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~Q,.. 0 (t ~ ~ s ~ <br />Ut+argtst Covertat+ts. $tnxower and Lender covenant and agree as follows: <br />t. Psv~rt o/ PAsx}ttt read laaetrs. Borrower shdi promptly WY wire[; due the principal of and intttroet on the <br />iadebtedaras evidenecd try the Noce, prepaytaeat arM !ak charges ~ provided in the Nee, and the principal of sad interest <br />on any Future Advaacn ax:ttred by this Mortgage. <br />1, Puss for 7"aea red hsaasaee. Sttbjeet to appiicabk !aw or to a written waiver by isttdw, Hortower shall pay <br />to Lettdsr ott the day moathiy i»aiatiments at principal attd tntercat are payahk trarkr the Nate, trmil the Note is paid in full, <br />a twin fheraa ~"Purtds'ry equal [o ode-twdfih of the yearFy taxes uM asaawttatts which racy attain priority over this <br />Mortgage, and grotmd :ettb on the laroperty, i.° any. plus ode-twelfth of vearty pratrium iasullmertu for hanrd ietsuran~, <br />)~ tmo-lwdRh cd yearly premium ittstaBments for tttartgage fnwraetec. if say, aB ~ reasotrabiY estfnrated initiaBY sad from <br />time to [lure by Linder on die Iaxan of atmwttmta steel hiib and rtuswubk rxtimatn thereof. <br />'i?ve Fends shall be held in as itWiiutitsrr the daponts or actwunb of which are irtsutM or gnaraoteed by x Federal or <br />stak agency (irtclttding fsrtder if Lender is such as institution). [seder shalt apply the Foods to pay said taxes, assttsaarmtn, <br />iastaranx prnniums add ground renu. Linder may trot eMrgt for so balding acrd xppiying the Funds, analyzing said acrntstr4 <br />or vetifyirtg arrd campiii~ said aattetwaraenis aril 6iib, tmkr Lender pays BOrrosrtr interest on the Funds sad apptieabk law <br />permits fader za make etch a charge. Borrower std Leader may agree in writing at the tinne of execution of that <br />Mortgage that intermt on the Ftuads ahxil tx paid to Borrower, std tit sucb agtK;mn[ is made or appiiwbie !sw <br />rxgrrirrs such intetvt to be paid, t<tder atoll tint be requirod to pay Barrower am ititemt or earttittgs on the Futnk. [seder <br />shalll ~s'e to Ba:rower, without charge, an annum aocauntirtg of the Funds showing credits and debits to the Fua~ sad the <br />pxrp~se For which eadr debit to the Futds was trade. 7Tae Funds arc pledged as a~itiawl security for the awns setatred <br />by this Mortgage. <br />!f the antmrmt of the Ftmda held by' Lender, together with the future monthly imtallmeata of Ftrnds payable prier to <br />rise due dates of faxes. aaae9ameaia, insurance premitam and ground tend. shall exceed the amount required to pay said tun, <br />aasemiosents, inaursttce pretwttrm aruf graund teem-as they fats due, such excaa shall be, at Borrower's aption, either <br />promptly repaid to Borrower au credited w Borrower an monthly itestafimenta o€ Funds. [f the amount of the Funds <br />hek#. by f.eoder shag not 6e sugickat to pay taxes, arnamena, imurartcc ptmtiums and grotttd rents as they fall due, <br />Btwtowtr shall pay fo tstder soy amount necessary to make up the deHcieac?' within 30 days from the date notice is mailed <br />by L.aader to Barrcer rtgtusting payment thereof. <br />Upwt payrnew :r. full of all strrtu nxue~ by this Mortgage. Lender shall oromptly refund to Borrower any Fursds <br />herd lay lender. if utaisr paragraph i8 hereof the Property is sold ar the Prcgrertq is aherwix acgwred by Linder, (ender <br />shall apply, na later than