<br />L the taaaesapar aaateaatattY ttttai aQa'n • iaBaw:
<br />i ~ "~ P~P~7 Pal ~ itadeStadaeaa evidtaeed h said paeetatarq taro at the rites aed is the
<br />tttt®ar tltaasia pavridad
<br />~ kEe trill pry all tam, a~rattsrata, ranter nts, atad other daaeerttmtalal or amicipal c6atlis+ fimna, ar
<br />is~adtiattar [ar trhiri, paariisa has art bra wade hsaiabafrer. aed trill pnasptiq ddi.er :ha o~'iayst zeeapet
<br />m the acid as
<br />r. He will pay aorh rxpeasea and fore as may tae itteurnd in dte proteetiat and tnaiatenantx of esid
<br />praprrty, inehuiitte the fees of :uey atwraey employed bq the t4ort+{aEee for the twllottion of anq «r all of
<br />the ittdelNedneae hereby aerured, ar for forectoatam by mortfcaRee n wle. or court prnceedieRa, or is any other
<br />GtiXatiaa ear proceedinr aRectinx said premiers. Atterateye fern rcaara4abty in~rurreei in am other waq ehaII be
<br />paid b?' the eaoet}taftor.
<br />d Fee better arrvritY of theurdebtedaee hereby aernrrd. upoe the requdt of the mortRaeee, its eta
<br />rrs.:.rs r- ~ :all esx;."s:e sad dalitrer a a.:f.plest®tat mwtaripe or mortftagd caverinft my additions,
<br />iuapro~remenu, rot taettermraata made to the pro~prny hers inabrsvr. deeeribrd : nd all propertq acquired- bq
<br />it aFEer 3lte date harrn(! ail in Enrol aatirfantory to marnRapnr i.. Furrhermaar., aFteult! morteapor fait w cum
<br />ear defark in for payment oP a urine nr inferi~ror enetambranee +ao tlse property rdrsaerilxd bq tha~ iastrrtne4t.
<br />moE't~attor hrrelw aRtree io permit martearyer t.+r .-tree o-rar6 vfrfau lt, hot manQap;rr is mot obli{tatrd to do ao:
<br />sad. snrle advanrra shall Ixeronae part rsf tier inrtebtrrlnesn nrrurr,d !ty thin cns4nament, >yubjer:t to the.. saint.
<br />terasra and casaditiom.
<br />r. 'l'lar riphrce +^tr..strd by Rhin c+snvrryama~r sktall ermain in fall f<rtrr nnai effrr^4 durirsa arts' p+satpaormrat
<br />ur cztrstnton of the time of fwyotrnt of tttr tndrhtrdn!~es r+xirn+r+l by nand prnmiaaort note ur arty pan thereof
<br />arrured hereby.
<br />(- Ne will rorttiauueelc maintain ha:u rd mnuranrr. nt ,urh n~pr or ta>e~ and in ouch amoun Lc an the
<br />mor[aaer'A'-' may Pram umr to time tfga3M on the +mprnrrmentn now nr lrrrpafter ors .aid property, and
<br />rsw' pa gtgntptir when due anq premiutm ihetlim. ~tti itaaaraact` shall be carsicd is co®paats acceptaWa
<br />w mwrtsa(gee and the palicis and reaewsla tberoof eha21 be held lay enwtda{tee and have attached theeeto
<br />brat laagabk r#aten i4 f:vg of and in Etrm atab~ m *~ ~. Its r:eat td 4eu, sortpx~nr will gtsz
<br />-~tneddFxe~ :sorter i'rs wa~i2~ to mo~et„a~go,.., xro3 tnnrt~w~r~n asst raala.a proof of 4tt+.r of oat made gtsataPtlq bT
<br />mort~rr, and rarit iaiauranra tsanpaaq taaaaarre"til is taerebw anthuriaed and directed w intake pa;taent flat aatab
<br />lrr dirasst4q tr ~ isgrtaad of w mart6atgor and martpa6ee hniattq. aur+l the iataaara.uce pratxeda, or aaq
<br />part thertn~ tong me appltrta 'srT ta~ea at iW upEann tither to ittr radueEiint of tlae im4ebtednrw ltennbt
<br />aesvtrtrd or eo flee e!aaiuraEainr rk repair atf She pr+mlaarrty dattaaead ur ~i~_:overt- tea want €ef iome:Foxrare esf tltsa
<br />anartaslgr. or +rtlser tattatafar of trt.ia w aaY~d prapertq in axtitt~uiahmrat d €he oidabtardneae rrrared laemby, ai!
