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n.~ #1E1 ~fs.I ~ <br />~. The tnarl3agor ,mrtnanta and >#reea That if he shall fail to pay acid indcbtedtuas or env part thereof when <br />due, ar sba#l fail to perform any eovtstaar_t or agreemertt of this inetrrtatent or the promirory sort secured kercby, the <br />uttkrt iedelaealeeatE hereby aeenred ahdi imreedittsely beetmte dtse, parahk, and ~Iketibk without erotice, at the <br />~Esar of the wrortKs#ee crt arriFr. regardk®d msittrity, sed the ttaortga~ or his aasigm may before or after eatrr <br />aa! asid ptroperty without :ppraisement Ithe ttwrtgagar harvtg waived attd aaaigeed to the mort#aEee aU rights of <br />aslprttiretnent 1 <br />i t! u jttdtcial sale pnrwant to ibe proviaiom of 28 U.S.C,. 7AC} I a'r : or <br />! a ( R the option of the tmrtgager, either by atteDOa or hp aoiidtation of sealed birds,'for thehighaat and <br />bst bid tbmplyiag with the terms N oak and tttaaner o[ payment apstaiied in the published Dories d oak, first <br />ttirintt foar weeks' ttotia ei the time, terms, and place of aodz €aiq b7 sdvertiwtment and iw than Darts <br />during each of said foar weeks in a oewapaper published or diatribmed in the county io which acid property <br />r aiusated. all afber ttotiee beieg hereby waived 6y the rttorigagar fad said mortgagee, or any peraa~n on <br />babalf d said twrtgagee, may bad wish the unpaid iodebtedaeas e.idmeed by raid aoYe). Said ask shall be <br />' heN at a on the property to he atdd or at the Federal, county. ar city awuttltnoae for the co®tpr in which the <br />propMy is laca9ed. The mortgagee it heresy authorised to cxewte far and oa behalf of the mortgagor sad to <br />deEi-er to tht purehaaer at sue6 ask a tttrfiieidtt conveyance ei said Property, which canveyaaee ahaU contain <br />tedtds all ro the happsralsg c# the dsisuli mpen whie3t !ix ese~atioa ~` the power ~ sale hereiQt ~canied <br />depends: sad the eaaid trtortgagos hereby nwwitutar and appisinta the mortgagee ar any agsatt or attaracy of the <br />maatgagae, the agent and attorney in fast of acid mtutgagar to tusks each reeisabt and to execute acid <br />eoereyaaa sad hereby uovetunts rtrd agrees that the recitals ao made chap Ise cffectoal to bar all equity ar <br />right of r.':tiemptiun, hamotaead, dower, and all wher txcmptirrm of the mangagor, all of which are hereby <br />eipraimly valved and renveyer} io the taorttta#ee: or <br />¢ ttt t take any ether +pprapriate action pnrruant to agate nr Federal atatate either in u~aur or Federal <br />Court ar nMhrteriaa fiw the datlEOaitioa of tfic prapertw. <br />la tie event cd a ask r heneinabove provided, the mortgagor or any peraota in poerresaion under the tttortgagor shall <br />than 6evome and 6e tenants ha}diaa over and shall forthwith delivrr possession to the purehaxr at nosh sale ar 6e <br />aumtstarily dia}taretsrd. is accordance with the proviaitma nt Iaw applicable to tenants holding over. The power <br />and ageacr hereby granted arc cwpkd with an interne and art irmvocable by death ur otherwise, and are goofed <br />as con€oiaitvt to the remedies for eelknion of sniff indebtrdncas provided by law. <br />d. :tea i :. ear aazw. of aas$ property is a~urdanee ;aittsZ t}te f:e-~ce3ing ;rrsb. ar b -1v!1 ?sr applied fztat <br />to pay !€lu' t exp~a ~ mk, xhe expe€raaE incstrrtd by the mortgagrr fur the prtrytnrr of prttteeti~~ng or mairt- <br />taiaitrg raid pnspe~rty, aanl ~€eaawtabk attoraayi lets: srrrxedly. In pay zhe indehtednran arru and torrebv: and litirdiv, <br />to pay,,, any,asnrfriua ar e>teMat en the peeeaat err Iseraexu legally entitled nhtrrto. <br />t,. Ia tko sumo said pea}rtarty is atslyd u • jt€di€aai tarncittrarc sale or ptuanant to the twwer wf ask hereirtabave <br />Ord, ~~ t#s proms a€e ~ .s~rieaet to pay the ta€ai intia6rtayirtaar ~wernn~,d by fhb imtntmeatt and ewidrnoed by <br />tam s>#>; the ntgrta .rill be ratiriot} to . de>acisnv ~ndgtasent iw the ametmt of the dejrcietrry striditant <br />r'MmJ m eppstiostwawr. <br />6. In the event the mortgagor title to pay utr Federal, slate, .tr focal tas seaesant+nt. Eofumr taz or othrr lei Iten. <br />char}te, fee, ar outer eaprnae char#ed aaatMi the praptrty, tits rnortgaaee ax lrerebr auihoritxd at hie option to pay <br />the snare. Aey snrna m patd by the ttaeetaagee shall 6e added m and hnwme a pan of the principal amount of the <br />asdrbl+dttewe ryidraced by mid note, enbject t» thr a;tme zerma sort .unditiarne. If the saortgagar shall pay and <br />datebargv the tttdrbtednae endencnl by .aid promtswn nary, and vhall pay each coma and shall discharge all taxes <br />and lietta and the costa, led, and rapntsea of making, tnfnrctng, and rxecuung this mortgnge, then this mortgage <br />dtali ba raaaeletl axd snrreadered. <br />T. The rorausnta ltereiaE eoataiacd shall bind awe3 the bezwtite and advamatcea ahadt inure to the reapertive aut- <br />saesae- ate arrigaa d' der partial hereto. R beaerer Card. the aiagutar nrmber aha}I ieEeludr. the plteral, the pltual the <br />sad the tsar d say gpeiar ahsdl itachide all genders. <br />!..zUa waiver el say eataeaaet herMi._. nr sd flu o~igatien =~:~ p~relny s€ali at an€ t xfizr£aet+er 'vie htk <br />to hs a waia+u e! the teenw hereof tsr of rite rtefe srx~atr J herrbr. <br />In eeetp~aae with asa~tiaa 101.11 d i tsi the Rnka sad Regulation ni the tiaea[I Htatiner Admiaiatratioa (13 <br />C.dr.R. 1gl.ldd} j, thin isaasuaaeat is to be aaerr€ted at€d eniorard in aeeardaooe wtt6 applseablr Federal kw. <br />ttk A itial dwr,~ ..._~._~ ,.. e_~_-. <br />°~ asiaiua am provtaiea w portion of this imxrumcat tnralid rrr ua- <br />shell sat m sap way impair w preebrde the reforeeeaeat of t}a; remaining provisitxu ur portions of <br />~ ittatrameat. <br />sea rasa ter ts.rsr -- a <br />