tmtttediatety prior m the sale of [hc Properly or its acgwsthon ny Ltnda, say Funds held by <br />L.endet u the tuns of applicaaorr as a credit agues; its wins secured by this Mortgage. <br />3. Apgdintioa d l7ymsaA, llniess applirabk t•w provrtks otherwfx, ail payments received by Lender under the <br />Neu and paragraphs i and 2 htreot snail 6e appit~ try Lender first m payment of amcwou payable to Lender try Borrower <br />unskr patagrapn 2 lvatrof, thin to tntuew pay-bk on the !Jute. then .c the pnrxrpai ut the Nate, anJ then w interest and <br />pntrcipai~~a~n.a~n~y "Funw_ Advances. <br />4. C Bala. BOnaWer .hall pay ail cues, assessments end ether .barge>. fines std rmposmans a[trtbuubie to <br />the Property which may attain a pnoray over thrs Mongage. and leasehnfd paynrtems w ground rrmta if any, in the [runner <br />ptovickd tinder paragraph 2 hersof er. d not pad an etch manner. by Borrower tnakrng paytnent. wtim date. drrectlq to the <br />y°a}°C; +F -*tK.t Borrown sha(I itromptiy futmsh to lxttder x!! nottcxs arf amounts Jtx antler thrs paaagraph< sad in the cv~t <br />Bazrov,cr sftali mxicc paymcrt diru;ly. Barrnwtr ;bur Praxnpcia Fu,uasi. : .,.,..W.. -. .vir}r...c.av arch aavmenta. <br />Barra^rrte ~*~(! p_•om~ty cr-te'.t3'ge any `use •-vht;<h has ;rr:<>ntY ~r this :Aurtgatte: rov+„£a;f ehav S~,rrwer ;Aatl nut !x <br />rcquu+ed. to t}iu:.hugc arty stub Ixa su tang u tkxrower shxtl agree m ..ruutg 1P the payttum ut tht oblegatxan stcured by <br />such lku m s rnanr~ atcenut~ za l.enxter, az ,[tail m geed tarsh cvmesr ssu'n Irtn ny, ur defend tnfarcertsem of each lira in, <br />fnexl nnsr;+=ed,•• + Wl~h a__ .- -• __r..rT-_n:.*.t '•t x.::.. *te:turc M tlx <br />~ _ . g.+ __ e>p~ ~ .., retEsst ttK ,-ea-_ - ':. t: .• '=r fn P.LN£•ip ,tr any part tF~FE *f. <br />g. HuarA tarrawr-a Etuz*c,-wcs strait Jeep +tse ~mpms~a-r;tr= is nnr rx rszang ;rr harcatttr erFCStsI on ttx Pr<,perzY' :r} ured <br />tr ':~':r fitz.:..a_.a.~ trxe~d -a~:ihm :w .tar '"=s:e:saia.E"", and uuh :;titr .anxarda a; i zu:ie: :nay reyuuc <br />and :n s6:ch ameunia anu for such pcrscx» as l.erxkr ma> rcymre; Pruvtded, that Cender shell not rsyurte that the amaunt ui <br />.. - :s~era¢..»ns°tc' ...~, a.... - £ „-~- ~>t.,.:~ ;-, ;r,£ .ores __ -.,red by [lets Mongage- <br />•~•. 1"'ht :muratar. currra ~.=v±. tic :assx_-.~ ~.xii Lsr ,_~>+~r,(sy Burrr_WCr submit to approve! ny 1-truer; Frovzt~. <br />t;ta; wc:a apprsrvxi ,k aB aor be s•nreavrmateiy wahhtM .iii prsmttum un tmurarnc polietts snail tx paid rn the merest <br />prnvrded atnder puagnph 2 hsres-N .rr. ~.t .rut part to ssxh manrse.e, nY 8arrusver making payment, when due. ,I:rettly ro the <br />imm~aa;a~ Ctttraar. <br />Ail rrrsurruct ptdcres eau rpacwaU ttterhrl stu)i be m rums asctptahie [a LcnJtr :mci sfwli :nciude n stanJard mungxge <br />etauae en favor of ant en term aacxptabk :o Corselet. ran[[[t ,hill have iht ngnt to huhf the pulicrts anJ +trtcwals thereof. <br />sad Borruaer shalt praxnpdy furttxsh to l.etukr all rca;wd rsahces and ail receipts of paid premnims. In ttre evtm of lass, <br />Bdtnewer shell gsvr pnsnvpt ttwasz. eu else unut atts.c catrrcr aril 1"ersder. I..emkr may make prawl ul Iwx rt eat mach prumpus <br />by Fiorrawea. <br />U rdap i.srtder sad $vmawet exhenvrve typo .n tirnrtit, emurarx[ proceeds shelf tx applied ro restouuon or repot ex <br />the Prcpry ty damagrxl, provided stub rt~tLKaisem w repxrt rs ecsangtacaBy feaWatc acrd the see:urrey of this hlortgagc is <br />anx therataY taspaarad. tf swm rtsisxataxr .x repot rs ncx ttvncmtq.aily icasd±k or ,f rite sscwny of ih:s Mortgage wrn.rld <br />>>r etapxutd, the msurxax prueoaca siWl 6e app(sni to thr .rum sex:urcd n. this Mattgage, uuh the ex,sss, d any, paid <br />to Bortarwer. if the fRopart} is ebxaaksttW ay tbnr,War. .