<br />a°.~laL tlktle. aaxl inSaraK of t a ~~ to aatrli eu ,ear itn~urancs! gaiioiaa tfi~ is force tthrti prrw w t~
<br />~trclta~r ~ ataa~~a ar. st rise .-.~ti+i§ .~: t$rr .rtortaarez. inns ltr .urte-ndesed for a mfnnd.
<br />1f- He will keep a!1 kwildintta and other imprnvrme,ata un naxl pnrfxnv eta Koo.i rrpatr autf rronditioa:
<br />will permit, ammmtt, or suIIer nu waNe. cmpatrmrot, detrnurattnn n( raid property nr ens pan thereof;
<br />in tree evtat of (aitun of the munx+taor to keep the 6utldinas an wul Itremtsrs and those errrted nn Laid
<br />pmmixa ar impravemeera thereon, io R.wd repair, the mrrnaaaee may make such rcpatre re is cte diacmhon it
<br />map decor nea•ayrwrv for the pmper pttwrrvatitm there-wt; :md the Eufl amount a(rach and rverv Hoch payment
<br />shall k` imtuediatrh dttr and p:yalale mad .hall br s++cuml by the lira of this moreerRe.
<br />k. He will Rot vulunEarilr cmaee ar pertntt to he ,:rerte+l aRatttat the property aubjrrt to the montane
<br />aar lien or little tnfrriur or superior w rMr lien of this mwrt}tap,< without the written v~unsrnt of the mort-
<br />ea„"a: sad f~rthr., Ix wi!l k;rp ~axad :tainta:r. ihr sacsr- lrzz ft};tn the e;atm o. sit pert.. . eupplsmrz labor or
<br />nuteriab for tmastructiua of anv nand all Iwt{dinea or imprrrvrmrnta now ration rrrctrd~snr ro hr rrrrtrd r,n
<br />said pmmttaan.
<br />Hr will n+ai rent «sr neaten akxy ran of [he rent ..f Hard monasttrd pn,Exrts nr .}rmuiinh, vat rrmoyr-,
<br />+ar +tthatantiatly titer any ltuatdinft wtthwat lice wntten consent u( the mon~taxec.
<br />j. All awttrda of damaacs in rnr»xetioa with anv condrmnaaiun fur public use <ai or enjurv to any of ehr
<br />uta@rattY wbjaae to Ellis rramtsaee ate tsvercbv axtanrd and -haft he sad a-? mturtau+e.w, <ho ~ =apply ~e
<br />stoat to paroaent of the r,astsllments last dtte ender .rant ttsste, sttd matneserc ea lurte#ty ateth€sriaed, to the
<br />t+aanr, of tltr mortget{{at, to exreutr and dehvcr +ahd ae+au.eta:>ces thereof and to aupral Err>m any ruch award.
<br />&. 'Phe m+attpa~ac :rhall bare the Welt[ to u~pra-t zlte emrngaRcd premisavr at any reawnabte time
<br />3, f3e~avi! ie ear of t#te coarnanta or rotulttteocv of this .n+tnamrnt er v.f t}tr n„ems „r !v_a_r mrnt rr.~...,9
<br />htassb( rhall i~#atinat.! the murttuaftor s riphE an po.,araucrn, ixsr:, and r=ntoymrnt rrl' t4t.~ rruprny r at !f>ra +rpe6un of the
<br />tttyFtgge~ree or Iris assi}9tt« ! it [trine agter_.i that the :nurteaeor shall hart .u+=h nxht untal default ~ l port any norh
<br />delaaalt, f}u a:ott~tycu shads become ihr owrnnr uE aEl of the rnotn nod profits a._ -rna eft»± dri'aetlt s- ~.wrnnt+
<br />fu the iatrdmatt seeaurd tterrbr, wit}[ the nRht to ratst upam raid property fur ehr purfruse of ,-+rtlrrteryt nu+fr
<br />ttiaafit need praflra. 71tM iarrwaeat ,tall trparsYr as a+a awaignmant of snr rerttala ua +atd peoprrtv to that talent.
<br />