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~..g--~ ij~i5~331 <br /> <br />a. He will praetpilry pery dte iadsitetLnr eviienaad bry .:a preaairorry tease at tba tiaass mi is the <br /> t> pswidetf <br />~, fie wi11 py .l1 tsxea. arraatierrw, .attar near, aed otAar Btwenmaata! or r~f+al ehsr~ta, fuart x <br />ispait6a.., far w6de3 pr«iaim hr ttoa baste ends bromhetare, std will ptrompdry debw tbn ofnirl <br />t3rafar to the raid maetpsaa. <br />r. ifs will pey sash expeaaES and Sets sa may be inenrrrd in the protection seed msintenattce of said <br />property, ineluditsR the Seca of any attorney employed bT the taortgasee for the colleetfon of any or ap of <br />the irtdebtadseas hereby seetteed, or fur foreclnanrc by mertsagae'e sale, or casrt procadwga, or fn any other <br />litisad#m or preaceeding affwetiag wid peemisea. Attorneys' fees rcauortably incurred in any other war shall !re <br />pafd by the mortgasar. <br />d For bet4z se.°nrity at the indebteilaeaa herrbg sernred, upon the regoeat of the mortga+pe, it: ate <br />eeaors or asai><oa, M sit:ll execute and deliver a supplemental mortgase ter mertgagra covering arty additiaea, <br />imprvretaeats. or bsttermeats made to tiw property hcrcinabore daacribed : nd aiI property aegaired by <br />it aftarc ebe dace 6eetaf taH in form sanisfaetssry to enortRaRee 1. Furthermore, sbtruld mortRSRor fail to case <br />am dafauk in the paerrtern o€ n prier ar inferior enawmhranee on the property tfcscribcd bg this irtrtnraea4 <br />mat4gagor beraby agtsses to permit rtmrtyagee to rues rush +Irtault. but +uortgagee is not abligated to do sa: <br />and adwancaa ab^ii become part of the iodclrtedmers secured lsy this inatrumnut, subject to the same <br />tertrs nod aouditiotts. <br />+~. The riRlrEa a^,rwatcd try this x~c+nuwyannw shall remaiu in f+ali farm and effect detrinq any poetpeaement <br />or wxEettaion of t.krr. lima of pavn:enr a>t the imdebtetlne~se eviaienerd by raid pramiasory nata a~r any part thereof <br />axttred buehY. <br />f. Ho wiIl raniinaowly maininin hazard insurance. of soeh type nr tvprs and in rush amounts as the <br />raartgagwe nsv from time to time require on the improermenta now ur hereafter an said property, and <br />will M7 P~PtiS 'rte dae say premiums therefor. All imwrane shall be carried is wmpsnir aooeptsbb <br />to mnrr$=~aa ,ad the polit3a seed teuetr.b tberrwt .hall be held by aanrtaa~aa .nd has ,reached thereto <br />Was paryable eiaooss a Paver of sad is form ac«pubk w the trtortsasee. In e.ent of lass, taoetsasar will sire <br />itrta aao,aszse :m :r.#ing .a ~ aaad taautga~ easy make prnef of Feaa if sot made preiptly bg <br />. sat! tench i>~me ~preg rtaed in herabg authorised xad diseeted to casks pagmest for snob <br />bar dinetlry us rretpsao intawd of iw taortsasor and tnortsaseae jointly. and the imnraaes pzeseatis, os sag <br />prri thereof, rosy be appl{nd bry moriKasea at its apeiea mitirer to the reductim of the indebtedaeas hereby <br />seraanmd tar err the sasaoratrea or reprir of tisa property dreaaged w ilaxatruyed. In avamt of foracl®ure of this <br />nrartsyl',aga; ar oehar t-ra>~ar of titiw to aa&i pr+apeety is i"rtit{>;'tt;aipt;sestt of lbw iradr}ttednea. aeesrad hr`seby, all <br />ris>yu. tidy and t`aitssrrat of t'ha martsssor is aad to any iaaursnte poiiciws rhea is force shall par to the <br />pttrwltaser esr martgagce: ar, at rho epEltan aE tlra mortgaRwe, may isr surrendered far a rrfnnd. <br />R. ifs wiii kwrp ail lwiidittgs axd ether improvements on t•aid property zn Rood repair and ootaditioa: <br />wiii permit. rametil, .>r sudsy no waste, impairment, deterioration of said prnprrtr or any part thereo[; <br />im the wwmt of fallacy at the mort.Rasor to keep tbr. buildings as said premises and those ereetrd on said <br />prerttiaet+, or imprevementa tberaon, in rood repair, she mortgagee may make such repairs as in ill diserctitta it <br />may deem tsaresaary for the proper prauerrstioa thereof; and the fuFl amount of each and every each payment <br />shall be nstwtediataly due and payahk and afull be secured by the liars of this mortgage. <br />h. He wiii Hat wolEmdriiy crests or peratit to br, created against the property eubjett to this mortgage <br />arse liaa ur iiava inferior or ewpersttr to rite Ifen of this mortgage without the written runsrnt of the meH• <br />Rattan; and further, be wiii krwp and maintain lbw same free (corn the claim of ail persona supplying labor or <br />raateriak for cortstruetivn of any and all buildings ar improremwnu new heirs erected ar w he wrnre.I oa <br />said prrtaises. <br />i. Ha ariil sot rent or asaytva any pan of ibe rant of said martgeged property or drnrolish, or remove, <br />ur substantially sktr any building without the wrttlea ranseat .aF the mortgagor.. <br />j, Al} awards of daauRee hr esnaeattoa with ar- eoredemsstian for public use of ar injury to any of the <br />pamparty s~jert to titia taertgasa am het~w aaaifrtrrr! acrd shall be paid to trnrrtgasse, who try apply the <br />~~ to e=,~€.at €{ tt~-~ i>~='-`----- i~t d~ ~drr .aid €v~tt-, aed a~trigag~ as itareity auihneiscvf, in thZ <br />assts of zbe axotsgazgar, to execute atzzl deiiYes valid acgaittaracws iheroaf and to appeal Scam env such award. <br />k. 'The tttorittasee shall hart lire right to impact the mortgaged premises at say reaawabk time <br />]L (Yltfawh ia. any sit tba oovertaa4 or ceaditioaas of this inatvmettE ar o{ eke Hale ar Irate agreement aseurad <br />_ shall t..s. err the ~aej;~e~ .:a6t sn _-__ _ a,# a _ .~f st_~ . r_t... ..t rl,.. <br />aaa!ri~yra or his eassit{ns tit bring ng,rned that Lire rrsor#yaRw ,hart h.,r such ripdtt uo#il drfau[t I ['pea any sower <br />-° ~rtalt. the moriistEre shaA btxoane the nwrxr of all of lbw rents aad profits accruing alter defnul# as a+xurity <br />},tyt i!r dNe it~acw +ewam3 hereby, with lbw right to utter upon acid propesty for tix purpose of caiketinA such <br />ttsate aad profits. Ti4 itartttrrtseut shall oPrate w ear wdyfnmeat of say reseals on said prepeny to that extant. <br />