and Lender agrce to other terms of paymerrt, such <br />arnrninn shall br payable upon notice from Lendtt to Borrower requesting payment thereof. and shah her interest from the <br />date of disbursement u the me payable from tine to time ors omamnding prinripa! under the Nok tmlm paym®t o[ <br />interest at stxh role would be contrary to applicable taw, in which event sixfi amounts shag tttar inttmxt at the highmt rate <br />pernissfbk under applicable law. Notlivig contained in this paragraph 7 shad requiee Lender to incur any ezp:erge or take <br />any action hereunder. <br />8. IwaptcHee. Lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspection of the Property, provided <br />that Lender shah give Hottower notice prior to any such inspection specifying re.asonakk cause therchx related to Centlw's <br />interest in the Property. <br />9. Coniemrt{an, The prxeeds of any award or claim for damages, direct or consequential, in .canrtation with any <br />condemnation or other taking of the Propem, or pan thereof. rte for rnnveyance in lieu of condemiation, are herebq assigned <br />and shall be paid to Lender. <br />In the event of a total taking of the Property, the proceeds shall he applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage, <br />with the excess, it any, paid to Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property, urkss Borrower artd Lender <br />otherwise agree in writing. there shall be applied to the sums secured by this Mortgage such proportion of the proceeds <br />as is equal to that proportion which the amount of the sums secured by this Mortgage immediately prior to the date of <br />taking bears to the fair market value of the Property immediately prior to the dart of taking, with the balance of the proceeds <br />paid to Bl)rrpwtr. <br />If the Property is abandoned by Borrower, or if, after ner:ce by Lender to Borrower that *.t~ condeatn~ otters to make <br />an award nr settle a .rain for damages, liorrowcr faits to respond to Lender within 30 days after the date such notice is <br />mailed. Lauder is authorized to cnileot and apply the proceeds, at Lender's option, either to restoration or repair of the <br />Property cr to the sums secured by [his Mortgage. <br />Unless Lender and Borresver otherwise agree in wrfiring. a,nc such application of proceeds to principal shah not extend <br />or postpone the due date ~,f the mrrnthh~ u?stadfmrnte referred to in paragraphs I and ? hemof nr change the amount of <br />suck iitstailments. <br />10. Barra*er Nol RrM,bred. l:xnensran n~i tfrr rime tarn' paym~ctit nr mndiflcation of amortization uF the sums secured <br />try obis Mortgage granted my fender ao any sta:axsu+r m interest of Be,+rrowrr not operate ro reltast, in any manner, <br />tine liability of the original Harrower and Born war's smr.a:asst?rs :n imrerest. Lender shall oat be required m commence <br />proceedings against such successor er refuse to extend ume for pavment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums <br />soured b7 this Mortgage by reason of any demand mad< M' [hr ori¢mal Borrower and Borrower's successors in interest. <br />li. Forbearaner by i.eadrr Nat a Waiver. Any fnrisearnnce by I ender in exercising am right or remedy heretmder. or <br />otherwise afforded by applicable law. shall net he a waiver of or preclude the exercise of anv such right err remedy. <br />T1m prceuremcnt of insurance or the payment of taxes cr other hens or charges by Lcndtr shall not he a waiver of Lender's <br />right u, accelerate the maturity of the indebtedness second by this MnrtgaRe. <br />12. Reaetd€rs Cumalafire. .411 remedies pnn'ided :n this Mortgage are distinct anal cumulative to any other right or <br />remedy' under this Mortgage or afforded h}' law nr cyuny. and may ~m exrresrd aoncarrentlc. in[lependently or snecessivtly. <br />l3. Sxerssors and Assigns Boaad; Joint sad Srvertd Liability': Capibra. lice covenants and agrrements barrio <br />a+n[aincd shah bind, and the rights hercurtder shall inure to, thr rc^specuvc successors and assigns of i. ender and Borrower. <br />sutjr;.'t to tilt provisions of na.ragraPh t i hereof. ^aIi ecwenants and agrcrmrnts rat Anrrower shah b:e join[ and several. <br />The captions and headings of the paragraphs nF this Mortgage are Enr cunvemrnce „nly :anti arc no[ to tx used to <br />interl„ree nr deHnc the provisions hercot. <br />t3. 3aticr• F*crpt for anv notice required under apptir:abir law [,+ L•c gn•rn rn isnothrr manner. ?a) anv notice m <br />6urrr,svtr pea`=idcd for :n rhk Mcrtgagr shall t,r ,given by mailing such ret+ce by ~_rrhhai ma,l addressed to Burrower ae <br />tl.r pra=mcrty ddit+s nr at such otirrr address ~s Borrower roar rlsergnare by ne[eae ire (under >[s provided htrrin, and <br />fbl stay notice to Lender .hall I±c erve;n hy, reruikd rnaA_ return rr~rti<,pr r~q~ s~ ~t_ '„ Lender's a Id_.