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<br />3. The aaertgaptor aovcaaats and agues tkat it be shoal Tait to pap srid iadebtedne~ or my part dletres[ wbba <br />doe. sr than fail to perform say eoveaant or agree»reat e4 able imtrusseat or the proaiatary note rxarerlitetsbf, dte <br />aRtke iadduedser hereby ssenred shall ianaediately htxoate doe, Payable, sad eolketibk aartioe, rt the <br />of the mortgagee or awiBtn. reBardkaa of tsaiarity, aced the tttos7Brgee or his saaiBra a+y before of after Mty <br />tlt~H staid prepertp without rppraiaemeat #the tawrsBagor bsving waived attd aaaipeed to the most~sBee s&"ri~ua. of <br />edt~ttatinetseat) <br /># t) at judirirt ark purmasi to the proriaieaw at Za U.S. 2QBk# a } : or <br />{ Ii } at the optim of the either by attatioa a b7 selteilatiaa of atakd bldg for tba bi~ltaaiad <br />beat bid etmplgitas with the teas d sale and taaaw d pgmeat tpeedfied is the gig totiuti of cells. best <br />giving fear weeks' aatitt of the tiax, tercet, aced pine of sseh asl~ bg adrertbemmt mt lkts tbas cease <br />darirtB cash of said (oar weeks is a eewspapa pablisbeei or diaribated is the eouaty ie whish led property <br />u stumstsd, aH other aeticr beiteg ~y xais~ bT the ttaortgagor {aced acid tatottga~ee, or mg pnssoa m <br />bekaN of ash saortpdee, allay hid with the utapsid iadebtedaes evidaseed by aaNd alts}. Saul aade siu!! be <br />!geld st or as the psepeerty to be aedd ~ u the Federal eomq, or dty otmfhosea tot the owetg iw wbkk the <br />propestg is breed. The tawrtga~ is hereby anthoriaed to e=eewte tar and m bdta~ ~ the seat teed b <br />dcliser to dte parcbaser at such sale a tairiea! coavrgaace of said property, wbi~ emseyaaee abail rsstmis <br />tstrit~ r to tse 9appeaiag of the deface!: agora which the s:ecutioa of the power ai twk hereto gzaMed <br />depiaads: and tbo acid m~tla6a bcrebf raeatitutta sad appbiats the trertptgee or m'y a~wt or ttttaesey of eLe <br />auortt}atgee. the atyrss and attatytey is face at acid aottgagor to make sash recitals lard to esosMe slid <br />eaatvayaatm aced hctrrhp crertnamts rmaf aBrans stunt dte rtriu4t to aatk aiuil he t~ectaal to by all *9+dh or <br />right sf radcagaiaat. hoat>rnnaad, dower, aced. rfi edfpee rxeeaptioas of the taartgagar, ail of which are heeebg <br />ezpmwly waived aced emveyed to the aaarepgee; or <br />{tat) take my other appropriate actiitn pursuant to atatc nr Federal statttte nsthes is etatm ar Feadaral <br />roost or otherwise for the disyrraitimn of the prtropcrty. <br />la tbt rant of a sale as herriaabove provided, the aortRaRor or say prrsnn is poatession under the mortgagor shall <br />tbm becnwr sad ba irttaata haWiaB over sad shall forthwith deliver poaseseea to tits psrchree at sack sale or be <br />rassaurily disgomesred,ra sttordaeee xith the proviaiata of taw applicable to assorts hoidiatt over. The power <br />awd atpmey hereby Bnmed are awtpkd with as interest sad err irrerotable by death or otherwise, sad an Brasted <br />is ~oL-sive to the rte far cotierAiae of said iodebtedaeas provided by law. <br />• The proaaads ad asyr aslaol said y is rccordattere with tlta peeced'atg pae'agaphs shah tale applied fast <br />t0 pn,y tits +twssta a;sd o=pranst of .a::l sa4q the etpoaaes ia+rarrrd by the mortBader for ales psrpotee of pratsetiss w teaitr <br />tsirtiaE srid property, wad reawKSabk attorneys' fees: srroatiiy, to pay for iadehtedaras lettered hereby: sad thirdly. <br />a pay +tny ~rPl~ Rr e*_eesus to for patron or prraotta Ic#Eaily ratitird ti3treta. <br />S..le dte .+sa~t seid ere~rty k lady! ~ s Viral fot+z:€lrrara sale ar prrr.sFSwt ua t§s porcr of sale itet~riaabeve <br />MratMoi, wd the psm»eeds ale sot wiriest u pay the total isukbaedaew steered b: this ittutrt led evideseed by <br />aid pestaissery s:ota, the asertga~se wiH lee asrtitkd to . de6cieaey jndgttsmt for the aaeest of the de(teieae7 ssithewa <br />/tad to aPprtdfetwesrt. <br />6. In ehr ev+dtt the arortgaBnr fails to par say FedtraL stele, or local uz aeteaament, itte~me uz or other lace lion, <br />dsuB.a, ter, or other rapettte ebarged agaitas the property, the atortBaga is huebr aathorisrd at hie option to pay <br />fire sane, Any loam ao paid by the tnertgaaae shall be added to sad becvsne a part of the priacipa! amotmt o6 the <br />iadehtednese rridatrrd ire said rate, athjett to the ss~r tersas end roralitiana. It the maetgaBor shall pay sad <br />disebarp~r else indebiedttea evidenrr.) by said promiseary rwte, and shall pax stash luau and aitaii disehwrBe ail tatcra <br />and liaeaa and the costs, fees, and taprttees of mrkiag, eatorciag, snd executing this mortgage, then this mortgaBa <br />sba# ~ camekd card aurwsrdered. <br />f. Tbs. ros"artas+s bersis ae~stainod shall bind and ett~n hmeftts and adrastattes vital! trove to ths respective ster- <br />e~anss and +~ of the panbat betrto. i'hasever rind. the siaattkr aaaaber shall ineiada rite Plural, the phtral tba <br />aia~itr, aai tbs tars a(say 6twder abaft iataiade dt ~sdeaat, <br />R '~ ~..s~€ rd ateg ~ luarrin err a; the ~ ateeated hereby abaftf a racy title ibereafter 6e 6eW <br />to bra a vaunt oI tht terrace hetett or of tbt nesa setureti hcraby. <br />~. L r widt asainw 1@I.I #d} of the Risks aced Retgtria6iows ai the ataati Basiaass Aa'iiraaaatiw (l3 <br />C.P'.R. 181.1id} }, dais iastsarwats t. bm rnaiertted and ndoraed w setoedtiose rich applieabk Faderd kw. <br />~ _w ~ ` cedar, ~ ~ ~~k6 au1 Pr'a'tes or purtiea of this itrtraamwt invalid or at <br />tftrR alt in awl way era(uir a< P tlse radwstnsewt at the reaarisg provirinea w poreiawa et <br />ddii~ftYlnsawttt. <br />rag rsr~e sax ?D^'?ef Vno tie a-• <br />