Form 808 A
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<br />45&45-2-15
<br />THfS MORTGAGE is made t .............. . . . d.... De~etaber ............. .
<br />t4.84., betvtaen the Mortgagor,. RaRer.A. titilkening and Linda .Y. 4ftlkeniny,, _Itu~band and.vife,
<br />j tainClq and . pooh; in ,their. own .right,(~rah .•gorrawer"), aed the MortRtgi~,. I?IR$T .F#~$>kq€, .... .
<br />. , .SAYT~S .AElA. IAABi ASSOCIATZoTi .Q2'. Lii~k9 ................. a corpt>r>sdmt orgy and etitt~g
<br />tttrrkr the laws of .. Lbe . St.Atr:.4F . NC'JFRRI6B ................. wh.;;e address is,13X#~ .$ .19. $LiflRCti .... .
<br />...Ltucvlst5 .Nebsaaka ...68506 ............................... ....... (heron `header").
<br />Wweae,ts, Borrower is indebted to Lender in the principal sum rri . TW>:.t~YY . SE1'F~2 .'~Qf3SYtNA .NIIyE, .... .
<br />tlflBtp1tF11.A0tD. NO/1.Q0--c---_-----,.-m----. Dolkrs, which indebtedness ;s evidencet by BwroRrete-»ott
<br />dated... Decembgr, }.,, _I<~p, . - , , , (herein ''Note")> providing for mottthty iratalhnems of principal artd ittierat,
<br />with dre balance of the indebtedness, if not sooner paid, thx sad payable wt..... A~RetabeT ].,. 2Q14- ..... .
<br />To SaCURB to [.ender (a) the ref~ymeat of the indebtedness evidenced by the Note, with interest thereon, the
<br />payment of all other stuns, with interest thereon, advanced in accordance herewith to protect the security of ihQ
<br />Mortgage, and the performance of the cnvenanis and agreements of Borrower herein txrntaitzed, artd (b) Rita repayntmtt
<br />of any future advances, with StneresE thereon, made to Borrower by 1.erttkr pursuant to paragraph 21 hereof- (Ikreirt
<br />"Future Advsaces"'), Borrower does hereby mortgage, grant and convey to fender the following desoribed ProPertY
<br />located in the County of............Hail ........................... State of Nebraska;
<br />',ot T',ro (2? , Block Twenty-Three ; 23 j , Collette Addition
<br />to West %,axn, Pall County-, '#ebraska.
<br />vhhast#tcaddrtsaof....2:3t3„vor[h,E'„rk........ grand tslan~
<br />t$tnst# tcayl
<br />?lubrnaka 5$SQ1... , .. _ . „ (herein "Prope,rty Address");
<br />• ...... Batt, .Aa zip CoOWt
<br />T6riax with aIi the improvemt;ots now or h:.+reaftLr erected on the t,mnerty. and a## rae..ment+,_ rzohts_
<br />sppunsnaaces, routs, royalties, mineral, oil and gas rights 'sod prn$ts, water, water rights, attd water stock, attd-r-.all
<br />ftzttr+»: nux ur hcteaftcr attx~;h:d to the pr.;p,.riy, a:t of whi;.h, i;r;.tttdiag reptaa:sner,ti a.-rd add:uoas ttt2rztu, shall €ce
<br />desmai to be atW r¢ntaitr a part of the property covered by this Moxtgege, and aIt of the foreg~ang, together with sairf
<br />pro}rcnty (rx the lcasehuVd estate if thin Mortgage is on a IeasehoW! are. herein referred to as the "Pruptzrty".
<br />8tntrr ecrveaauffi that Btxrovnr is lawfully seized of the eslatc hereby .ouve±ed atu! tffis ! he right !a mortgage,
<br />grant aml tXnnY6y the Prupettf, tEpti the Pn*pcrt} is artencumlaered, arxt that ftorttrwcr wi1# wasratzt acrd del€rul
<br />}raAy the irtk to zhc Propeziy agZtittst all cSttitrw and tkmattds, subject t.~ any de+:iaratiotra, cttaCZas n15 or restr~yx~xts
<br />fl5Res1 ter a t,s1e of rtac~pE:xrrxxs to cx:veraEe m any title insurancx--.~ putter irsurin, tst„ier'~ iel=rest to t#x ?rrrperty.
<br />~-- a ra ~t ray 6, w - .rigYtRa11C pMK~11 NKIAlaMRat
<br />