[raa< statr_i 9vxw;n or <br />suctr o[he€ addtris as l,,^nder may drsigniut by rnartdee r:, Bort+rwrr as provided irrre:n. 4nv +i ice provided for in this <br />.s~.ottgagt shat{ ,`,~- drrr.,rd ts, 3c+a-n pn-en to Borr+twrr nr Lc-ndtr ,s hen green in the manner ritsigrated harcin. <br />I5. Uniform Mangage; Gover•niag Law; SeserabYky. this form of mortgage aamb(nes uniform <ovenan[s for national <br />nst and non-ltnl(Orm vos'enan!s with limited •'arrAnotrs hV liir[sdlninn if) t'(,net lln,e a ilndnrm seanrlly` In9trllmenl covering <br />real property. Thw Mortgage shall be govtnsed by the law of the wrisdicuan m which the Property :s Irxated. in the <br />rveni that an} provunm or clause of ibis htortgagc ur the Note ruaFlicis with applicable law, such conflict shall not aBecT <br />ether pros morn of dos Startgage cr the Mute whah :an he given effect without the tunBicting provision, and to this <br />end the provisions of the Mengage and the \ote ere declared to tin severable- <br />16. Komi*rr's Copy. Borrower ,hail be furo[shtd :unformed copy of the Note and of thrv Mortgage at the time <br />of rxrcutiun nr after recordattcwt hereof. <br />17. Tran~er of tke Property: Aaaatnptioe. If ail .er any par[ of the Pmprnv or an interest [herein is sold or transferred <br />by Horrc,wcr a-[thou[ I::rtder's poor wriurn aunsrnt, esdoding tai rim areatinn of a lien or encumbrance subon}inute ro <br />th[s Mortgage. +bl the , rrauon of :[ purchase money security interest for househasld appliances. icl a transfer by devise. <br />dea;:rnt nr try ,^peraunn of law nparn lire death of a lonrt tenant .,r idi the gram of any irusehoi<i nueresi of three year or less <br />not aoruaininf; en optia>:e to pnr~~hase. I ender rose. at Lender s npuon. de fare all the Burn, >ecured by ;hie Mortgage to Ix <br />imrneduately dot end payable I rnakt shat! hoar waived rush opnon ^, accelerate il, prior !,~ ihr ,air or transfer. I ender <br />and the' prrxnt t,> -whaler the Property .c t,r Fm sold ,x irmslerred reach agreenteni in wnnng that the audit of such txrson <br />!; satr_s„'anon. to Lxrxier and that ihr interest psya63e nn [h~r amr+ xxcured by this )tong;rgt shall he ai eu..h rate as Lender <br />chali request. if Lender hay via, red the npaon a? ac'celrral'e provided m [his par graph 17, alai d Bortowrr's wccrssor m <br />inters has executed a wriurn assumption agreement accepted in writing by Lrnder, Lender shall release Borrower from ail <br />nbiigaiinns under this Mortgage and rite Note. <br />If i,uader txcnises such option to accelerate, t. ender shall mat: Borrower notice .d accrleratinn it a,cordance with <br />pangrapis is exec f. Duch nuuce chaff! provide a perisxl of mx Tess than ?tl da.s from the, date the nut c n mailed within <br />which Horrsrwrr etas.. pav flu sums declared dot. It 6o!?ower (arts :,, pay such sums ;+rn~r !c tt:e rxpirau:•n ;,t suci: ;+_nud. <br />I.cadsr ntay, without funhrr notrcr or demaud un Borrower, :nvol,e any remedies prrmuled by paragraph I x hereof. <br />ly~['dN•Uvti=oa:t (`twr>nv rs. Borrnwrr and Lender further::,+s c;nunt and agree ati tolisaws. <br />Ill. Xtcdentiw; RemeNes. F;xa~epl rb provided in paragraph 17 tram4 spun Borrowers breach of any rovraant or <br />[rgretmeet oP 6orrosvar in rids YPorlgage, iarlrrdiag fire a-urraaMe to pav wben Jae any sums srcared by this Mortgage, <br />-- Lta&r prior ro arttferalian skaB rwaA notke W Harrower as presided in pwa;r[.ph id herssrt sperifvina: cly the hrtaah; <br />i23 tkr aaieaa regafrrQ to sate sarh breach; t31 a tlatr. not less than 30 data from the dale the notice is mailed Io Borrower, <br />b%' *islcir back kreacir mast 6e carat sad (41 th[ri faiirtre io .are xack !tx¢ach t:ss or before !4e dais sprcit(td in the rxdke <br />~ revile in aceeknatiea at {lee soros sscarrd M' this Murtggge. forea~Mswe by jrWkid praceedirrg a~ sale of the Pnprerty. <br />7'ke carder vkaY frartixr berm Bwrasser aP ttro right a rrieuatr afire aresieratian and the right to as vi in the fareclware <br />pwcarodiag th:r nod-exipa~tr rN a defantt ar any oiteer drtera+e of 8orruwsr ro arcrkrwfon and frrrer:losare. It tM bnrark <br />` k oat raKd an w bt[ars ilea dNe apariuad ix #se anfice, Isader at Ixrrder's apiiuu may dertare a6 of IM soars secured by <br />Rwia fl#eatgage ks ba immediately doe wd pagakMr wfikrwt fartker deaaad sad may faarctosr by jadia'i[d imoa'srdiart• I,rader <br />+ Oa ratAlJati ir. coBear In sack praceediag aB rapeewts of faxrcataxura iercladitrg• bw not ttmlted ta, sups al decawealxy <br />evideaae, ahatriecra oar! titre reports, <br />14, ~rgsrsr°s H to Raf~ale. tia>}svt h tax - n;'~r'. - .a.. .,.;. - =-s. - tf.,rtgaac <br />ttorra. er sh.7l h.. t tin: ria~hr s na r:y ; r.a-=~mga ''-'iu., b, ..,ei~r ..,s,.+ .. ,4, .„..,,,+ s..,..,,+, .,r,. <br />A~ <br />