t. ~,
<br />j ~ _.
<br />$0-. t~{1581 l ~~'~'~'rA
<br />'!'hi•~.ttwtsge it.erie ea aatepd iota thir r "~! d uf,2 ylfy Is I-`'
<br />t9 L ,~aadhettraea Carolina d, Hanfelt, a single person,
<br />f 6eae~afeer edarred to w rwrt;a®urS earl the AxtavioiKra~ oP the $.gall Baiaaee Aeee~, ttr app~tefotfie
<br />Ce4erttreet of t8xe Uaited Stata of Ataeriea (hereiartter ~#emd to a tnaetp~ee), tr6e ttu~4iae tta nitre aed
<br />piawafiattire~atEmpire State Auilding, 19th and Farnato Streets, Omaha, Nebraska 6$102,
<br />Rtst~rtr, dut far the eaatddesatiaa het:ttaaafter plated. teeept ai trhieh a dam! , ~e
<br />~~ ~~ ~'! . pal. ~. +~a. ead ~vaq tatb ripe tt>,eet6tl~se, hie naetteeeaes tttei tt~tiAee, al!
<br />et the feHawief rieeerihad prepsT rtftaated tmd hda4 fa the Cotmts ttfHai.l
<br />3trte ar Nefxrask+~t
<br />Lut £wecat;?,µ-sevwn (27), of thu West aid+4° erf Cht &ist pvrti+aa of [iCWesCerxs l.,aice,
<br />fl.. r. G, u~3, ,af (;read Tsland, N+?irras-t1a, clod '+~eirzl} ,~ltuated azn a part of than
<br />fwasc tialf (E"°~) a'outhwest +~tzauter l;;riWs} of Sactian 13, "township 11 North, Range.
<br />9, i+e~st +~i'; the 6th 1x,C•f., in Ia11 L;ccunt;~', 'F2alarartka.
<br />"ToeeRhtrr w6ih sad fncfudfaq a71 buuldirrgt.+, rU &sturr!, inriuxfinq iaut nv+ iimitrei tc+ ~!i }+tsaenfsin;:,, hretiaxtt, iiRc:t-
<br />inR. x~ruti8+roiin},, rrrfriperatin;, ineinerwtt+tt;, air ~rxauxhtisautns4 apfnaratu., and wirvai.ar+, (the mort~nknr hrrrirv
<br />+k~rfarin~ t}txet it i. intrttefed brat Yft+r items herein caatarrxalavi .iradf {ar rfrcmeJ w hevr been permaaentfv in-
<br />'talk'+3 ~+ FKr3 al tha~rrxfty 1, peal afl itnpravemrrtta new or hrrraftrr rciatinrt theretm: the hexrditamenta and
<br />epp~ortraattoar teed all ether rfrbss tfarettntu Ixtlrmttin¢, .ar +n an\wxar appcrtainfutt, anxf the reverwiun and rr-
<br />vcrrrsx+at=, rvar~iar~s a=:;!"ryes=~!r-. ~*; rs~ ;- :,, ~~<;rmfrt r:an, a:s,i itsP .rni~, i +ur.. and i+rufir• of rf:r aiauvr
<br />xfe.y~rf'i+ud gmp€r:v Ip~scidrai, fwarrvrr, trxat tier ntnrtytagne ghss41 [u• rx+titird (..~lhr ~~..,ev.ic!x r.f _s•! tsrotarrty
<br />sAeltrur tuj{rr1 amt retain ihP rrrrt., iwauxr*, and prrrft!* anti! riefanit herrun+frr). 3~o hevr axed In hold the tame
<br />xataa the mart~aarr. anti the *urrr.wnrx, itt intrrr+t aaf the urutlt;aRer iurrvrr ire fee .imple ur -urh nihrr elate,
<br />if atty. err is attueel heee%a,
<br />T4a t eaw~aaL that he Es Iaw{ai1T seised end pareesr:3 of end has t?rt right to cell sled emavev twirl
<br />P9> that dte sstaa ~ free fr+ga sI) rnrttatbrttacae esrrpt as hereinabave recited: and that Le herrl+f biat}a
<br />iaed hfa ter eta catt,r+u En ware'artl and dctead t?ar tttir afareeatd i3rerNU end ererY Wart therref ylaiaM
<br />the BfC,lRla a~ a37 Reer+~ee WYdd_
<br />T7Sia earns n given to ar var. the prvnxaat a(a ptaaeasssorr aaNe dated - ~
<br />~ tltr, prittrfpsl w+as uaf ~ ! 3 , 5c'R~, (}i? . aigs«.i fxv ,.,.s z -. ! F na ? .. , -
<br />-- .., e r-. +.
<br />