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C"^~~ ' RayA <br />~~'', <br />8~ (sf r~~ 11 ~~~1 <br />'~iii.i~t .etpp r.a. txti aat..a io.. tii. .ZO "~ ~~ ~ nfar~r»a~ F <br />29 ~Y9 gad iatatstat ~'1t G. Arnold and Hanna D. Arnold, hetsband and wife, <br />i-msoafxr aslensd to w eaerfprrt attd rite A~iatrataT of rite St>tali Hatiasaa A m a~laiaj at the <br />Gsaeaa~wt d tie Uairad Stable ~ Ateeria (htsefatalter tatfrtsd to a aasetpgae), arias artl~tWiat ce Diary eri <br />~itraEi~irwaatEmpire State 8u32ding, 29th aad Farnam Strceta, Omaha, Nebraaica K8l82. <br />~. iliac fsr tae eatttiiaratier ieKSittrtler attued, reeipt d nib s Lash arittatafati~ad} tie <br />'~ ~7 +~ 1Raat. ~ aai was! cets ti. idc riaaaatwr aati aniptt..aS <br />at cis foNtie+aE iaaaeiiral irl~! aitawsd gad ieira iat tis Comeir ad Ha22 <br />SXNe ~if~6rataka <br />Lox Ttaesttir-ae^:oen (a~.7), Ktf "f3avithsrrne Place", an ~ldditiott to the C~.ty of <br />~'t'attd. Ya2astdr, lia~ii Ga~tsttty, Eiebraaka. <br />Toit~'1latrr .rit6 and iaseiwiina aU bniidiaRs, efi iixtttaes iaelttdiaa hat not limited to eii plnmbitsti, heating. IiRha <br />ina. +rnditNtntt. r~cfriaera4ini,tarineratitsR, alt eoaditinnurp apparatay, and etevatarr (the mortyaF,OP hereby <br />+Ier.I+utiati that it is iateaded thu tttr ttr,ns hereaw! rattatareated .haU k«. deemrd to lure 6ern porntsnentfT in- <br />vtaiierd as pus of ties rssky?. and ail iaapaoroatents Hour nt• hsrtrafter existirut ihereoa; the heewdiWntettta sad <br />apiwrMnatacea and aY eEiur aim titatranis htiany{iwt[, ue in anywise appeMaiainx, and the reveraien aad rr- <br />v. rratsEAdrt' and remaiodeer„ ail r'iRM>4 of retiemptiun, and the reat~, issttrny and pro41r of the abave <br />PST t praYided, hoarYer, that tits ntoHgapoe shall he eniifitd Io the poasessian of .ald prnitcrlT <br />attd-ie tai~i snd t~stain tie ta€fpaa~ izastar, ass! EYru$te ugti# •iefruti ixerevnder}. Tn have sad en hn3d thr umr <br />Hearn the ~ attd the sueressors 'rn intereM of ihr nwrt~{er Forever in fee +impk or .nch other ratsie, <br />iC rasp, as is stated icreitt. <br />i•ua>Mylt@ae as*saaaM tint its is I-' aNfed and psaterrd of snd has tie r~ht la aeli tad caaYay acid <br />~e}Mt}t fiat ai! epos L ftas fames a~ tnasr et~ept a itareinaboYn recited: and that he hereiry 6iwda <br />itftltaal4 gad ida attacaaarts iW iataseat to .saxeaat gad ddaad ike title sfotdud thereto gad averT peer tisetsof •6N/+t <br />daa dairy mf a>I pst+taea rrltitraMnYar. <br />'1'ha i~taewanvct a tttven to raatre the paTat~tt of a praa:nitrats grata dated ,.rOsitvrt~twx mod; ;',~' ("~ V; <br />teal ~o of E ~-°.,~w^M'`•=',,(# , i#d ip X.tB ;;. A. rc;.:i :~r+; ~niia ',-. ~i.F:rvir:. iarlnh~ail <br />r:.`aifsta. <br />.as r ...Fes rs.rsn ~.+.w.» aterr.. <br />