+r rt faorrawer tats tc, rnporxl ro l.cadtr wuhm 3u Jays from the <br />date cxXn:e :s rnatitJ h} t.tnJer +u Besrtv,sec ihxt :he npuramr .tamer r,Ntn m sonic .r c1a:m fcrr :nsurance heoents, I,enakr <br />to audaor,mi to .-vlk~t ant! ;: ppt• tfte nvsuratn:c pn+cae3s at Ltrwlcr s oplton athtr to rdturntrun a.r rrpan c,r r."x Prnpctty <br />ar za flee sums scctsred i,y tnu Martgxge. <br />lidless Linder and Batea.wer .+iherwrec agr we :n wrnrng. ant such eppda:atnan .,i pr. xeexb to prerx+pal sha1V nut cstentl <br />w p.atp,asc the due Jare cd rive nrunt;alY tastaihavasa rcrr-red w m paragraphs ~ and 2 barest ur change the amount or <br />s+cb rnsuitrtstata. It urxla paragraph t8 hrent the Property a acyurred by Lender, sit nght, rule and +merest of [torruwer <br />m and to say stuurarux palweaa sad in drat to the proceeds thetas[ rtsuirrag tn,m Damage to 1ht Properly prrar to rht sale <br />or a. vtuuauorr aitvll aw fo Ltsstkr to ;itc rxtcast ui etre sums s.~:ured tsy rius Martyatgt cmmaita±ely prior r...uch ,alt ur <br />aCquisitilxr. <br />6 Paet/g'ex4d;t ad :lcs d Trapsstyt f.wstOaldat t'°'e~~~ai 8 Ursit t7evrekygreWa. tturruwtr <br />Wail ka:p the Property to gwd repro and sha0 rut <ommtr waatt ur porno[ mspatrntent ar Jeteriorauwt ul the Propsrvy <br />Wed shat! caatp.Y with tht pinv4stans eel any teams it the. Mungxgc +a sxa a iwsettoisi_ If rhea Mangagt xs can a carat in <br />+:+ornitasuntrrrti err a plsaexd amt dtvcfuprnust, Barruwu +ltxtl ptrtsxm all cal Barrowers uUltgurona under the Jtilarateon <br />us aavertams crtautag at gwthuag cite eortdarnmtum cat pianrrod um1 rkvt{openrni, the GY-Iawa and reguluwm of the <br />r<atdataeru4rras m PLsttaal unit al+tveAupnsaat, std caxtslreucm .tucrrtmocs. it a .:rmJatninietm car plaatsal :inn Jtvelopnxnt <br />recut -, +'.at..uetJ hY BarntWCr and rrt ureftd [.xgtrlver •auh rhn Maxteartt.:nt aovenants a+aJ arteentent ~*1 au.:h rr let <br />afisrii ear :nrxvpuraied otao and snail stetted and supplement the ,:ovanants anJ ag; et:7teenzx of th:s Mcxi <br />gags as :t its rider <br />worn a part heexot. <br />?- lhasaaWr d f.vatlas'a Sacwity. If Bonnwu (ads fcr IN&ztnrm rht covenants sad agreenwnu cuntauud :n th,s <br />Idrat(gaga. ~:>i ii say a4tauu Mz prutcedang ra >astnmerx=rJ wfsrcn nuttruily afft<+s t a+tJer's uuvrest m the Pr.sptnv. <br />tucindiag, t+W rnrt isautat tu, trw;seax tlannaui, nrxrrlvun:y..:axk tai ,rssaneru. or ,u rangcmnma .x Pnsceedings mvalvtng a <br />taakrup; sx .taaairit. when t.tesdcr at F..tackt's optpn, apes auttGt tar Bcurawvt, mxY malt[ such appexrxrtcts, dssnutst wen <br />sums a4ri txiNr duals scta~t as n rtrxeavary to platter Ltmder~s ;merwK, mchxicng, hue +mt limrtad ta. d+ahsrrstnsem of <br />t ah4.. ataataays nets and tnt;Y upwt nc~ Property txa male[ ~ pates. It Ixndcr :aaiufreal mcxtaat~ rrssurarrs-r a* <br />ca*rrwnss~a cf ataiadrg rtsr Stun sw:etrwi tsy !era Martgagt, Banc tY snail Pei the lacmwnrn req+nrai to marntum such <br />y :.a t ;stela -_'s t~ ~..~ ;ey-~e_.~`ib ii r-_ [:ask =a;EUr =.-rr,sstats- - s essYSrdaax.c w:t$ BOrroWa:s Lixi <br />